Fine bread and good olive oil are so wonderful. If available, I indulge in far too much at one sitting. Then I am past full, to the point I know I will surely never be hungry again. Same is true every Thanksgiving. Then comes Black Friday. No, I care absolutely nothing about shopping. But, I am hungry again! Turkey sandwiches, on good bread of course. Truly these are things to be thankful for daily, however nothing compares to that which is totally satisfying, eternally filling, and free to all who will partake.
Could there possibly be a menu like this?
Sure is!!
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst”
John 6:35
To get a more detailed account of this menu, we encourage you to click here: John 6:22-59
Yes! Thank you, Butch. True hunger can only be satisfied by the Lord. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pam!
Thanks, Kim! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
A blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to you. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!” <3
Nada hay tan bueno y saludable como el pan, y si es con aceite de oliva…Hummmmm…muy bueo!!!
Les felicito por la celebración de la fiesta maravillosa del Día de Acción de Gracias, un día reservado para agradecer todo lo bueno que se nos regala porque, a pesar de las muchas calamidades que nos rodean, debemos dar gracias a Dios por los muchos beneficios que recibimos como es ver la luz del día cada mañana, que no es poco.
Con afecto
Nothing is as good and healthy as bread, and if olive oil … Hummmmm … very good !!!
I congratulate you on the celebration of the wonderful party’s Day Thanksgiving, a day reserved to thank all the good that we are gifted because, despite the many calamities around us, we should thank God for the many benefits We received as see daylight every morning, which is something.
With affection
Hola Delores, que era tan bueno saber de usted, nuestro amigo! Tuvimos una agradable acción de gracias con nuestra familia dando gracias a Dios por todos sus buenos regalos! ¡Era un día hermoso! Espero que lo está haciendo bien y que le desea una maravillosa temporada de Navidad! bendiciones, Pam