“The earth is the Lord ‘s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.”
Psalms 24:1-2
Happy Thursday dear friends! Today I am celebrating a favorite summer flower…zinnias. They provide so many colorful blooms from a little packet of seed.
Zinnias are a popular garden flower because they come in a wide range of flower colors and shapes.
They love full sun and can withstand our hot Alabama temperatures!
Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. No wonder I love them!
We planted several varieties…zahara mix, peppermint stick mix, forecast, cut and come again, and exquisite!
The forecast variety offers beautiful and colorful blooms!
I didn’t even notice the Gulf Fritillary butterfly near the bottom of the image until I saw my photo.
Peppermint stick mix, isn’t this so pretty? They have not bloomed as well as the other varieties, but when they do they put on a show!
Zinnias are wonderful cut flowers…this pitcher of zinnias was so easy to arrange.
A butterfly, one summer day
Spoke to me as he fluttered my way
He asked me where the flowers were
And told me which he did prefer
I pointed where the Zinnias grew
He thanked me, and off he flew!
As I continued on my walk
I wondered, who taught him to talk!
~Joseph May
Eastern Tiger Swallowtails love zinnias and they are our most frequent visitors!
Have you tried sowing zinnia seeds?
I hope you enjoyed our little visit with the zinnias. Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, A Stroll Thru Life, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home, Celebrate & Decorate, Me and My Captain, Shabby Fufu, Designthusiasm, Imparting Grace, Calypso in the Country
A balm to me that is still mired in Winter here, thanks, Pam!
Thanks so much Cath!
Your photos are beautiful! The color of each flower and its shape is just awesome, it’s a true art and beautiful creation.
Thanks so much Ellie!
Next year I’m planting zinnias in my little garden as I do like their colors and varied shapes.
They are easy to grow!
Ok now I know my next flower(s) I need to add. Those are stunning! I think they are long time bloomers too? I’ll have to do some checking but who cares even if they don’t. Those gorgeous colors will be worth it!
Zinnias are long time bloomers! They are so easy, Christine!
I love zinnina’s. They remind me of my mother. She grew them and I wish I had paid more attention. My Daddy was like your Butch working in the garden.
My successful experience was in Alaska. The midnight sun yielded zinnia’s as big as bread and butter plates! Oh, how I wish I had the picture of a huge arrangement in a large brass urn I did for the officer’s club that came from my flower beds around our army quarters.
My unsuccessful experience has been in pots in my shady yard. I do have a plan with a new flower bed to see if they will grow. You are inspiring.
I enjoy seeing yours grow and arrangements with them. I adore the butterfly poem. So sweet.
Wow those Alaska zinnias sound incredible. Your plan for a sunny flower bed should be perfect for zinnias!
Are they easy to grow from seed? Do yours get mold? Do you deadhead yours? Your photos are exquisite!
They are very easy to grow from seed, barely cover with dirt. No mold, and I usually go through once a week and cut off the spent blooms. Hope that little bit of info helps!
Oh, Pam, I have so enjoyed visiting and meeting your zinnias. They are absolutely gorgeous. I became acquainted with them in Va. because, like Alabama, they love the sun, heat and humidity. They are such a wonderful cut flower as they have a long vase life. The varieties you planted are wonderful, love them all. And you have certainly made the bees and butterflies happy. Also, love the poem by Joseph May – perfect.
Happy day and weekend to you, my friend. Enjoy the beauty you have created.
Thank you dear Sandra! Zinnias are a happy little flower that aren’t high maintenance!
Wow, I’ve not tried zinnia seeds, but they are now on my list! Beautiful flowers that attract butterflies, what could be better?
Carole, you will love them!
Love your photography and the old fashioned zinnias .
Thank you dear Alice!
Pam, I love zinnias and they were my mother’s favorite flower. She grew them all the time. Thank you for the poem…what a pleasure to visit your zinnia garden today. hugs
Thank you sweet friend. Hugs❤️
Love them and your gardens are always so stunning
Thank you Marty!
Such beautiful photographs Pam! And the butterfly captures are wonderful! Next summer I am going to scatter zinnia seeds, I think I can handle that! Thank you for the incredible eye candy today!
Jenna, I strongly recommend scattering zinnia seeds. They are a big bang for the buck! Thanks for your gracious comments!
Ok!! thanks!
