“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:1-3
A new picket fence provides a different view of the garden and the Sunshine Cottage. PJ was excited yesterday to see that The Cottage Journal featured one of her pics of the cottage in an Instagram post!
There’s just something to love about a country road…
…and this country road did take me home!
I complained and made a fuss over the bed of wildflowers that I planted 3 times with not much to show. But as of late, I am seeing that I only needed a little more patience. This cornflower was sitting directly on top of a black-eyed Susan. Other interesting plants are also popping up, and I don’t have any idea what some of them are.
Gulf fritillaries would not leave the nozzle alone after I finished watering. I decided there was moisture around the nozzle and hose and surely that was the attraction. However, later they gathered on the end of a garden tool that was the same cobalt blue. Maybe it was also the color?
Last week I spotted a Queen (former Princess) hanging out in the cottage garden!
It is still weeks away from “peak” goldenrod season but I couldn’t resist this display I ran across last week alongside one of my trails. Goldenrod is one of my favorites so you’ll probably see more in coming months!
Braised beef rib with crispy potatoes, okra, sweet corn, and horseradish cream. Pam and I both chose this from the Bottega menu last week. I was trying to think of how to describe how delicious it was and decided to quote a dear friend who would say…this was so good it would make a tom cat spit in a lion’s eye!
This week we are taking a look back to 2016, a beautiful home in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard.
EM & EK came to play in the garden and spotted this rainbow. We had not noticed it but they were quick to get our attention. It prompted a few photos while the girls began talking about Noah, the flood, and God’s promise!
As I took a drive yesterday along some of the nearby country roads, I came across this unusual tree. I have passed this cemetery many times but had never noticed this tree trunk. I have to wonder what occurred many decades ago that caused the weird growth?
This old home place is near us in NE Alabama but it looks so much like my great grandparents home that was in the Florida panhandle. The resemblance from this angle is so similar I can almost imagine days as a boy going to Florida with my grandparents to visit!
Our clematis has never done very well so I relocated it this year. And no, this is not ours, but a species of clematis called virgin’s bower. Our plant did even less so I decided to photograph the wild clematis that is blooming all over the place now. It is native to the southeastern U.S. and could be somewhat invasive. I understand it is also toxic to pets.
This is the third season for the pine that has chosen to grow from the middle of one of our crepe myrtles. I wonder how long it can possibly continue to survive?
I don’t think this seat would be as comfortable as seats on today’s farm equipment. I believe the folks who live on this farm did a neat thing by leaving this old hay rake sitting here as if it’s ready to be hooked up to a horse and put to work! I wanted to stop and ask about it and probably would have if I’d seen anyone outside.
Have a wonderful week!
BTW, we love your comments and find them very encouraging. Many comments have recently started showing up as “anonymous”. We have reported this and hope some tech savvy people find their glitch and get this corrected soon. Just in case, please add your name to any comments.
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.
Hebrews 13:8
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Beautiful photos. Gorgeous rainbow! EM looks so sweet sitting on her bike.
Congratulations on Pam’s pic being featured in The Cottage Journal.
Your great grandparents home resembles my grandparents home. I’m glad you shared that. It does trigger memories.
Good morning, Bonnie. Thank you and wishing you a lovely Sunday!
Your Simple Southern Sunday posts are always beautiful and interesting, although I seldom comment. I know how much work is involved keeping acreage looking beautiful. I too love a long country road! R Hill
I am so glad you commented, Rachel. Thank you and wishing you a most wonderful Sunday!
Another great week in photos. That burl on the tree is cool. Looks like a huge hornets’ nest! Maybe years of mowing and weed eating took its toll. Congrats, Pam on the Cottage Journal feature (I’m usually good to spot, but overlooked it!).
Thank you, Rita…Happy Sunday!
I love country roads and you have captured these beautifully. I too love goldenrod and waiting to see it along my travels. The Queen is beautiful. So happy for Pam to be featured in Cottage Journal. Blessings for a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Dianne! Wishing you a blessed Sunday!
Such great photos.Thank you for sharing, Congratulations to Pam for getting her photo of the cottage featured by the Cottage journal.
Thank you, Della. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday!
Those frittilaries are fabulous and a wonderful capture settling on that hose! Beautiful photos as always, sweet memories of the Vineyard and lovely EM who is looking so grown up! A perfect way to begin a Sunday!
