“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I can hardly believe next Monday is Memorial Day…the kickoff of the summer season! It seems like we just celebrated Christmas, doesn’t it?! Summer brings thoughts of outdoor living, gardening and so much more! From fresh farm to table vegetables and juicy fruit to beach vacations and straw hats…summer is a time we all look forward to! The season is quickly approaching, so why don’t we take a look at all things summer today?! Come on and pour a glass of sweet tea with a twist of lemon and a sprig of mint, and join me for a little summer inspiration!
Visit my Pinterest board Summer Dreaming for more fun summer ideas!
Summer is a picnic table beautifully set with a delicious meal that starts with…
…watermelon feta mint skewers…
…and melon with prosciutto, and mozzarella…
…a side dish of Parmesan garlic grilled corn…
…bruschetta chicken pasta salad served as the main dish…
…for dessert – banana split bites…
…and refreshing raspberry lemonade to quench our thirst! The perfect summer meal!
I love a local farmers’ market!
So many fresh vegetables to choose!
Here in the south, we love spending our mornings on the porch with a cup of coffee…
…reading a book…
…or just a-swingin’!
My favorite beaches are along the Emerald Coast – sugary white sand and clear blue/green water! So refreshing and beautiful!
A beach trip demands cute sandals, and these are adorable! I may need to take a trip to Talbot’s for these!
And these with the little green pom poms…how cute are they?!
With summer sandals we ladies have to have a fun pedicure!
What do you think, could I pull this off?
I really love this feminine top!
I tried this top on at Anthro and it was perfect, but I didn’t buy it…and I keep asking myself why?!
An adorable hat is necessary…for an accessory and to protect our skin from the damaging sun rays! Two in one!
I really like this one, but it is kind of pricey. I think it would be easy to do a DIY version!
We enjoy raising a few vegetables in our garden, mainly tomatoes and okra, and lots of herbs!
Our garden is always a work in progress and I am still very much a novice!
So, how do you enjoy the summer…have you made vacation plans?
Be sure to check out the fun and exciting Broadway Tablescape Blog Hop that I am a part of this week!
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Coastal Charm, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, French Country Cottage, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Charm of Home, Katherines Corner, Share Your Cup, 21 Rosemary Lane, Love Of Home, Rattlebridge Farm, Rustic & Refined, Celebrate & Decorate, Chatham Hill on the Lake
Made me hungry! Made me want to go on a vacation! Made me want to go shopping! Made me smile!
Thanks so much, smiling won’t cost anything???
Seriously, you and I could go shopping together! Those Talbots sandals and the Anthro shirt have been on my radar too. I loved all of these images. You’ve shared the feeling of summer perfectly.
Thanks so much, Stacey!
Yes, enjoying my coffee on the porch while watching the wonderful rain. If I were a rap star, my name would be Sweet T (my beverage of choice)! My sister and I just went on a Viking River Cruise in France; one day we accompanied the chef to the farmer’s market. It was one of the highlights of the trip for us!
How neat, Roxanne! Did you enjoy the Viking River Cruise and where in France did you go and what was your favorite?
Yes, I think you should have the pedicure!!! A number of years ago I had my toes painted black. My husband gasped and said, “Your toesnails are black!”
He thought I had lost my mind. Great way to be noticed.
My head is spinning with all the inspiration here. So many pretty clothes, shoes, gardens, food! Great inspiration.
Bonnie, how funny about your black polish…sounds like my hubby’
Wonderful inspirational pictures today . Loved them all Pam . I am still drooling over that cute top with the bows on arms . So different but so sweet . Have s great day dear lady . Hugs and blessings , Cindy
Thanks Cindy, I love that top also!
Pam, what do you have growing on your pergola?
Martha, this isn’t my pergola but I wish it was!
Fabulous post and I do love those Talbot’s shoes as well. And, all the food, the hats, AND the toenails. Just too cute! Happy rest of the week!
Thanks Lea and same to you!
Love the table – so beautiful and the kitchen garden is amazing. Happy Wednesday!
Thanks so much and Happy Wednesday to you!
It’s a good thing for you that I don’t live near you because with am enu like that I’d be crashing your festivities! It all looks delicious and you remind me of those watermelon bites which I might have to make! Just delightful in every single way!
Jeanie, you are too kind but thanks sweet lady. You can crash my festivities anytime!
I love it when you do these round-ups Pam, you always find THE best eye candy! Now I want to run to the farmer’s market, buy new sandals, get a pedi, and paint my front door orange!!
Thanks Jenna, isn’t that orange door fun…and the pedis!!!
Well, I’m really ready for summer after seeing this post! The foods look amazing, and you have so many things to inspire us. Thanks for the fun post. ?
Thanks Kim, it was fun rounding up the ideas!
You hit so many things I love about summer! The food, the clothing, the gardens, and yes to farmers markets! Thanks for all of the inspiration and for sharing it with SYC.
Thanks so much Jann!
What wonderfully beautiful foods for summer! 🙂
Thank you Joy…happy Memorial Day Weekend!
I love summer entertaining… the veggies and fruits provide such amazing colour to the table! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for your visit, just hopped over to visit with you!
I am officially hungry now! So many beautiful images and inspiration for summertime! I love that table, I SO wish I had a shady spot under a big tree!
Thanks so much, Chloe!
He disfrutado mucho con las imágenes que nos muestras. Me aceleraron el apetito al ver tanta fruta deseable. Miré el reloj y marca 19,37h. Muy temprano para cenar.
El verano está a las puertas de nuestras vidas y todo es color. Ya me imagino sentada en los porches tan hermosos que tanto me gustan degustando un refresco apetitoso.
Gracias por hacerme soñar cosas bellas. He tenido una semana muy atareada con papeles por todas partes porque estamos en fechas de la Declaración de la Renta y nunca lo había hecho yo, lo hacía Antonio. Bueno…ya se hacer una cosa más… y las que me quedan por aprender.
I have really enjoyed the images you show us. My appetite increased as I saw so much desirable fruit. I looked at the clock and dialed 19.37. Very early for dinner.
Summer is at the gates of our lives and everything is color. I can already imagine sitting on the porches so beautiful that I like to taste an appetizing soda.
Thank you for making me dream beautiful things. I have had a busy week with papers everywhere because we are on the dates of the Declaration of Income and I had never done it, Antonio did. Well … I already do one more thing … and the ones I have left to learn.
Querida Dolores, tan agradable saber de ti. Sé que debe ser difícil tener que hacer cosas ahora que Antonio siempre había hecho. Deseando buenos resultados para usted! El clima ha sido realmente agradable aquí con temperaturas agradables y lluvia abundante … hace mi pequeño jardín feliz. Tómate tiempo para ti, amigo mío y disfruta los momentos! Abrazos, Pam
Dearest Dolores, so nice to hear from you. I know it must be difficult to have to do things now that Antonio had always done. Wishing good results for you! The weather has really been nice here with pleasant temperatures and ample rain…it makes my little garden happy. Take time for yourself, my friend and enjoy the moments! Hugs, Pam
So much eye candy here! Love the banana split bites! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
It is hard to resist sweets!