“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”
Galatians 5:13
Hello sweet friends! With the arrival of summer this week, I know that Independence Day is just around the corner. Have you made your plans? We will follow the long-standing tradition of celebrating the 4th of July at home with our family. My Renaissance Man will be the grill master serving up burgers and hot dogs. I will prepare all of the side dishes…baked beans, potato salad, and corn on the cob! Of course, the table will be decorated with all of the red, white, and blue for a patriotic celebration.
Being it is the third Monday of the month, I am joining my talented friends to bring you a 4th of July edition of Monday Morning Blooms!
Picnics and 4th of July go together like apple pie and ice cream! I set up my picnic table in honor of the red, white, and blue! A large pasta jar holds an arrangement of blue hydrangeas, white Annabelle’s, and a few red mini carnations. Last week I visited my friend’s hydrangea farm and brought home armloads of big, beautiful blooms. Be watching for an upcoming blog post on her amazing farm!
Shirley, Mary, and Lidy have created beautiful 4th of July floral inspiration and their links are at the bottom of this post.
This setting is in a shaded area away from the garden and it is an ideal place to share a patriotic display accompanied with a little sweet treat!
The beautiful fabric top was quilted by my beloved Mother and its colors are perfect for Independence Day!
Red, white, and blue cupcakes especially for Ella Mae…
…and tropical punch to quench our thirst!
“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”
-Peter Marshall
For new readers you might not know that my Daddy served in the Korean War, was wounded and received the Purple Heart. I grew up in a home that honored and flew the flag, sang the National Anthem with pride, and stood with our hand over our heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Growing up in this atmosphere, I am extremely patriotic and still tear up when I sing The Star Spangled Banner. I am a grateful daughter of my Godly and patriotic Daddy who taught me by example and is still teaching me well!
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same.”
-President Ronald Reagan
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
-Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence
You will not want to miss my talented blogging friends’ 4th of July floral inspiration!
Mary @ Home Is Where The Boat Is
Shirley @ Housepitality Designs
Be sure to come back tomorrow as I share my table for a Patriotic Tablescape Blog Hop. Thank you for your visits and the gracious comments you leave. Wishing you all a joy-filled day!
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, A Stroll Thru Life, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home, Rustic & Refined, Life and Linda, Celebrate & Decorate, Me and My Captain, Shabby Fufu, Designthusiasm, Imparting Grace, Calypso in the Country
Pam, Your mother’s quilt is a show stopper…I gasped when I first saw it! It speaks to my Red, White & Blue and quilt-loving heart. All those tiny stitches and squares sewn together with love…sigh…what a wonderful heirloom to have. I love your handsome pasta jar too filled with those gorgeous hydrangeas, I’ll look forward to your upcoming post. Your picnic area looks like a wonderful spot to celebrate the Red, White & Blue! How fortunate we are to have patriots like your dad to serve and protect us. As always, it’s a treat to start my Monday with my flower loving friends. Long May She Wave! 🇺🇸
Thank you dear Mary. You are a constant source of inspiration!
I cannot say enough about your beautiful quilt, table settings, spirituality and patriotism. It is a reflection of America at its best! What a great country we have, and the pride we manifest on these special occasions. May our fight to keep our freedom continue to endure! Ronald Reagan’s words of wisdom are to be heeded.
Maria, thank you for your lovely thoughts. I appreciate so much your encouragement! Blessings~
When I first saw your image, I was taken back by your mother’s quilt! What a showstopper! The table is beautiful as always Pam and I so loved the quotes from our most treasured patriots. My dad served in WWII and the Korean War and obtained a Purple Heart too..Your dad, like mine, true heroes and patriots and instilled the pride of love of country in our families. I cannot wait to hear about your friend’s hydrangea farm. So, do I need to take a road trip? As always, Pam, love being a part of Monday Morning Blooms with you. I love starting off the week with my Flower Friends!
