“For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another”
1 John 3:11
Hello sweet friends…with the rain from Tropical Storm Cindy, I thought we would take it inside today! I hope all of you on the Gulf Coast are safe and sound! Most of you know how much I love books…and our collection continues to grow and multiply! In fact, if I were to build a new home (which isn’t likely, since we are still living in the house that we built 38 years ago), a library would be a non-negotiable! My collection of coffee table books is around 75 to 100…yes, I have been collecting for a while! Most of them are decorating, gardening, and travel books…all the things that I love! You may have noticed that there has been a trend over the past several years to combine dining rooms and libraries…I would love book shelves in my dining room, but space just will not allow. Many suggest that formal dining rooms are no longer used, but that is definitely not true at my house! We use ours weekly for family and friends…or even just the two of us! When our dining table is not in use, I love the idea of my books being stacked and ready to be opened and read! Since I will not be hosting 4th of July activities, this was the most perfect time to play with that little idea! You are invited to sit at the dining table with me not to eat, but to do one of my favorite things…peruse a few of my books! But you better hurry..because this new twist for the dining room table won’t last forever, we’ve gotta have somewhere to eat!!
It didn’t take very long for me to assemble a few of my favorite decorating books…
…hydrangeas were already on the table…
…why not use a chair for a stack of books…
…a leopard case of playing cards and a trio of miniature leather books…
…a spaniel at each end of the table!
Since Butch and I eat on the patio most evenings, I can enjoy seeing some of my books on display in the dining room.
Thanks so much for your visits. I pose a question, do you use your dining room on a regular basis or just on special occasions and holidays?
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Coastal Charm, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, French Country Cottage, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Charm of Home, Katherines Corner, Vintage Mama’s Cottage, Marilyn’s Treats, Peonies & Orange Blossoms, Eclectic Red Barn, Share Your Cup, 21 Rosemary Lane, The Vintage Nest, The Essence Of Home, Feathering My Empty Nest, Kingsbury Brook Farm, The Red Painted Cottage, Love Of Home, My Soulful Home, Celebrating Everyday Life, Little Farmstead, Starfish Cottage, Rattlebridge Farm, Rustic & Refined, The Freckled Rose, Life and Linda, DIY 180, The Stonybrook House, Celebrate & Decorate, Sweet Sensations
Love, love, love it!
a la P. Allen Smith style! I bet that took some lugging to style and break down! That’s definitely a good way to be more inclined to casually open one or more more often. You know, let the books feel loved. 😉
Rita, I haven’t disassembled the table yet. I am enjoying it on our rainy days from the tropical storm. It feels cozy and I have picked up several to thumb through once again!
That’s exactly what I was thinking! Both you and P Allen Smith have mastered this idea!
Thanks so much, Pat to even mention me with P. Allen Smith!
Wow you did a beautiful job on your presentation of books on the dining table! I would use mine more often if we had more family close by. Admittedly my formal dining table sits there being more decorative than functional. I still love it and on the occasion I can use it I am grateful to have it!
I am so thankful that my family lives so close together. We are together weekly to eat! You have your DR ready whenever your family can come!
What a lovely idea Pam, and your book collection is impressive! How clever to arrange so many books at your fingertips, with chairs to sit, read, write and linger…You have inspired me to peruse the art book stack I have on the corner shelf on this rainy day!
Jenna, it started raining here last night, it is the perfect day for reading! Stay safe!
I love using my dining room table at least once a week. The main reason is because my family, daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren,comes over every Friday. Not 100% of family every Friday, but whoever can make it. God blessed me greatly 10 years ago when we all got to live in the same city. I have a table that seats 10 which has been perfect, but as the grandchildren get older we’re adding girlfriends and boyfriends and I hope someday, great grandchildren!
Nancy, that is the perfect use of a dining room, and it is how I use mine weekly. There were ten of us for Father’s Day…it makes me happy!
You know how I love books, Pam! You’ve tempted me to turn my dining room into a library. Our dining table is rarely used now that the kids are gone. When we have people visiting, our table of six in the dining room isn’t usually large enough. Our kitchen table will hold eight plus. With a piano in the dining room, I’m tempted to turn it into a music room/library. ( HH’s office is in the living room.) As time passes, I just might make the switch! I like your inspiration today! 🙂
Kim, I would definitely turn your DR into a music/library room! That would be my perfect room in my dreams…book lined wall shelves and a baby grand sitting in the middle with a few comfortable chairs! Bliss~
This is a wonderfully unique way to do the tablescaping and I just love it! How fun to see your books set out to beautiful pages and then adding the little touches like the mini books and your porcelain dogs. Very clever and loads of fun!
Thanks so much, Jeanie! I have loads of books everywhere…they make me smile!