Pam, Love the peppermint ones! I’ve never seen those. We have been enjoying our few zinnias (Japanese beetles got to them) but yours are so much lovelier! I enjoyed each picture, the poem & the info on zinnias. I didn’t know they were related to sunflowers. Your posts are always a blessing! Thank you for all your great work! Have a wonderful day! Clara 💕🌻
Thank you Clara. Ugh, those Japanese beetles! You are a sweet encourager my friend!❤️
OH your zinnias remind me so of Mother’s. I think she had almost every variety. I do not remember the peppermint variety. Yours are magnificent and definitely a day brightner. Loved the poem also. Blessings Pam.
Thank you dear Dianne. I always think of my grandmother because she always planted zinnias. I love their cheerful colors!
Thank U LORD for zinnias & summertime. I planted 2 pks. this year and am just getting my first few blooms. Beautiful post! Do you ever collect seeds and plant the next year or do U always start with new seeds. One year at Christmas I sent little pks. of seeds I collected (Cosmos) to family and friends and the had fun planting and watching them grow! Poetry is the BEST!
I should collect the seeds, but I always start with new ones. What a lovely idea to collect seeds and gift to friends at Christmas. Thanks so much!
What a delight to view your zinnias of every hue…. the peppermint are new to me…on the list for
next year… They are the perfect inclusion for a cutting garden… your arrangement is formed
perfectly… Have a blessed weekend, dear heart.
Thank you dear Mary. Wishing you a great finish to the weekend!
When do you plant your seeds and do you plant the seeds in little starter pots and then transplant them? Do you have a greenhouse?
Hi Carolyn! I planted some seed in May and some the first of June. I plant the seed directly in the ground and barely cover the seeds with dirt. I plant close together and do not thin. I don’t have a greenhouse, but would love to have a potting shed!
Gorgeous. Breath taking.
Thank you Marion!
I never knew there is so many varieties of Zinnias. Lovely. Love those Butterflies.
I never knew there is so many varieties of Zinnias. Love those Butterflies.
Thanks Marilyn!
I love, love Zinnias, their like a breath of fresh air and so, so colorful. Thanks for sharing yours with us.
Thank you sweet Lea!
Beautiful! Love them all. 😊
Thank you Liz!
I just love zinnias…and want to kick myself every year for not planting enough of them. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.
My pleasure and thanks so much for stopping by!
Beautiful Pam! Your photography is breathtaking! ♥
Bless you,
Thank you dear Jennifer! Blessings~
Beautiful post, Pam. Do you prefer a certain brand of seed? Mail order or big box store? As always, thank you for sharing.
Blessings, Mildred
Thank you Mildred. I have always gotten my seed at Lowe’s and they have done very well. I hope that helps.
Pam I love my Zinnias but have never planted a purple one. I like the color, and will need to look for it next year.
I’ve got Burpees two latest zinnias that people mistake for tiny dalahas. They are my new favorite.
All of your flowers and garden looks amazing – as always. Such a pleasure to pop in and see what you are growing.
I need to get some of those Burpees that look like small dahlias! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Oh, how lovely the zinnias are! I have never seen the peppermint variety, and that was quite a thing to behold! Such beauty our dear Lord has created for us to look at and be comforted by. May He continue to bless you and your family, sweet friend!
Thanks sweet Cheryl!
How colorful! Just amazing!Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Maristella!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of my favorite flower, I was introduced to them at an early age by my maternal grandmother, she helped me plant my very first garden,
have a great weekend.
Sue, what a sweet memory of your grandmother. Thanks for sharing!
Oh I love zinnias! I too am growing some zinnias in my garden. They are very easy to grow and they make beautiful flower arrangements! Beautiful pictures Pam!
Thank you Elizabeth! Have a wonderful week!
Pam, Thank you for turning me on to sowing some zinnia seeds this spring! I only wish I had planted more! Our ‘Cut and Come Again’ are thriving in the heat and covered with Gulf fritillaries. Happy Monday and stay cool. ♥
Thank you Mary, I planted zinnias in two different spots in my garden. They give back a lot of beauty from those tiny seeds! Stay cool!❤️
Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers! Every photo here is a gem but the butterfly ones are especially exquisite. I think this is what heaven looks like!
Thank you dear Jeanie. It is amazing the the blooms you get out of a packet of seeds!
How did I miss this post??? You know how I love Zinnias!
I loved E V E R Y single capture you shared with us!!
I have about 10 in my garden at the moment. And hopefully a few more will bloom. So when I see all of yours I just jump for joy!
Loved this post!