Happy Thursday! Fall is officially here, and our week began with picture perfect weather!
“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.”
Psalm 29:2
Does it get any better than autumn scenery? We live in a very picturesque area of NE Alabama with rivers, lakes, and waterfalls. I dug into the archives to bring you some of my favorite autumn images. We are a few weeks away from this array of colors but what is wrong with a good look at the menu and a little appetizer? Grab a cup of coffee and join me as we travel around our Appalachian Foothills!
“I am struck by the simplicity of light in the atmosphere of the autumn, as if the earth absorbed none, and out of this profusion of dazzling light came the autumnal hints.”
-Henry David Thoreau
A glorious autumn sunrise!
“Autumn writes her own poetry, we are merely observers.”
-Terri Guillemets
A walk in the woods!
Leaf peeping!
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
-Albert Camus
Cotton harvest!
“Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead never watched them dance on a windy day.”
-Shira Tamir
Autumn reflections!
“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.”
-Stanley Horowitz
“Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
-William Cullen Bryant
“Autumn is the hush before winter.”
-French proverb
Stunning sunset!
Thank you for your visits and gracious comments. Wishing you a delightful day!
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
what a wonderful publication !!! Autumn !!! … the preferred season of the year … I love it because it gives me serenity, the colors are very beautiful. They are colors painted by God himself, nobody knows how to give that variety of tones …
I could not choose any image as my favorite over another, they are all really wonderful.
Thanks for showing so much beauty, a hug
Hola Dolores, siempre espero con ansias tus visitas. Ambos compartimos el amor por el otoño, la estación más colorida. Butch y yo disfrutamos conduciendo para ver toda la belleza natural que nos rodea. No tenemos que mirar muy lejos para ver la maravilla de la creación de Dios. Enviándote un abrazo.
What a gorgeous post to wake up to. I am looking and then running to the window to watch the pre sunrise and sunrise. Saying a prayer for those in need. I love your quotes and the beautiful eye you have to capture the glorious nature around you. (Going to follow you on Insta too)
Thank you Ruthie. It is raining here, so no beautiful sunrise. Thanks for the Insta follow, and I followed you. Wishing you a lovely day!
Thank you for the glorious photos of Mother Nature at her finest and my favorite season Pam! Happy Thursday ♥
Happy Thursday and thank you Mary ♥️
Fall looks beautiful in your area! Here in the NC mountains we have gorgeous falls as well. Usually fall arrives here mid October.
I love fall in NC, it is gorgeous. Our fall is latter October and early November!
Good morning, Pam! These photos are gorgeous and has my heart singing with excitement for my favorite season. That opening sunrise is breathtaking! Alabama is such a beautiful state. We have been blessed to visit a few times, and plan to return again one day. Enjoy your day and weekend, my sweet friend! Take care!
Thank you sweet friend. I didn’t realize you had visited Alabama, please come again when it is safe to travel. Wishing you a lovely day!
Thank you Rita…have a lovely day!
Stunning photography!
Thank you Alice…wishing you a lovely day!
What beautiful pictures, anticipation of what will be coming in a few weeks! All the quotations enhanced the tour. Did your son take the photo of the cotton fields? It is stunning. It’s rainy and cool here today, perfect for just enjoying home.
Roxanne, it is cool and raining here, perfect day to curl up and read. Yes, our son took the photo of the cotton fields. Enjoy your day!
Autumn is my favorite time of year too, love all the colors. I am hoping these cold snaps will mean pretty colors for us in a couple of weeks. My maple in the back on the mountainside has begun turning already.
I know the colors are magnificent in the NC mountains. You will be a couple of weeks ahead of us.
Beautiful photos and wonderful quotes! Every day I look up at the trees, waiting for that moment when you just know that they’re about to turn. We’re probably about 2 weeks away here in NJ. For me, autumn and not spring always feels like that magical renewal time and this year more than ever, I think we could all use a little magical renewal. Thank you for the wonderful start to my day!
I am so glad you joined me today. I agree autumn is the renewal time for me after the heat and humidity subsides.
Good morning, Pam. Such a gorgeous post. Our trees have not begun to turn as of yet, but I know those days are on the way. Enjoy this lovely season ~ wishing you a beautiful day.
Thank you Sandra. It is a steady rain and I am enjoying a relaxing morning!
Stunning pictures! Best wishes!
Thank you Maristella!
