Hello sweet friends. The past two days have been perfect with beautiful sunshine and nice temperatures! I so hope you are seeing a few signs of spring, or at least anticipating its arrival!
“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”
Psalm 90:17 ESV
I rarely post on Fridays but with St. Patrick’s Day coming in less than two weeks, I wanted to revisit our trip to Ireland and a couple of St. Patrick’s Day tabletops from the archives.
My Renaissance Man and I both have Irish ancestry. RM is 40 percent Irish and I am a sixty percent combination Irish, English, and Scottish. We traveled to the British Isles in 2015, I guess you could say back to our roots. Everything we had been told about Ireland’s beauty was true. We soon realized we needed more days to take in its splendor, hopefully we will journey back one day. Click here to view the original post.
Known as the Emerald Isle with green grasses and rolling hills found everywhere. The countryside was breathtaking even though at times we experienced cloudy skies.
Butch is just your typical tourist wearing a camera. His maternal grandfather’s surname was Kennedy which is considered Irish. Our little Emma’s middle name is Kennedy and it is so unique that she has red hair and blue eyes! The red hair comes from my Daddy.
Dublin is a fascinating city with lots to see and do. I had read about Trinity College and it was a must see for us. The college was founded in 1592 and is one of the city’s most beautiful sites.
The Old Library is the oldest surviving building on campus. The Book of Kells, a renowned artifact, is housed in the Library. It is one of Ireland’s national treasures but no photos were allowed. This photo was taken in the Long Room which is 213 feet in length. About 200,000 of the Library’s oldest and rarest books are housed in this room. Marble busts are placed down either side of the room. Butch and I are both avid readers and we were overwhelmed with the Long Room’s collection of leather bound books from floor to ceiling.
Dublin is the capital and largest city in Ireland. It is situated at the mouth of the River Liffey which flows through the center of Dublin and divides the city in two.
Dublin has two medieval cathedrals and we visited both. This is St. Patrick’s Cathedral founded in 1191, its present form dates back to 1220. The grand church was fully restored in the 19th century by the famed Guinness family.
We visited Ireland in late July and the flower boxes were blooming profusely in vivid colors…breathtaking!
This district just west of Trinity College is known as the Temple Bar area and informally called the cultural quarter of Dublin.
Almost every storefront had flowers!
The Temple Bar area is known for its shops, boutiques, restaurants, and pubs along its cobblestoned streets.
The Temple Bar is the most popular pub with its lively music. We enjoyed a delicious lunch of traditional Irish fare!
We are now switching locations from the beautiful land of Ireland to our beautiful Appalachian Foothills! My coffee table was set to share the tale of the Traveling Shamrocks!
To go along with the Grace’s shamrock Irish shortbread cookies, I made Irish coffee! Doesn’t it look delicious?…
…I am not a fan, even of the one I had at Temple Bar in Dublin. I don’t have a clue why I was explaining something to Butch, he doesn’t even drink coffee! Nor do I know why I have glasses on my face and another pair on my head!
Let’s move once again, from our family room to our outdoor picnic area for St. Paddy’s Day in the country! The flower arrangement from the coffee table joined a Monday Morning Blooms arrangement both highlighting the lovely Bells of Ireland!
The varying shades of green on the table represent Ireland with its never ending shades of green!
RM’s winter rye grass is the perfect backdrop!
The beauty of Ireland is found in its rugged coastlines…
…ancient castles, stunning landscapes, wide-open spaces and its friendly people! Have you visited Ireland?
Thank you for your visits and your gracious comments. I leave you with this Irish Blessing!
“May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
may God hold you in the palm of His Hand.”
~Traditional Irish Blessing
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Great post and fantastic photos. I hope you had a great time exploring Ireland! Hard to believe St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. Sadly, due to the pandemic crisis, there are no parades or celebrations. Hopefully, next year 😉 Aiva
Thanks so much Aiva. Ireland was beautiful and our trip was wonderful!
This post brought back memories of our trip to Ireland . My maiden name is Collins. I was amazed to see many shops and streets using that name. Yes I’m Scotch Irish and French and I enjoy celebrating that fact. Beautiful country and friendly hard working people. We ate potato’s at every meal that were better than the ones we have here. We stayed in a restored Catholic Church that had been added on to be a very nice hotel. I felt odd eating in the church where everyone was having Guinness .
Your trip sounds wonderful Alice. The people are most friendly and the country is truly beautiful! Staying in a restored church would be interesting!
Thank you for the arm chair tour Pam, I’d love to visit one day! Such history and beauty…love the window boxes! I had to chuckle at the double glasses! Happy Friday ♥
Thank you Mary. I can never keep up with my readers, I have multiple ones and still can never find a pair when I need them.
