“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!”
Psalms 118:1
Sacrifice and Thanksgiving are inseparable. When I ponder things to be thankful for, it seems nothing on my list would exist without sacrifice. And often sacrifice that included (or includes) great risk. I suppose it’s only natural that a greater sacrifice triggers within me a greater degree of thankfulness. Yet I know we must be grateful for small things too.
We visited Plymouth Massachusetts a few months ago and were reminded of tremendous sacrifice and risk when we toured the Mayflower II, an exact replica of the original 1620 vessel. The living conditions and all the unknowns that over 100 men, women and children faced to come to America is mind boggling.
Then I was thinking about the soldier, the police officer, the fireman, the teacher, the pastor, parents, grandparents, a dear friend, a nurse, a neighbor, a Good Samaritan, a husband, a wife, or any one of a hundred more we could list. Sacrifice + risk = thanksgiving. If it doesn’t, shame on me.
But I must conclude with mentioning the sacrifice of all sacrifices. Jesus, God’s Son, dying on a cross on behalf of and in the place of all of us. Every tribe, every tongue, every nation. No one excluded. He rose from the grave, and by doing so, conquered death for all who would follow Him. This deserves to be at the top of our thanksgiving list.
“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”
2 Corinthians 9:15
Well said, Butch! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Pam, and all your family.
Thanks, Rita…have a great weekend!
Beautiful post Pam! Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much, Joy!
Estimado amigo, siempre me ha parecido que la celebración del Día de Acción de Gracias es una costumbre óptima. En España ni siquiera se contempla esa buena costumbre, entre otras cosas porque España y en general Europa se está convirtiendo en un país laico donde eso de “dar gracias a Dios” suena pasado de moda…No todo el mundo estamos “pasados de moda” hay mucha gente creyente pero los valores se están perdiendo. Eso nos preocupa a muchas personas.
Os deseo un feliz Día de Acción de Gracias, porque hay tanto por lo que dar gracias a Dios…
Con cariño Dolores
Dear friend, it has always seemed to me that the celebration of Thanksgiving is an ideal custom. Spain is not even contemplating this good habit, among other things because Spain and in general Europe is becoming a secular country where that “give thanks to God” sounds old fashioned … Not everyone is “past Fashion “there are many believing people but values are being lost. That worries many people.I wish you a happy Thanksgiving, because there is so much to give thanks to God …
Fondly Dolores
Dolores, gracias mi dulce amigo. El Día de Acción de Gracias es una maravillosa celebración de comida y familia. Me temo que en América no estamos agradecidos con Dios por su provisión diaria de satisfacer nuestras necesidades. Él es el Dador de todos los buenos dones. Él provee todas nuestras necesidades. Enviando amor y abrazos … y oraciones por ti todos los días. Pam y Butch
Great post, Butch. We need to hear from you more often. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Pam! 🙂
Thanks Kim…wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Butch! Beautiful post.
Thanks so much, Bonnie!
Happy Thanksgiving Butch & Pam, what a special post for this holiday, and sharing the wonderful photo of the Mayflower II and reminding us about the true meaning of sacrifice.
Jenna, thanks so much. I hope your Thanksgiving was perfect and the TIDE did ROLL!
Pam, your blog has been such an inspiration to me! I can hardly wait to receive my email to see what you’ve posted. Your sweet spirit and love for our Lord and Savior gives me hope for all the things I’ve been going through lately. I know God has a purpose for my life and reading the scriptures you use always seem to be just what I need for that time. Thank you so much for your beautiful blog! Happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend. May God bless you richly.
Vickie, your comments are so encouraging and are so helpful to inspire us to keep doing what God has called us to. I am praying for you that our Lord and Savior will be glorified in your situation and He does have a purpose for your life. Blessings and hugs, Pam
You can always email me and we can talk more.
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving day.
Thanks Amalia, hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
Amen Butch! You said it all perfectly. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Preach it! 🙂 Loved this post …from that guy that ‘hacked’ your blog, Pam 🙂