“For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me;”
Psalm 31:3 ESV
A Saturday morning sunrise spreading new light across the meadow was a welcome gift yesterday. Sunny days evaded us last week, with only two days of sunshine. But, March has arrived, so I decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood to see what’s in bloom and ushering in meteorological spring!
Looking east to enjoy a sunrise is not a requirement. We are having a picture perfect weekend…clear with seasonal temps. What’s happening weather-wise around your neck of the woods?
I discovered my truck covered in that wonderful green pollen one day early last week and I realized we were still in February! Might be a long allergy season. The loblolly pines are already preparing to do their “spring thing”.
Redbuds are everywhere and seem to be in full bloom.
The Snowball Viburnum is still a few days away from a real display of white. But, barring an unusual cold snap, it should happen soon!
You may recall that we had an anniversary in February. Our son and daughter-in-love hosted a sweet event for our 50th. Pam decided we should extend the celebrating through the weekend…but then it seemed better that we just include the entire month. However, last I heard, festivities will now encompass the entire year. This was days later, and yes, we ate this, all of it!
One of our daily visitors from the clan of cardinals decided it was time to bathe in the garden. This was more typical of our days last week! If you are already wet, why not take a bath and be done with it!
One of the chefs at Triple Creek and I hit it off really well. He did breakfast every morning and honestly, one of the best I’ve experienced. I had the same big ranch type breakfast every single morning. This guy was my buddy and showed me around the kitchen. Make friends with the chef and get extra bacon! Breakfast is often my favorite meal while on vacation! And by the way, what I am holding is not breakfast, but my poor attempt to do something creative in the plating class!
The rogue Bradford pear trees are absolutely stunning, but unfortunately, absolutely invasive. I was curious as I believed the wild thorny trees probably did not have a bloom that was as pretty as the true original ornamentals that were planted years ago. I compared a few and it seems I may be wrong in that assessment. The blooms look about the same!
The Bradford (Callery) pear is the dominant bloomer in woods, roadsides, and fields across our area right now!
Wisteria is known to display it’s beautiful violet/purple show in early spring. Most of the vines are not in bloom yet, but we spotted this one along the roadside. The development of the blooms, maturing first near the main vine and progressing down the stalk remind me of grapes!
When I returned home with this pic, PJ said it reminded her of the fringe tree that we spot in our woods a little later in the season. There is a good reason for her observation, as this is a variety of Chinese fringe flower. This evergreen shrub is a Loropetalum species, all belonging to the witch hazel family.
Riding along the highway I spotted this Carolina Jasmine (or Jessamine) climbing in the trees. It is one of the early bloomers that is a showy yellow.
An old Carolina Jasmine grows on a structure that has been on the farm for many years, and the vine has likely been residing there a long time. This bloom is one of a few that are now popping out on that plant…a little slower than others I have seen along the roadsides recently.
We might say in the south that this is “plum pretty” (or perhaps purty). A nearby neighbor has several young plum trees planted alongside his vegetable garden area.
I remember a comedian, who, like the dandelion, never got “no respect”. I know this is an obnoxious prolific weed but of all the yellow flowers out there, it is the one that looks most like the sun…at least I think so. Giving a small amount of credit to the underdog is not a bad thing!
Our view of the Appalachian foothills from the drone on a sunny Saturday!
Praying you have a pleasant and peaceful week!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch,Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Thank you for the beautiful pictures. The verses are comforting. Happy Anniversary!
Thank you and wishing you a blessed week!
Happy Sunday on another sunny day! We are seeing much of the same bloomers as you. Thank you for showcasing our SC state flower…Carolina jessamine! Is this weather not crazy? Is this false spring and will we get another arctic blast? My last frost date here is not until April 15. Poppy and I set out for dog obedience school Monday night (no rain, not especially overcast) when my phone started screaming tornado warning for Pendleton! I turned the car around, scurried home, the warning expired, and we actually made it to class on time! Then Friday we actually had severe weather again. Crazy! Hope you two enjoy this beautiful day.
The sun is shining again today. I am happy you made the class. We had that severe weather also, thankfully all is well!
Spring in full bloom! Loving all the beautiful colors. We’re experiencing lovely blooms too .Our weather has included lots of watches and warnings, both tornado and flood. We received a lot of heavy wind and rain, but thankfully that’s it so far. The dessert looks delicious! Extra bacon is always a good thing! Enjoy this beautiful sunny day that God has given us. Clara❤️
Thanks so much, Clara. I also agree that extra bacon is good! Thankful you had no damage with the wind and rain ♥️
What a beautiful display of spring blooms. Traveling back home from Florida, Bob and I commented on the Caroline Jasmine in full bloom. I am amazed you are able to capture all this beauty every week. The redbuds are beautiful here. Can’t wait to go back and enjoy posts I have missed while away. Continue to celebrate your beautiful everyday life together. Every day is a blessing and you are impacting many people.