Pam, this is just beautiful! Your photographs are gorgeous, and I felt like I was looking at a Charles Faudree design book this morning as I was reading your blog. I hope you have a very Happy Thursday!
Shannon, thanks so much! We share a love for all things “Faudree”!
I love books too Pam and recently I had to do some purging and so many books I gave away. I did have some great reads as well that I donated to our church library. Hope you have a great day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Thanks so much sweet Cindy…it is a very rainy day from the tropical storm. Hugs~
Una hermosa idea la de utilizar la mesa del comedor como sala de lectura mostrando los libros tan bonitos que merecen al pena ser ojeados.
Yo tengo mesa de comedor formal y se utiliza semanalmente cuando vienen a comer mi hija Almudena y sus muchachos: Jesús su marido, Marcos 8 años y David 6 años mis dos guapos nietos, así que somos 5 personas y se utiliza la mesa formal.
A diario yo como sola en una mesita redonda en un rinconcito del salón con mucha luz exterior. Ahora que ya voy despojándome de papeles y asuntos aburridos haré unas fotos de mi casa, te las mando y me dices tu opinión.
Me ha encantado
A beautiful idea is to use the dining room table as a reading room showing the books so beautiful that worth to be glimpsed.
I have formal dining table and is used weekly when they come to eat my daughter Almudena and her boys: Jesus her husband, Mark 8 years and David 6 years my two handsome grandchildren, so we are 5 people and used the formal table.
Every day I eat alone on a small round table in a corner of the room with lots of outside light. Now that I’m stripping myself of boring papers and affairs I’ll take some pictures of my house, I’ll send them to you and tell me your opinion.
I loved it
Dolores, estoy tan emocionada de saber que tiene a su hija, yerno y grandes comiendo con usted semanalmente! No me puedo imaginar comer solo y perder su precioso marido! ¡Esperaré con impaciencia las fotos de su hogar! Bendiciones y abrazos, Pam
Dolores, I am so thrilled to know you have your daughter, son-in-law and grands eating with you weekly! I can’t imagine eating alone and missing your precious husband! I will be eagerly awaiting photos of your home! Blessings and hugs, Pam
Pam: Love this post with all your marvelous books. I, too, share a love of books and have many of the ones you have displayed. Kindred Souls. Also, from all the many other post – it appears as though there are many books lovers out there.
Again, wonderful post and also dot tell your hydrangeas how lovely they are.
Happy Weekend to you !
Thanks Sandra, I left my dining table with the books so I can enjoy re-reading my old favorites!
It would be so much fun to sit there with you and enjoy your books together on this rainy day. I recognize some that I have. I miss those days of sitting with my mother and sister and looking through magazines and books. Occasionally, my sister and I can sit down and enjoy sharing and discussing things we see as we thumb through magazines and even catalogs. We live only 40 miles apart but with her work schedule it is hard to get together and just sit at home. We usually go shopping together on her days off.
I’m crazy about coffee table books and magazines.My coffee table in my living room is circular and I have stacks of books surrounding a large urn. I also have stacks on my end tables and den coffee table. I’ve not counted mine but realized how many I had when I had to remove them when my bookshelves were painted. As you know they are heavy and that was a job!
I believe Bunny Williams and Carolyne Roehm dual purposes their dining tables as a display for their books and Carolyne has book shelves all around her dining room in her Charleston House. I loved seeing a party she gave in her library/dining room and Julian Fellowes was at the table.
Didn’t mean to write a book here.
I have always wanted a table just designated to stack beautiful books like in a library or book store!….The table looks wonderful!….In my previous homes, the dining room table was used for special gatherings, whether it be for company or family or seasonal holidays….in this house I designated my large breakfast room and turned it into a sunroom and my dining room is thus used very often…I am seeing so many new homes with no dining rooms…just a very large “family dining area” just off the kitchen…
Shirley, I am wondering if you are planning on a dining room.
We rarely use our dining table but I do enjoy it whenever I need a place to haul my scrapbook materials out. 🙂
Found you at Foodie Friday.
Thanks so much for your visit, I just popped in at your place! Blessings~
I love a formal dining room and don’t see why it’s such a big deal to use it. People think it’s only for special days, but I think every day I’m alive is special! I also love the thought of combining a dining room and library, so I adore your use of books on the table. So wonderful and charming!
I agree, Leslie Anne…every day is a gift and special!
What a neat idea! Our dining room is beautiful and I love it but we use it for company and special occasions only. I’m sure we should use it more but that’s likely not going to happen. But, I sure do enjoy gazing at it when I walk by. :o))
Thanks so much, just walking by and enjoying it is perfect!
I love books so much…especially children’s books. What a beautiful display. You inspire us. I love the spaniels and I think I see a Victorian needlepoint pillow in the side chair. Anytime we can gather around the table with family and friends is truly a blessing. Dianne
Dianne, thanks so much! Gathering around the table for a meal is truly a blessing!