Pam, The pictures represent fall at its finest! Loving the weather here, even the rain is slow and steady. We’re slowly seeing some color in the tops of the trees. The fall compilation is wonderful and we certainly enjoyed all the colors. Enjoy your day! Clara 🍁♥️
Thank you sweet Clara. It is raining here and I am enjoying a little down time, reading and relaxing. Have a wonderful day ♥️
What gorgeous pictures of autumn. Oh how I miss it here in Florida! We have a few trees that will turn about December but it’s not the same.
I especially love the picture of the cotton harvest.
I am so glad you enjoyed. I love the colors of autumn!
What a bright spot in this dreary rainy day! Gorgeous photos, thank you Pam!
Thank you Jenna. It has rained all day, makes me lazy!
me too!
Each scene seems to be more beautiful than the last!! What beauty there is in our world, we only have to open our eyes and hearts to see it. Thank you for sharing
Yes, there is beauty if we only open our eyes and hearts. Thank you Jeannie!
Gorgeous photos Pam and beautiful quotes. I am so looking forward to this season of glorious beauty. My grandson says he can smell Fall. Thank you for this beautiful post.
I can relate to Davis, I smell it also. Thank you Dianne!
Oh my, you are surrounded by a place of enchantment..I suspect we love Autumn because it is garbed in soft colors that
give forth warmth and unending scope ….so mellow and comforting. It lies so softly on the eye and heart. We are still in
myriad greens here, but this week’s cool weather will usher in that indescribable pallet of Heaven’s laden brush. Are we
not blessed in our response to it? Thank you for those exquisite photographs.
Yes, autumn is mellow and comforting. It is like a warm hug. It is my pleasure, Mary!
Oh Pam, what glorious views God has placed all around you. I cannot imagine being minutes away from any of those vistas and sights. I love the one of the deep red leaves. I could submerse myself into that. Thank you for sharing the beauty around you with us.
Thank you Libby. We do live in a very pretty area. Blessings …
Good Morning Pam! I am decorating right now for fall in our AZ home. I am taking a break and who do I see with beautiful Autumn pictures … YOU. Such lovely captures you have shared with us. Thank you so much my friend. Now I need to get back to work.
Happy Thursday!
Hi Nancy. Thank you for taking a break to visit with me. I will be looking forward to the AZ home dressed for fall!
Beautiful pictures and beautiful quotes. I can’t wait for all to unfold.
Thanks Bonnie!
Such breathtaking photos, Pam! I reveled in each one since I too, love fall. To be honest, I love spring and winter too. (Summer is my least favorite–when the temps and humidity soar. We lived in Florida for forty years; 23 of them in South Florida. We had enough of the tropics!) Also enjoyed the quotes you included and will be adding Shira Tamir’s creative observation to my collection. Thank you for a lovely visual respite this afternoon!
Thank you for your sweet visit Nancy. Fall is welcomed after a summer of heat and humidity.
I am dazzled. Just dazzled. It’s getting pretty here too, but I don’t think anything could top some of these glorious views.
Thank you Jeanie. Enjoy the weekend!
Oh, Pam! I am so in awe of the beauty you’ve shared here that it nearly brings me to tears. What a breath of fresh air your post has been. It’s a healing balm to a weary soul. So grateful you shared these! Your part of the world is truly breathtaking.
You have done justice to my favorite time of year. Is Autumn your favorite season as well? Thank you again for sharing. You’ve moved my heart this evening!
Holly, autumn is my favorite season. Thank you for your sweet visit.
It’s always my pleasure, dearest Pam. ♥️
I love a delicious appetizer of things to come and can’t wait to see more photos of your beautiful part of our country at fall.
Thank you Karen. We live in a pretty area!
Beautiful photos! I love all the colors of fall.
Thank you Michelle!
so beautiful photos!
Thank you!
Oh, what beauty and splendor God has created and orchestrated for our enjoyment! Every season has its own loveliness, but fall is the best, in my opinion! I so enjoyed your photos! May the Lord richly bless you all.
Thank you Cheryl. May the Lord richly bless you and yours!
I never tire of autumn beauty!
God’s paintbrush is amazing!
The colors of fall are amazing!
Yes they are!
Thank you Jeanne!
beautiful…we just spent 5 days in the Adirondack Mountains and I posted some photos of the foliage today – the colors were at peak and it was just stunning!