“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
Romans 12:10
Hello sweet friends! I know many of you are in the throes of very cold winter weather. We have experienced colder temps over the past couple of days but nothing compared to so much of our country..just reading the minus temps and wind chill factors make me cold! I promised I would let you know about our predicted snowfall…we didn’t get a single snowflake. I know so many of you are trying to dig out from the snowfall, so I am not complaining. By the weekend our highs will be back in the 60’s! With the freezing temps, I thought we could all use a little flower therapy on this cold winter’s day! Grab a cuppa and enjoy all of the photos and original links below! I would also love for you to follow me on social media: Pinterest • Instagram • Facebook • Twitter.
You know spring has arrived in the South when the dogwood trees bloom…
…and the azaleas and snowballs start showing out!
One of the first spring bloomers in our garden are the apricot drift roses!
Is there a prettier flower than peonies?
Roses are perfect for a spring tea in the garden!
A blooming pineapple gives this little vignette a tropical feel!
Hydrangeas still remain one of my favorites! I loved creating a box full of white, pink, and blue ones!
Red, white, and blue makes a perfect star spangled day!
I filled an old pitcher with zinnias from my garden! It brings me joy to cut something from our garden to be use in an arrangement.
If you have been following for a couple of years or more, you know lovely limelights are dominant in our garden. I love their huge blooms!
These stunning hydrangeas were cut from our front landscape. They are near enough to the house, that the deer haven’t eaten them, yet. But who knows about this year, the population is exploding!
I love the simplicity of zinnias filling small pink jars!
Be sure to join Lidy, Mary, Yvonne and me on Monday for Valentine’s Day inspiration!
A butterfly teapot and mint julep cups were filled with English roses, double orange tulips, and spray roses for sweet bouquets!
I hope these floral arrangements brighten your day as much as your visits and comments brighten mine! Have a wonderful weekend! Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, French Country Cottage, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Charm of Home, Katherines Corner, Petit Haus, Follow The Yellow Brick Home, Vintage Mama’s Cottage, Marilyn’s Treats Eclectic Red Barn, Love Of Home, My Soulful Home, Celebrating Everyday Life, Little Farmstead, Starfish Cottage, Rustic & Refined, The Freckled Rose, Life and Linda, DIY 180, Celebrate & Decorate, Sweet Sensations, Me and My Captain, The Dedicated House, Shabby Fufu, Designthusiasm, Imparting Grace, Calypso in the Country
Beautiful pictures!! You are so blessed to have such a beautiful garden. I only can do container gardening now.We
did not get one snowflake,after the schools and businesses closed. Thank you for this breathe of Spring????
Thanks so much Diane. Wishing you a wonderful day that promises to be a little warmer!
Thanks so much Diane. Wishing you a wonderful day that promises to be a little warmer here!
Oh wow, all of these beautiful bouquets are amazing.
Thanks so much Marty!
Pam, you are certainly correct ~ this post was therapy. Just lovely. There was something about the photo of the apricot drift roses on the table with iced tea that made me want to throw open the windows and drink the sunshine. And, why of course there is not a prettier flower than a peony. Your photo is proof of that.
Thank you for the beautiful glimpses of spring. You will be seeing the Camellias and daffodils blooming soon.
Have a lovely day and weekend, dear friend.
Thanks so much Sandra. Wishing you a wonderful and warmer weekend!
Well, this gives me encouragement that spring will arrive eventually! We didn’t get the 2 inches of snow predicted either. Sunny today, but still cold at 18 degrees this morning.
Penny, it is a warmer day here and supposed to get in the 60’s by Sunday! Have a nice weekend!
WOW! LOVE all the beautiful flowers and pictures. Makes me smile this morning sweet Pam. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Blessings and hugs to you sweet Cindy!
Oh Pam… your blooms are stunning! How can I choose a favorite… each and every bloom is more beautiful then the other.
Thanks for the Spring Flower Love! Even though our temps are warming up here in the desert… many of our Bougainvillea were hit by a hard frost so our back yard is not colorful at this time. I needed this Flower therapy. Thank you!
Oh how I love it all and yes, beautiful flowers are the best therapy on a cold winter’s day…we did not get any snow here either, which is just fine with me!….but super cold and we will also have temps in the high 50’s low 60’s too!..crazy!….I have a list of trees to plant in the new house as most of the trees on our property are pines and on the footprint of the house so they will go…Have a great day Pam!
Gorgeous Pam, and yes, I have been using flowers for therapy lately too! Last Saturday I went to Trader Joe’s and bought so many flowers they GAVE me a plastic bucket with water to bring them home!! I am looking forward to the next few days of sunny 60s but then it looks like a week of rain ☔️ Beautiful round up of your floral masterpieces!
Makes me yearn for Spring, Pam.