We use our dining room quite every day. We are a family of four and we usually have breakfast in the kitchen, but for the dinner we prefer a big and comfortable table. Have a lovely dinner all together is very important for an Italian family ?
Ps your book collection is gorgeous
I wish American families realized the importance of eating together. I was raised that way and continued the tradition with my family. We always eat together!
Such a beautiful way to display and enjoy your books Pam! I had a large collection of decorating and coffee table books that I pared down when we moved to the lake. I love the idea of having bookshelves in the dining room 🙂
Mary, I said I was not going to buy more, but I purchased a garden book last night…I can’t help myself it seems!
I love your table with the books, it says Welcome to my home. When I see books or magazines in a home I know I have found someone with interest. We rarely use our dining room so I use it to display things. Why not? Rooms are to be enjoyed regardless……extra decorating space!
I couldn’t agree more, Nancy! Enjoy!
Pam, we have a formal dining room, but it is also a pass through room to the kitchen and sun porch. We do use the table for dining, but it’s also a catch-all for the day’s mail, my handbag, etc. I try to keep it cleared off by each evening though. Typically I have a vase of fresh flowers or something seasonal as a centerpiece and also something on the buffet. A tray of Uncle Sam figures are there over the summer months. It’s just the two of us, so meals are usually very casual either out on the terrace or on a tray in our lap on the sun porch. I love the idea of the coffee table books out on the table, and you’ve done a fabulous job of styling the table. It certainly draws one in. I want to spend an afternoon there! ‘-)
I like the idea of library shelves in a dining room. I’ve eaten in several different restaurants that did this too. It makes for a cozy, inviting space. One of my friends had book shelves in her dining room, and she also had a round table in her living room where she kept books stacked as you have on your dining room table. Loved it! I have many books as well, but few built in shelves. I get creative and stack books on small stools, chairs, benches, or even the floor. My books are mostly garden books, home interiors, art, and collecting. Like you, I pick them up and visit them frequently. They never get old to me. ‘-)
Thanks for sharing this post.
Sarah, anything you style is always perfect. It is just the two of us for most meals and it is usually casual…on the patio is perfect for us! Your veranda or tray in the sun room sounds so inviting to me. I wish my dining room was larger and I would definitely do built in bookcases for my books, I love that warm and cozy look!
Hi Pam! Just a beautiful post with gorgeous books and wonderful flowers!We use our dining room at weekends as well as on special occasions.Hugs!
Thanks so much, Maristella! Hugs to you!
That looks wonderful. I have been wanting to style up a library table myself. But like you, we use our table too. So it would last maybe two days an I would get the “hubby” look.
Loving yours, I could browse and read for hours!
Thanks so much, Christine!
I like the idea of the library look. We seldom use our dining room since we also have a breakfast room that’s handier. By the way, I love the color you have on those walls! Is it a special mix?
The color is Benjamin Moore “Mediterranean Spice”. I have loved it, but ai am considering something different! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
I wish I were tgere to browse through those books, Pam. I live decorating books. Christine
Sorry for the typos. I meant “there” and “live”.
Christine, we could have a grand time perusing the books!
This is sooooo done in the English style and absolutely beautiful! Thanks for making my morning very special. MMR
Thanks so much Margaret for your visit…I have always loved the English style…it suits me! Happy Tuesday!
I love this idea, I enjoy the escape of a good fiction novel. I have books tucked all over the place, I don’t use the dinning room often but it is an open floor plan and I do enjoy looking at it.
Those stacked books are just so inviting! Makes me want to pull up a chair and browse through each and every one. I love coffee table books as well, but don’t have nearly as many as you. Maybe close to 20. I have quite a few Americana ones, which I love! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
As always thanks for SYC!
I love your dining room table new twist. We also have loads of books. My sister says we could start are own lending library. Thanks for sharing this idea.
Thank you Marilyn, I say we are book-poor, and I seem to keep buying them!
Hi Pam, SYC got started late today, but you are being featured.
Jann, thanks so much for the feature and for your sweet comments.
We use our dining room regularly, but sometimes I use books as risers for the centerpiece. Does that count :^)
I hear folks say that dining rooms are out of vogue, or that 1 red wall in a dining room is passé…..oh well…we like it, we use our dining room a lot, AND I collect red and white transferware to use in an old white kitchen with a red wall in the adjoining dining room…
We can get away with all of this since WE are dated!!!
I love your dining room with books or without, and look forward to the days when you post tablesettings!
Blessings to you,
I am of the opinion that if it is what you love for your home, it doesn’t matter if it is the current trend right now, because we know how often that can change! The red and white transferware sounds lovely in your home. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment…it really makes my day!