“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not…
…surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted…
…but he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed…
…all we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:3-6
A interesting English-style home in our historic district!
Big brother Steven didn’t want to have his Easter pictures taken, but John David and Charlotte didn’t mind! Aren’t they so adorable in their matching outfits?!
A prayer garden…so very peaceful!
Perfectly seared fresh red snapper with fregola sarda, roasted peppers, and grilled onions!
I found a rusty garden ornament!
Yesterday was a gorgeous day to enjoy the water wall in our downtown!
Spring is so welcomed with blue skies and green leaves! I think it’s finally here for good…hopefully no more frosty mornings!
“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!””
Psalms 122:1
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Coastal Charm, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, French Country Cottage, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Charm of Home, Katherines Corner, Share Your Cup, 21 Rosemary Lane, Love Of Home, Rattlebridge Farm, Rustic & Refined, Celebrate & Decorate, Chatham Hill on the Lake
I do hope you’re right – no more frosts! It’s wonderful to see things greening all around, trees and plants leafing out. Spring is springing, and I’m thankful. Our Lord is the best decorator of all. I hope you and Butch have a blessed day!
Kim, it has been a gorgeous weekend! Have a wonder-filled week, sweet friend!
Querida amiga Pam, siempre hermosos los post dominicales que dejan el alma serena.
Hoy especialmente mi alma está inquieta porque, aprovechando la celebración especialmente importante para todos los cristianos, los secuaces del Estado Islámico han atentado en una iglesia copta egipcia habiendo 36 muertos de los fieles que allí celebraban la misa.
Es un problema muy importante el que los yihadistas estén empeñados en aniquilar cristianos. Mi alma llora…
Que Dios nos proteja.
Con cariño Dolores
Dear Pam, always beautiful post Sunday that leave the soul serene.
Today especially my soul is worried because, taking advantage of the celebration especially important for all the Christians, the followers of the Islamic State have attacked in an Egyptian Coptic church having 36 dead of the faithful who celebrated the mass there.
It is a very important problem that jihadists are determined to annihilate Christians. My soul cries …
May God protect us.
With affection Dolores
Dolores, mi corazón está tan perturbado por la persecución de los cristianos de todo el mundo. ¡Es un mundo muy triste en el que vivimos ahora! ¡Pero en una nota más brillante, servimos a un Salvador resucitado! ¡Bendiciones y abrazos, dulce amigo!
Dolores, my heart is so disturbed over the persecution of Christians around the world. It is a very sad world that we now live in! But on a brighter note, we serve a risen Savior! Blessings and hugs, sweet friend!
I so agree! Heartbreaking to see all the persecution of Christians ! I do believe these are the end times and for all of us who believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit !! We shall have a GLORIOUS EVERLASTING ENTERNITY ! PRAISE GOD !
The pecan trees are fully leafed so that is a good sign we won’t have any more frosts. Lovely images today. Happy Birthday to Butch.
Bonnie, I didn’t know that the fully leafed pecan trees meant no more frost, I have never heard that!
I always love these posts. They help center me, no matter whether I look at them on Sunday morning or evening. There’s still time to wish you a joyous Palm Sunday.
Thanks sweet Jeanie…please take care of yourself!
Glorious photos for Palm Sunday Pam! Love the siblings, holiday photos can be unpopular 🙂 Your new garden ornament is fabulous!
Thanks so much, Jenna!
Adorable! Steven will never live this picture down…FUNNY!
Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!
Thanks to you, sweet Cindy!
Amen ! Thank you for the beautiful scriptures and pictures ! Beautiful sky’s !! Your grandchildren are beautiful !God Bless !
Cindy, thanks so much and Happy Easter!
Such lovely images, thank you so much, they kind of remind me to take a few moments and be quiet and ‘with myself’. Thanks for being such a dedicated visitor at Celebrate Your Story!
Thanks to you and Sandra for the lovely party each week!
Thank you Pam for joining us each week, it’s always a pleasure. The kiddos are so cute and I hope Steven is happier. Have a blessed and peaceful Easter!
Thanks so much for hosting, Sandra!
I love your rusty garden ornament Pam! The kids are too cute. Love their outfits! Wishing you a Happy Easter. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Thanks sweet Jann and Happy Easter to you and your family!
Thank you for always being upbeat and for sharing these scriptures! I enjoyed this post and all of your wonderful photos.
Happy almost Easter to you and your family,
Barb 🙂
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter! Blessings~
Butch & Pam,
Your town is enchanting as you catch glimpses with your camera to share with us at TADA this week.
Happy Creating,
Karen Marie
Love your photo journal today. My favorites (besides the great child shot) were the rusty ornament you found and your historic district home. Thank you for sharing at TADA! Thursdays
Thanks Debbie! Happy Weekend!