“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
-President Ronald Reagan
My country ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountain side let freedom ring.”
-Samuel Francis Smith
“No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.”
-General Douglas MacArthur
“The patriot’s blood is the seed of Freedom’s tree.”
-Thomas Campbell
“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”
“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.”
-President Franklin D. Roosevelt
“And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, that gave that right to me.”
-Lee Greenwood
“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
-President John F. Kennedy
President Reagan’s quote at the top of the post is a truth, and a truth that has never been more relevant and needful than today!
We pray that generations coming behind us will cherish lifetimes filled with the wonderful freedoms we have so enjoyed!
“…And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”
-President Ronald Reagan
” Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.”
-G K Chesterton
“I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty and freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it’s marked by the blood of those who died defending it.”
-John Thune
Wishing you a delightful Memorial Day Weekend!
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.
Hebrews 13:8
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Both you and Sandra from Maison de Jardin utilized the Reagan speech excerpt, which is quite sobering in this time we’re now living in. There’s such political divide, such doubt over those we’ve elected to represent us…..sigh. We simply have to come to our senses and remember those who fought and gave all for the freedoms we enjoy and work to preserve it. Thanks for the gentle nudge and reminder today. Enjoy your weekend.
pssst….I think I caught a glimpse of the latest Everyday Living outdoor project. 😉 ♥
Yes, Rita we must work diligently to preserve our freedom that many paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to enjoy! Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend ♥️🇺🇸💙
Thank you Butch and Pam for the reminder that freedom isn’t free. We must fight for it each and every day and tell out children every day that that they must be diligent to watch over America so that she will return to a nation united under God where freedom comes from.
Amen Alice. We must never forget all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Happy Memorial Day Weekend ♥️🇺🇸💙
Quotes that stir our hearts accompanied by such beautiful photos and scenery. In my head I was singing along with the words “my country ‘‘tis of thee”. Our leaders of yesterday…Reagan and Kennedy and all those you mentioned spoke words that spoke to our better selves. All the men in my life served their country. Dad served in World War II and my brother in Vietnam Nam. Thanks be to God both retuned to us safely. So many did not. What a debt of gratitude we owe them. In some small way, we can live courageously always remembering their great sacrifice.
Amen, lovely sentiments Dianne. Wishing you and Bob a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend ♥️🇺🇸💙
What wonderful and heartfelt tribute to Memorial Day…Liberty is a universal treasure so your post touches my heart deeply…I admire your patriotism and great nation,”a nation united under God where freedom comes from”,as Alice says…So beautiful!
Thank you Maristella, I so appreciate your lovely comments!
Sweet Pam, what a beautiful tribute on this most special of holidays of remembrance and honor. President Reagan’s quote is very appropriate for this day and time. Your gorgeous patriotic photographs make my heart sing! Happy Memorial Day Weekend, dear friend!
Thank you Shannon, Happy Memorial Day ♥️🇺🇸💙
A wonderful tribute Pam, thank you. While so much has changed in our lives, one thing has not…we are so lucky to live in a country that was developed on the principle of freedom for all. We have to always remember those who fought so valiantly so that we could enjoy the freedoms we have today.
Yes indeed. Thank you Kare !
Pam and Butch, Thank you for sharing such a wonderful tribute for Memorial Day. It’s very scary to think that freedom could end suddenly and all the things we hold dear could disappear without a shot but with the stroke of a pen. All of our leaders need to be mindful of this and work together to keep our hard won American values strong and safe. The quotes shared are so powerful and true. Many Americans have willingly given their lives to keep us free throughout the generations and we thank them and their families for their sacrifice.
With God’s help and grace, freedom will continue to reign! Happy Memorial Day! Clara ♥️🇺🇸
Clara, a very sobering thought that all that we hold dear could be gone with the stroke of a pen. Thank you ♥️🇺🇸💙
Thank you for the inspiring quotes and pictures. I am grateful for those that have gone before us and maybe this year America will stop and remember those that gave their lives in a deeper way. I pray for wisdom for our leaders and those in authority. May God Bless America and heal our land.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
” When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Thank you Bonnie for sharing the 2 Chronicles passage. Our land needs healing♥️🇺🇸💙
Can’t add anything to the comments that have been posted. A very sobering post with powerful quotes. May God stir people’s hearts to make this nation united and land of the free!