Thank you dear Shirley and for your beautiful inspiration that you share!
Wow that quilt is fantastic! Love the colors and design and what a perfect backdrop for your patriotic table! Those blue hydrangeas are show stoppers! Lovely table setting. Love the cupcakes and the flags in the vases!
Thank you Liz, wishing you a lovely Monday!
Your mother’s quilt is beautiful and is so striking in your woodland setting with the gorgeous hydrangeas. I love that you used your pasta dish as a vase for your stunning arrangement.
Every quote has great wisdom. Thank you for gathering them for us to ponder and heed.
Thank you Bonnie, have a wonderful day!
Pam, a beautiful post, celebrating our country and the land we call home. Your mom’s beautiful quilt certainly celebrates her and the day. Your centerpiece is lovely and perfect as well. Love all the quotes, especially the excerpt for the “Declaration.”
Happy day and week to you, my friend.
Thank you Sandra. Happy Monday to you dear friend!
Pam, I have quilt envy….I adore your beautiful quilt, and can only imagine the loving hours she took making it. And the blue hydrangeas sprinkled with red carnations….they make my two little hydrangea plants droop with shame. LOL
My family all served in the Military, even my twin boys, though none received a purple heart …so what an honor!
Please thank your father for his service and thank you for your quotes and inspiration….and thank our Father in heaven for allowing us to live in this wonderful country of the red, white and blue. God Bless America!
Kari, so thankful to your family for their service. Yes, God bless America. Blessings to you my friend!
Pam, this might be my favorite tablescape you’ve ever created! Your mother’s quilt is incredible, what a family treasure. Every detail, from Ella Mae’s cupcakes to the patriotic hydrangea arrangement, is perfection. I can’t stop looking at the pictures!
Today we are going to the Wounded Warrior parade in Clemson. A group comes every summer for a relaxing week of fun on the lake. We have a huge American flag to hold up when they pass by, and even our dogs will sporting American flag bandanas. John’s dad was a career Navy man serving in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. My daddy was disqualified for active duty due to his weak heart. Instead he served as a 40 year Federal employee, rising from a clerk typist at age 18 to Comptroller of the Charleston Army Depot. Your Ronald Reagan quote was spot on.
Thank you dear Roxanne. I loved the FB photo of you and John holding the huge American flag at the Wounded Warriors Parade. You welcomed them with honor!
Thank you for your Dad’s service. We appreciate him so very much!
And the QUILT! To have your Mom’s quilt is such a treasure to have… and it makes your table.
Thank you for having great USA pride. Hugs!
PS …make sure Ella Mae save me a cupcake. ❤️😊💙
Nancy, there is one cupcake left, just for you. Thank you ❤️💙❤️
Oh Pam, where to begin…well first, you have a friend that has an hydrangea farm???? Wow!! and second, the quilt your mom made is such a gorgeous treasure, it must make you tear up as you enjoy it on your table… and third, I know your heart bursts with pride as you talk about your Dad’s heroic service in the Korean War and love of country. I was glued to the TV on the anniversary of DDay, watching all the veterans returning to participate in the celebration, telling their stories…so many younger people in our country have know idea about their incredible courage and sacrifice, I hope and pray they have been made more aware and their patriotism is growing. I loved all the important quotes you wove through your post…and last but NOT least, your arrangement is beautiful! The mini red carnations look like polka dots, and I love the big flags flanking each side. Please save me a cupcake, they look delicious! Please thank your Dad for his service 🇺🇸
Jenna, I wish you could tour the farm with me. I stayed 2 1/2 hours last week and could have stayed much longer. I too was glued to the 75th anniversary of DDay. Butch and I hope to make it to Normandy one day, I know it would be so emotional. I will thank my Dad for you, I often let him read comments on the blog and he loves it. Your comments are so encouraging Jenna and I admire your positive attitude. You are a blessing.