I thought the fritillaries were amazing! Thanks Jeanie!
A great read and beautiful pictures as I recoup this morning. Good work Butch.
Thank you, Jo Ann. Hope your day is peaceful as you regain your strength ♥️
The butterfly photo is amazing! So many peaceful photos admiring Mother Nature~ EM looks so pretty perched on her bike. Congrats on the Cottage Journal Instagram post Pam! The dinner at Bottega looks divine~Have a great week as we say goodbye to August…
Thank you, Jenna. I can’t believe August is almost gone!
Good Sunday Morning Butch and Pam. Those Butterflies were so beautiful! I so enjoyed seeing Queen EM on the bike… what a treat.
Goldenrod is starting to show its pretty face here as well. A lovely flower.
The memories of Martha’s Vineyard reminds me of the famous Susan Branch… she has a place there.
Thank you for such a lovely Sunday Morning… and congratulations to Pam for Sunshine Cottage post on The Cottage Journal’s Instagram Post! How exciting! She is becoming quite a celebrity!
Enjoy your Sunday!
~Nancy from Two Trails One Road
Nancy, you are a sweetheart! I have a few Susan Branch books. Have a lovely Sunday!
I long to walk the country road. Out in the country where I’m alone with my thoughts. It’s beautiful. It’s so sweet to think EM wants to be with you. She is growing so fast into a lovely lady. The pine tree growing in the crepe myrtle reminds me that that I’m covered my Gods Grace and must not be afraid. Hope springs eternal. Alice
Yes, we don’t have to fear. God is with us and Hope springs eternal. Happy Sunday, Alice!
The Sabbath stroll this morning delights the soul. The fritillaries are exquisite.
I swooned over that Edgartown home on the Vineyard. Neatness itself. Our
Queen looks more like a deb every day. The Cottage Journal knows a special
cottage when it sees it ….kudoes, Pam and Butch for the recognition. Those country roads conjure up such nostalgia.. and who could resist that Bottega selection? So many points of interest in today’s Simple+Sunday’s offering..
another blessed pause.
Thanks so much, Mary. Red dirt roads use to be a common sight, but rare now. Have a lovely week!
Always beautiful Psalm 23:1,3…
Friends, spectacular photos! I couldn’t say which one I like the most… well yes: the one of your oldest granddaughter who is already a super pretty young lady… with the grandchildren it’s like you see how old we get…! !!!. ..
I love nature, she is very serene and beautiful.
The heat is so high that she has done this summer, I can’t stand the heat, it makes me sick. But now you can breathe well.
Everything beautiful, everything pleasing to the eye… because nature is that generous.
A hug
Saludos a nuestro amigo! Siempre es bueno ver tus mensajes y comentarios que tienes razón. Nuestra nieta mayor tiene seis años y es dulce e inteligente. Espero que baje la temperatura, ¡hará mucho calor aquí esta semana! Te mando amor y abrazos, Pam
Gorgeous cornflower, and another wonderful Sunday of beautiful photos. That beef does look delicious, and I would say good enough to make you slap your grandmother, LOL, old North Carolina saying I guess.
Thank you, Carole. I have heard that saying all my life, LOL!
Beautiful shots Butch and Pam. EM looks very happy contemplating life in the garden. The beef looks delicious. We hope to get to Martha’s Vineyard eventually. That old rake is a nice yard decoration. Those butterflies are loving that blue color! It would be interesting to know what happened to that tree. I love the rainbow shot and the clouds. Hope you have a wonderful week! Clara❤️
Thanks so much, Clara. I hope you make it to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. Wishing you a beautiful week ♥️
I enjoy all your posts so much. The area where you live looks absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Judy. NE Alabama is beautiful with lakes, mountains, waterfalls, and country roads. Wishing you a beautiful week!
I’m home now from early church service, sitting with a cup of coffee (#2 of the day) and your beautiful words and photos are keeping my heart in the right place. Blessings to you for a wonderful week!
Thank you, Leslie Anne. Wishing you a beautiful week!
So many beautiful photos…it is hard to pick a favorite. Butch, where in the Panhandle did your grandparents live? My mother was born in the tiny town of Quincy. Summer still is full swing here, hot and humid, with lots of hummingbirds and zinnia blooms. Our country roads are red too!