Thanks so much, Dianne. I am so glad you have enjoyed time away. You are a sweetheart!
That opening sunrise is magical and set the mood for the beauty that followed, including
that dessert and the fun visit to the chef. With our watches and warnings came outages
and downed trees and poles, but all is being restored and cleared. Many thanks for the
well-chosen Scriptures and lessons on the life of nature surrounding us….you are a treasury of knowledge. Blessed Sabbath…
So happy you are doing well and please take care! Lots of love, Pam
So beautiful. And those Bradford Pear trees! Oh, what a disappointment because they are beautiful. Our city removed them one by one overnight and replaced them with . . . (??) I can’t remember. It was like magic waking each new day and seeing a new tree suddenly appeared.
Thank you! Our city had the Bradford Pears on our main thoroughfare and they removed them also. They were beautiful when in full bloom!
I love your photos of all the spring blooms. I especially love the budding pines. Happy week!
Thank you, Jeanie and Happy Week to you!
Of course love all your beautiful photos. Ha Ha Butch to make good friends with the chef. Yep extra bacon is always a good thing. Looking forward to Spring in my neck of the woods but it might be a short while before that happens here in the midwest. We have been having an unseasonably mild winter which I am loving.
Hugs and Happy New Week to both of you. Hugs. Kris
Thanks Kris. I think everyone I know loves bacon. Have a great week!
Pam xoxo
Butch, you are killing me with all these beautiful pictures of Spring popping up everywhere. The days are warming up nut then March can bring heavy snow here. I must admit I didn’t know what was on the plate you had attempted to “decorate”. Sorry. But o do agree that when on vacation my favorite meal is breakfast. those breakfast usually keep me full until that nights dinner. Love the cardinal taking a bath in a rain puddle. We do t ha e them here do they do co e to SD at our farm. I think they don’t like high altitude and neither do I. Thanks for your walk at
Round the neighbor. Have a blessed week.
Thanks so much, Alice. I also enjoy breakfast when on a trip. I think it is because we eat a light one when at home! Happy Week!
A lovely journey around your neighbourhood Butch.
It’s autumn here on the east coast of Australia but I don’t think the weather got the memo as its been quite hot & humid.
Although the autumn colours are beginning to appear in the landscape around us.
Bless you both, Jennifer
Adorable post. Have a blessed week ahead!
Thank you, Maristella.
Thanks so much, Jennifer. Enjoy autumn!
Blessings sweet friend,
Thank you, Jennifer! Blessings.
Beautiful pictures. I think you are getting the hang of your new camera! I look all the blooming trees.
That dessert looks fabulous!
It was a new place in Birmingham that we had not tried. Excellent food!
Spring has Sprung in your neck of the woods! The colors are amazing as is that dessert!
Happy Sunday!
Yes it has! Happy week to you!
Beautiful pictures Butch and I must say that I am having some serious flowering envy here. The blossoms are all so pretty! We still have a few months before our trees will flower but I am delighted to live vicariously through yours! Happy week to both of you!
Thanks so much, Kim! Happy week to you!
Here in southern Wisconsin, we’ve had a few beautiful days of Spring-y warmth with a noticeable up-tick in runners, walkers, and dogs pulling their persons around in the neighborhood. It’s hard to believe that tomorrow night we’re supposed to get a snowstorm that could potentially be a doozy. My daffodils have worked their way up toward the sun. They haven’t opened yet, and will totally be okay if they’re covered in snow for a bit. I look forward to their cheery flowers soon. There are a few tulip tips peeking out from the soil too. Needless to say, we’re a fair bit behind your stage of flowering and warmth…but it’ll come, just like it always does, because God planned it to be so.
I thoroughly enjoyed your photo-tour of the trees in your neighborhood. Happy 50th to the two of you. May the Lord continue to give you many more years together.
Thanks so much, Cindie. It is turning cooler here and could get frost. Our dogwood is blooming, the earliest ever. I hope all of our trees, shrubs, and flowers will survive. Yes, spring always comes because that is God’s plan!
As always, your photos draw me in and cause me to linger over each one. 🙂
Thank you dear one!
Oh, I just loved seeing that wisteria! I don’t see it in TN as I did in SC. It was very prevalent there. It was so nice to have the time to catch up on blog reading this morning. May the presence of the Lord continually bless you all!
Cheryl, the wisteria has been beautiful. I love it’s color!