Are you still in Cabo?
We didn’t get the predicted snow either, thank heaven. I have the same thing on my mind, posting about a garden walk yesterday!
Thanks Carole, have a great weekend!
Oh Pam, what a stunning collection of floral arrangements you have created and shared with us today! This collection would make a beautiful coffee table book. I can’t wait for Monday bloons! Happy Thursday, sweet friend!!!
Thanks so much sweet friend, stay warm!
Oh, those little pink glasses!! I just LOVE those! And hydrangeas are definitely one of my favorites, too. It was so refreshing to see the beauties of spring here today! Your beautiful blog always warms my heart and makes me smile. SO wonderful to visit with you this morning, sweet friend! God bless you for all you do!
It did come through this comment as anonymous.
So sorry if my comment posts twice…I have no idea what is going on, but I’m having issues with my computer leaving comments. I just LOVE the little pink glasses!!!! And hydrangeas are definitely one of my all-time favorite flowers, too! Your posts always warm my heart, and it was so wonderful to visit with you this morning, sweet friend. God bless you for all you do!
Cheryl, I am having the same issues of losing comments. Thank you so much, I always love your sweet visits and encouragement! God bless you for your inspiring gift of writing!
Pam, This was wonderful bloom therapy which we desperately needed in this cold weather! I pinned the dogwoods on display. I simply love the way they are arranged. They are so elegant! I hope to try this idea this spring in our foyer. I also fell in love with the beautiful butterfly teapot of matching blooms & pinned it as I want to be able to enjoy it again & share it with others. Your varieties of hydrangeas are so healthy & the size of the blooms are fabulous! Zinnias enmass are so colorful & make such a lovely statement in your pitcher & in the pretty pink jars. Wishing you a terrific Thursday! Clara???
Clara, thank you for pinning. Dogwood branches are dramatic and so easy to cut and bring inside. Have a wonderful weekend?❤️?
I’m praying that all my American and Canadian friends remain safe in the snow and ice. I hope all of the homeless people are accommodated by the authorities.
It’s Summer here, but we have had some extreme heat and alot of my flowers and plants have got burnt! Walking the Main Street and others, there are dead leaves all over the footpaths from heat stress. In parts of the state there’s a problem with birds and bats falling out of the trees dead in their thousands from the high temperatures.
So nice to see your dainty flowers, Cath
The weather has been horrendous in so much of the country, with unbelievable lows. We are warming up into the 60’s by Sunday. You have the other extreme, try to stay cool!
The closest thing I want to see to snow are the beautiful small white petals of those white flowers in that photo near the top. During to get out and get flowers but no way I’m venturing even to the garage! It all beautiful.
Jeanie, I know your temps have been so extreme! Stay warm❤️
Beautiful post! It’s nice to be able to see some gorgeous flowers this time of year. Flower therapy is a real thing! 🙂 I like to decorate with flowers and plants this time of year so there’s some color and life!
Thanks so much Jennifer. I visited your blog and commented, I am hoping it went through. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Pam! I just read your comment on my blog and replied. 🙂 (It takes a while to appear sometimes.) I hope you enjoyed exploring my blog–let me know how I could help you with your photos. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Thank you for the flower therapy today Pam! I always enjoy a glimpse of the beautiful blooms from your garden! We’re warming up too next week. I’m afraid the trees and shrubs are going to be in a state of plant confusion. Look forward to seeing you Monday.♥
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh Pam!Such beauty!!!Thanks for sharing,made my day…Hugs!
Thanks so much dear friend!
In Spain it is said “when there is bad weather, put on a good face” and that is exactly what your post is.
Your beautiful flowers so beautifully decorated, I love them, they give a feeling of spring and it makes us smile.
In Spain there are places with very bad weather … snow, heavy rains and very low temperatures around 0ºF, but not yet in Madrid. At this moment it is 7.30 in the morning and we have here in Mahadahonda 5ºC, 40ºF approximately, but this indicates that it should not go more than 2º in the day.
Dear friend, we are in winter and there is no choice but to accept it as it is … and see its beauty there is also.
A big hug
Flowers always make me smile and your post today really made my day. I can’t wait to see your beautiful gardens all decked out in Spring.
You have a green thumb for sure and flowers to me are like the daffodils shouting from the highest hills.
Hugs sweet friend.
You do make the most of what your garden offers and when it goes dormant you still find beautiful blooms. In winter most of my flowers come from the grocery as I have few blooming things in the Houston yard. Such is not true in Maine.
Daffodils have sprung up the last couple of days, the first promise of spring!
So many gorgeous blooms! So glad you linked up at Homestyle Gathering, Pam! Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks Julie!
These are all so beautiful Pam! Thanks for sharing them – it really brightened up my gloomy day! 💗
I am so glad you enjoyed, Barbara!