“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
Revelation 21:4
This week’s throwback takes us to a place the Queen visits each year in July. This is the remains of the Holyrood Abbey in Edinburgh, Scotland!
Ornamental grasses are a favorite, but missing is an annual that is normally found potted somewhere in the garden, purple fountain grass!
A gladiolas tries to grab some attention from a neighboring zinnia. Both of these are returns from last season. Zinnias were not planted in this spot last year!
Metamorphosis (sort of) of a limelight. Lime giving way to white!
A 10 foot stepladder is needed if you want to be level with the mammoth sunflowers. Placing them in a raised bed added even more height!
Butch is not fond of his pic appearing anywhere but in this case something made it acceptable!
A lot of yellow and white feels summery!
An abundance of butterflies is a pleasant added benefit of having flowers!
We discovered this shrub in the woods along the edge of the yard. For some reason we had not taken note of it before. It is likely an Alderleaf Buckthorn which is native, however there is an introduced buckthorn which is considered invasive! Maybe further investigation is needed?
As light fades the sunflowers can cool off and hope to be around for another sunrise. And that is true for us as well!
Finally beginning to sense the days getting shorter. It takes a while to take notice!
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.
Hebrews 13:8
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Lovely, as always. Happy Sunday.
Happy Sunday and thank you Ruthie!
Beautiful, Pam. I love all of the photos, but my favorite (no surprise, I am sure!) is the one of Buch and the girls. Have a lovely day, dear friend.
Wishing you a lovely my friend!
Good Morning Sweet Pam! Did I see a peek of your cottage? Beauty is everywhere at your place. How fun to see the sunflowers which Emma and Ella must think are giants! Enjoyed Butch loving his littles!
Have a blessed Sunday Pam!
Good morning my friend. I have been a little absent on social platforms this week…I guess you could say I have been busy. No that little peek is of Butch’s workshop, we seem to have a compound going on 🤣. The cottage is finished, now I must get busy furnishing it! Wishing you a lovely Sunday dear one!
Ooooooo… furnishing, nesting and fluffing! Oh my! 🥰🥰🥰
Yes, there is much fluffing! 🤣
Dear Pam, a beautiful post to begin my day. Those giant sunflowers, goodness the birds will be happy. You should have goldfinches by the gazillion. Those precious girls, it looks like they are so happy in the arms of one who spoils them. Your sunset was glorious.
Wishing you and your family a lovely day. Stay well and cool, dear friend.❤
Thank you Sandra. Yes, the girls are being spoiled by both of us. Happy Tuesday!
Happy Sunday! Love the great shot of the black swallowtail. The vivid blue is so lovely.
Love your sunflowers and I guess the wind or birds scattered the zinnia seed. Fun surprise. Your zinnias look so healthy. You would die laughing if you could see mine.
Great picture of Butch and the girls.
Blessings to you as you work on your cottage. I can’t image all you have been doing!
Thanks so much Bonnie. I thinks the birds scattered the zinnia seed. It has been a busy summer!
Good Sunday morn, Pam! What a precious picture of Butch and the girls! I have never seen such tall sunflowers…I guess the birds are enjoying them. Scotland was one of our favorite trips…Clan McGregor here!
I have had to used a ladder to photograph the sunflowers, Roxanne🌻
The picture of Butch with the girls is great! The flowers look so healthy and are beautiful. Love the throwback pic. Your ornamental grasses are gorgeous. I’ve never had any luck with the grasses even though I love them! Have a wonderful week. Clara♥️
Thanks so much Clara. Wishing you a lovely week!
Beautiful walk through your garden! Your photos are stunning as usual. It has been so hot here that all I want to do is stay in my nice cool basement.
Thank you Carole. Staying indoors is preferable during July and August!
Your sunflowers are stunning Pam, as well as your very artistic photographs…your son must have gotten his talent from you! Love the photo with Butch and the girls, adorable. That’s funny about the zinnias popping up where you didn’t plant them! You and Mary have thumbs so green, flowers just appear! Have a great week, and turn down the heat for me please, I’m heading north this week 😅
Thank you Jenna. There is supposed to be rain and lower temps, hopefully.
Dear Pam! You are my inspiration in beauty,joy and faith…Wonderful pictures!!!Those adorable princesses with his Grand made me smile! Thank you for your kindness. Have a blessed Sunday you all.
Thanks so much Maristella. Blessings always.
Happy Sunday, Pam. I love your throwback! And that butterfly is a gem. I’ve never seen one like that and it’s a stunner. And I smiled big when I saw Butch’s happy smile and those darling grands. That’s the best!
Thanks so much Jeanie. Wishing you a wonderful week.
Good morning Pam and Butch. Your Sunday posts are really a bright spot for me. The sunflowers are like none I have ever seen. Your limelights, zinnias, grasses and sunflowers are all sending the message that it is indeed summer. The Scotland remains are so beautiful. The girls with Butch is picture perfect and expresses a love we all understand. They look so happy wrapped in his love. I think about your GC a lot anticipating what colors you have chosen and how you will decorate. Blessings to all.
Thanks so much Dianne. You always encourage!
As ever, a Sunday walk through your Eden is food for the soul and to come upon that radiant trio of Grandpa
and his precious ones in the midst of it all, only expands the joy. Was there ever a happier countenance than
Butch while snuggling his “girls”, nor “cuteness” of little ones in being hugged by him? A blue ribbon pic…
If you close your eyes, you can hear the enchanted music of Holyrood…. such a gift. Blessings and
gratitude, dear Pam.
Thank you dear one. Hubby loves the girls so much. Wishing you a lovely Tuesday!
What a beautiful start with the quote Revelation 21: 4 !!!
And how beautiful you show us with those flowers so proud of their colors … Like that grandfather showing the two granddaughters that they are becoming more beautiful every day … I love them.
A big hug, dear friends.
Muchas gracias Dolores. Sé que estás disfrutando mucho de tu familia. ¡Mantente a salvo y diviértete mi amigo!
Oh, that sunset! And, the photo of Butch and those precious girls is just so sweet. It’s funny how those little ones wrap us around their little finger and we will do things for them we wouldn’t think of doing for anyone else, isn’t it? May God bless all of you, sweet friend!
Thanks so much Cheryl. Yes, the little ones have us wrapped around their finger!
What a lovely group of photos, each enjoyable in a different way. I especially like the on of Butch and the little one for all the smiles.
Thank you so much Karen!
Delightful walk through your garden Pam & Butch with his beautiful granddaughters was precious! 😀
Bless you sweet friend,
Thanks for joining me. The grands have our heart!