Yes, Bobbie May God stir our hearts! ♥️🇺🇸💙
Thank you for putting into words and into photos that which is in my heart…
Thank you Sue ♥️🇺🇸💙
Dear Pan and Butch, the day has arrived for the reaffirmation of your feelings towards the Homeland and I always tell you the same: I feel envy. God give you the intelligence and the will to honor always to those who have contributed to the greatness of the Homeland and to those who continue to contribute. That says a lot about the American people, it is enviable …
Someday Spain will emerge from that morass in which it finds itself.
May you enjoy a happy day, in your happy home and with a happy family … That is my wish for you and for all the beings that populate the Earth.
God bless everyone.
Querida Dolores, nuestro país tiene mucha división. Rezo para que nos despertemos antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Bendiciones mi dulce amigo!
Thank you Pam and Butch, these are powerful quotes that are so important to remember right now. Thank you for sharing and reminding us that our freedom is determined by our actions. I pray daily for our country to be united in patriotism once again…
Jenna, that is my prayer also. ♥️🇺🇸💙
Dear Pam, such a beautiful post. And such meaningful quotes that touch us to our core. I believe it is the duty of our generation to bring our great land to a better place and one which we can feel comfortable passing on. It is truly in our hands and we must not fail. Little things can have a huge ripple and perhaps, in some way, our blogs can be a stone.
Wishing you and your beautiful family a very happy Memorial Day weekend. Many blessings, dear friend.❤
Sandra, your thoughts are so true, it is in our hands. How will we leave our Homeland to those who come behind us, very sobering thought! ♥️🇺🇸💙
What a fitting post! Oh, that our children would understand the sacrifices that were made for us. My daddy served in WW II and thanks goodness he returned, but not without scars that he carried with him throughout his life. May we take this time that honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice.
Thank you Linda. We must not grow lax in passing on the torch for freedom ♥️🇺🇸💙
Beautiful. Never forget.
Marilyn,Joan and Marion
Thank you all! ♥️🇺🇸💙
Teach your children us history. Schools dont anymore.
Yes, we must teach our children and grandchildren American history! 🇺🇸
Oh Pam such a beautiful post! I love reading quotes and always enjoy viewing your beautiful photos! Enjoy your Memorial weekend. 🙂
Thanks so much Elizabeth. Have a wonderful day 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Such a beautiful tribute to all those who gave it their all for our precious freedom. I am thankful for all!
President Reagan’s quotes are so fitting. Praying for this country to come together and not be so divided… especially at this time!
Thank you Nancy. United we stand…divided we fall!
Amen Nancy! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It’s ironic that Hebrew 13:8 was the scripture for our pastor’s message to us (via live stream) today. It made me smile that you, too, ended your post with the same message!!! It’s blessing to know so. Thank you for all of your beautiful posts. I look forward to them every week. Stay safe and GOD bless.
Thank you so much Helen. It is a great comfort that God never changes even as things around us do. ♥️🇺🇸💙
Your words are so true! Never have we witnessed how quickly our freedoms can be snatched away as much as here lately, watching how the government can force us to not have church, etc. It seems absurd to think things are like they are, but it should serve as a wake-up call to all of us. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to those who have given all and sacrificed much for the preservation of the freedoms we enjoy.
Thank you Cheryl! May we turn our hearts toward the author of freedom once again. ♥️🇺🇸💙
You gave me chills and tears with your post today. Thank you.
God bless America ♥️🇺🇸💙
The enemy of late has been the corona virus, but a darker enemy closed the doors of our houses of worship.. May we demonstrate the courage of those young souls who forfeited their lives to keep us free and to give unknown others their freedom, by adhering to the admonishment of Second Chronicles, as though it were written yesterday and delivered to us today, for it echoes with an ages old wisdom that we must not ignore. May we recapture the moral fiber that existed on those far off battlefields and make it our own. God bless America and those who gave their lives that we might breathe free..
The perfect Memorial Day post. Oh, my — these photos are so beautiful! I hope your day was divine.
We had a wonderful weekend. Thank you Jeanie