The quilt is a show stopper. I am thinking about the many hours and the love that went into creating this masterpiece. Your pasta jar filled with Hydrainges is stunning. All the other elements are so perfectly chosen as well as the words of great leaders. God Bless the red, white and blue! Have a wonderful week dear friend.
Thank you Dianne. I love a table of red, white, and blue! Have a most wonderful week!
So beautiful, as always, sweet friend! So wonderful to visit with you today. Happy 4th of July planning!
Love your visits sweet Cheryl!
Pam, Your Mom’s quilt is absolutely gorgeous! I can only imagine the many hours & love that went into creating such a beautiful masterpiece for a family heirloom. She had so many wonderful talents & it’s truly a joy for you to share them with us (thank you). Please thank your father for his service to our country. He is a treasure! The floral arrangement is so beautiful in your pasta jar. A hydrangea farm would be so much fun to visit & we look forward to your future post. Your setting is so colorful and inviting. I can see EM enjoying her cupcakes & fruit punch. I love the blue swirl vases with the flags. The quotes on our American freedom are spot on. Have a great day! Clara ❤️🇺🇸
Clara, thank you for always sharing such sweet and encouraging comments❤️💙❤️
Pam, your Mom’s quilt is just beautiful as the ground layer for this beautiful table! Her quilt is such a showstopper!!! Thank you for the beautiful quotes you used in this post, we are always so grateful to our patriots. My father in law was a colonel in the air force, he was too young to serve in WWII but was a career service man in charge of many, many young recruits.
I adore being your MMB friend on two Mondays a month! Hydrangeas…wow, you are so fortunate to have a friend with a whole f a r m! And you always inspire so much with the beauty you create, sweet friend. I love being your special Blooms friend. xo Lidy
Thank you sweet Lidy for your sweet encouragement! I love our little group xoxo
Pam you have set a beautiful tribute to the red,white and blue. Thanks to your dad and all who served.
Thank you Marion and we are grateful to all who have defended our freedom!
Thank You Pam for celebrating our wonderful country and the freedom of the red,white and blue. Giving thanks to all the patriots who served.
Thank you Marilyn. Giving thanks for sure!
Your moms quilt is winning best in show today. My dad served in WWII so I feel as you do when the Star Spangled Banner is played. Have a great day.
Thank you for sharing Carol.
Beautiful quilt top treasure and all the elements with it, Pam. My Dad was also a purple heart recipient (WWII). Happy Monday.
Thanks for sharing about your dad, Rita. Truly a hero!
What a pleasure to here you speak of your fathers patriotism and how he taught his family to honor God and country. We live in a blessed country and need to give thanks to the ONE who gave it to us. Your table does indeed honor the red white and blue stripes on our flag. It is truly lovely and the cup cakes have Miss Ella Mae’s name on them.
Thank you dear Alice. Yes, we need to give thanks to God!
Beautiful pictures and gorgeous quotes!That quilt is amazing,a real treasure!Greetings!
Thank you Maristella!
The flowers and cupcakes are wonderful — but OH! That quilt! It’s just magnificent — wonderful classic pattern, perfect colors. If I had that I wouldn’t let it get near food for anything! You are a brave woman. (Or else have neat eaters in your midst.) I learned from experience when the kids were little never to use the really good, hard to wash/iron table linens with them!
Jeanie, trust me we aren’t eating off the quilt, I agree with you, absolutely not. But it made a beautiful presentation😊
Those flowers are amazing! And I adore that quilted table top!
Thanks so much for your visit, Beth!
I love those hydrangeas! So beautiful!
We would love if you would share at our weekly link-up party Handmade & Otherwise (Fridays 8am-Mondays 8pm). http://petalspiesandotherwise.com/category/handmade-otherwise/
Thank you so much Katy!
Hi Pam! You’re being featured tonight at Celebrate Your Story. Your tablescape is gorgeous! Congratulations!
Rebecca 🙂
Great, thank you Rebecca!