It looks like a beautiful place! I would love to visit the cathedral and the library. Have a beautiful weekend!
Thank you Michelle. I hope you visit one day!
My husband and I visited Ireland in 2014 for our 50th wedding anniversary. We too visited Trinity College. It is a beautiful country. My favorite area was Northern Ireland because that’s where my ancestors were from. The terrain even reminded me of the Tennessee Hills where they settled.
What a wonderful 50:
Sorry, Nancy I hit the send button before I finished. What a wonderful trip for your 50th anniversary! We visited Northern Island and it does remind me of the Tennessee hills.
I am part Irish as well and I have always wanted to visit there. It looks like a lovely place.
I hope you can visit one day. Thank you Penny!
Pam, I so enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful photos from your trip to Ireland. I dream of visiting one day. It looks like such a gorgeous place. Like you, I am quite a bit Scottish and Irish. I would love to visit where my ancestors came from. Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. Happy Friday, dear friend!
I hit the send button before I put my info in. Sorry. Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
I thought it was you, no problem!
Thank you Shannon. I hope you will visit Ireland and Scotland, sweet friend!
Beautiful photos, Pam. The Irish countryside is lovely. Looks like you had a wonderful time. All that green puts me in the mood for spring. I am ready for warmer days, hikes outside, and spring flowers.
Thank you Carole. Your Carolina mountains wil be greening up soon!
Oh those flower boxes!! How gorgeous! Thank you for taking me to the British Isles, what a wonderful trip, and perfect to reshare it and your beautiful St. Patrick’s Day tables and vignettes with March 17th coming up soon. Have a wonderful weekend~
Thank you Jenna. It was beautiful today but a little cooler!
The last big trip my mother, sister, and I took together was Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We are Irish (Kelley), Scottish (Gregorie) and French (Sassard). But isn’t everyone Irish on St. Patrick’s Day?!? Loved seeing all your pictures!
Thank you Roxanne. What a special trip with your mother and sister filled with memories, I am sure!
Pam, It has indeed been a couple of beautiful sunny and warm days. It has been glorious and we have enjoyed them! We’ve never been to Ireland but want to go someday. Your shots are gorgeous and those window boxes are magnificent! I can relate to 2 sets of glasses. 🤓 Your St Patrick’s Day compilation is so pretty. Enjoy your day sweet friend. Clara❤️🍀
Thank you Clara. Wishing you a lovely Sunday 💚☘️
Pam, your trip to Ireland must have been spectacular. The beauty of the land is amazing. Thank you for sharing your visit.
Your arrangement with the bells of Ireland is so pretty. They are not the easiest flower to work with.
Enjoy these glorious spring days as they unfold. Spring is filled with such beauty it is hard not to miss something special.
Thank you Sandra. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday!
I loved reliving your time in Ireland. The cathedrals, the landscape and window boxes are so beautiful. My brother and SIL went last year (2019) and thought it was magnificent. Your sweet table near your sofa and the outside photos are so pretty. Everything looks like Spring there. We photographers always have glasses close at hand. Bob bought me some reader sunglasses that I haven’t tried yet.
Thank you sweet friend. Enjoy your weekend!
We would love to make that trip.
You would enjoy!
The pair on your head are sun glasses that you had at the ready and the others are for indoors that you needed as well….Always prepared, our Pam. I loved Trinity and finally got to view the long loved Book of Kells and brought home a facsimile with me. And oh those leather volumes… My lovebirds Aunt and Uncle shared their birthdays on St. Patrick’s Day and it was always a festive occasion. He was so proud to be the Grand Marshall in one of the St. Patty’s Day parades. Everyone is Irish on that blessed Day. Thank you for this wonderous trip to that
beautiful and memorable land.
Thank you Mary, it truly is beautiful!
I would love to see Ireland and perhaps someday I will. It’s beautiful and oh, so green! The Book of Kells — there’s an online video that shows the pages and it blows you away. As for your own green at home, simply beautiful, as always. Have a lovely weekend!
Jeanie, you would love Ireland! Thank you!
Loved your summary of Irish heritage, travel and tables, Pam. I am also of Irish ancestry from my father’s side. My maiden name is Patton, and my ancestors immigrated from County Tyrone in Northern Ireland. I would love to visit there someday in the near future!
Rita, Ireland is truly beautiful. Hopefully you will travel there one day!
Pam, what a wonderful trip. I’ve not been to Ireland, but would love to one day. I hope we can travel again soon.
Sarah, it truly is a beautiful trip. I am hoping we can travel soon!
Ireland looks so beautiful! My roots are deep there, too. My Papaw’s name was McCoy – he was Dutch/Irish. Not sure of the percentages, but it would be an interesting study. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us here!