Good morning, Roxanne. Butch’s grandparents acquired the home of his grandmother’s parents in Chipley, FL not too far from Panama City. Chipley is about 57 miles from Quincy.
Happy week to you!
Pam, one of my dearest friends in the whole world is a lifelong resident of Chipley! She and her husband met there in the 2nd grade. I have actually been to Chipley to visit them, home of the Possum Festival!! It’s one of those beautiful, untouched parts of FL
It truly is a small world. Butch’s grandparents lived here, but would travel back and forth to Chipley until their health gave way. Butch loved spending summers in Chipley with his grandparents. After we married, we went many times. Sweet memories!
Adorable post! My favorite psalm…How beautiful EM is… Blessings dear friends.
Thank you dear one!
Happy Sunday, Butch and Pam! I always love these posts and find them so interesting and informative. Congratulations to Pam on the Cottage Journal feature! It is much deserved. Wishing you both a wonderful week ahead! Shannon@Belle Bleu Interiors
Thank you Shannon. Wishing you a wonderful week!
I instantly saw the back view of a small family of brown bears praying together as I viewed the photo of the “weird growth” on the tree. Maybe I’m the one who is weird!?!
Thank you, Kathy. That is a good observation of the tree. I can see that since you pointed it out. Wishing you a lovely week!
Always beautiful images! Happy Week to both of you. Congratulations, Pam, on your Cottage Journal photo feature. Love the image of the Vineyard home. A favorite style for me.
Thank you, Sarah. I also love the Vineyard home. Wishing you a lovely week!
I am hungry so seeing your photo of the braised beef made my mouth water. Seeing photos of your grandchildren makes me realize how fast time is passing.
Yes, time is passing way too fast. The braised beef was excellent!
Dear Pam and Butch, Congrats on being featured in that magazine. Beautiful photos of all but my favorite was that granddaughter sitting on her bike. What a treasure!!! Always enjoy everything yall do.
Thank you for your sweet comments my friend. Can’t wait for our trip!
Love you,
Beautiful photos Pam & Butch….and congrats Pam on the Cottage Journal shout out. I always look forward to Butch’s meanderings as he is so astute to what is the real beauty in God’s gardens. Love the butterflies and sweet EM looking so grown up. So happy they appreciate the promise given of the rainbow. Bless you dear friend in Christ.
Thank you, Kari. I am so thankful that our son and daughter-in-love are teaching them the Bible.
Congratulations Pam on the Cottage Journal feature! The Queen does indeed look very regal sitting there. I would love to hear the story that tree has to tell – along with the butterflies preferences for moisture versus color – that’s a very interesting observation! I’m with you Butch because there is just something about country roads… Lovely pictures. Have a wonderful week!
Thank you so much, Kim. Wishing you a wonderful week. Are you seeing any signs of autumn?
Hello, Butch and Pam. As usual, I love this post – so many wonderful photos and not near enough hours to comment on each one. But the “Queen” is getting more lovely with each photo. And the country road could be anywhere in WV. We have many of them. Now, that Autumn Clematis – is there anywhere in the world it does not grow? It is so invasive and mean to pull up. However, the birds will just plant more. I am especially drawn to the old hay rake, the pine growing in the middle of another tree, the rainbow and of course the sunset.
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Thank you, Sandra. We love driving down country roads. It reminds us of a simpler time. Happy Wednesday!
What a lovely post! You had me traveling beside you especially down that country road! Being a country gal at heart.
Your goldenrod looks very similar to our Australian wattles.
Is it in the wattle family?
Blessings to you both, Jennifer
As always, such lovely photos!
Thank you so much, Donna!
thanks for giving me a bit of hope when it comes to a wildflower garden. my fledgling patch went nowhere fast this summer. the heat destroyed any and everything that attempted to come up. let’s see what next year has in store. i’ve been saving up seeds and hope that 2023 will be the beginning of something beautiful!
happy weekend, friend.
Thank you, Linda. There is always next year for gardeners!
That is so strange because anonymous comments are showing up on my blog, too. I have no idea who is leaving them and feel bad about it. Also, different ones are having trouble even leaving comments, and some are not being notified when I publish new posts. It is not showing up in their sidebars. So many issues that are so frustrating. This is Cheryl from Homespun Devotions, by the way. God bless you all.
Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, the issues are frustrating. Happy Thursday, my friend!