“But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.”
Matthew 28:5-6 ESV
I love to head east across the pasture in the early morning to one of my favorite spots. On this day last week, I felt like the sun was winking at me! Sunrises are a popular thing with me, but especially this week as I had many thoughts about the Sunday morning Jesus’ tomb was found empty!
I finally made my way back toward the Sunshine Cottage, thinking the beauty of the morning was fading, but suddenly realized a fog had quickly drifted in and the show was not over. I’m glad I was in no hurry and had no particular place to go!
Same day, same area, but later…PJ carried the grands over to see one of the curious donkeys after I had spotted him gazing at them as they were taking a golf cart ride. It would have been a neat pic if the 3 of them had posed in front of the donkey but maybe he would not have been pleased with the loud company! He was fine as long as they remained on the cart. A great time to remind the grands about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey!
This old wind spinner has been in various places about the garden for several years now. It is faded and worn but still works and adds interest. I am faded and worn and I fear I do not add too much interest!
The Bloodgood Japanese Maples bring what may seem like fall color to the garden in the spring with their new leaves. We love having their red canopies around all summer!
Without a doubt, the Kwanzan Cherry tree possesses blooms that are simply a favorite among a lot of folks. Just like last year, this tree down on the lower 40 looked as if it would not bloom at all, almost appearing dead. And then, in only days, life burst forth. A perfect fit as we celebrate the resurrection today!
The double-flowering tree doesn’t produce messy fruit. I read that the Kwanzan Cherry has a lifespan that is typically not more than 25 years, so we wonder just how long this tree will be with us? I am thinking our tree is already several years beyond 25, maybe many years past…and it survived a nearby fire which was very hot! It is one of the bigger cherries of its kind that I have noticed while traveling around the area.
There are times when the sky is just very busy!
We are fortunate to live in a time when there is access to great, current photos from just about any place in the world we might wish to see. But, there is nothing quite like being there, such was the case in 2011…the Garden of Gethsemane with olive trees that are considered to be more than 2,000 years old. I was standing behind the now retired point and shoot camera!
“Attempting to celebrate Easter without Christ is like relying on my rain gauge which has a hole in the bottom!”
~ Butch Richardson
Thanks to Appalachian Media for this awesome throwback pic!
Blessings to you all this Easter Sunday!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch,Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Happy Easter, Richardsons!
Wishing you and yours a joy-filled day!
Wishing you both a blessed Easter. Thank you for your postings. Always an inspiration whether it be in beauty or faith.
Thank you, Ruthie. Wishing you a joy-filled Easter!
Oh THE CROSS! Is He coming back today? Maybe. The Cross convicts. The picture of the busy sky looks like it’s about to burst forth. The Garden of gethsemane picture makes me have goose pimples . He rode a borrowed donkey much like your picture. Love your post today, as usual and I LOVE the picture of both of you at the end of every post!
Thank you, Alice! He Is Risen and He will return!!
Wishing you a joy-filled Easter!
Happy Easter dear friends! Loved your quote, Butch. Loved all the flowers and early morning pictures!
Enjoy your day with family. Happy Easter!
Thank you Nancy. Wishing you a joy-filled Easter!
Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is risen today…Alleluia!
Amen! Have a joy-filled Easter✝️
Absolutely beautiful pics and wonderful narrative! Happy Easter! Clara ❤️
Thank you Clara! Wishing you a joy-filled day!
Happy Easter Pam and Butch, another beautiful and blessed Sunday!
Happy Easter and it is a gorgeous day!
Happy Easter my dear friends! Thank you for your encouragement .
Wishing you a joy-filled day, Maristella!
Such a beautiful post for this special day! Happy Easter, Butch and Pam!
Wishing you a joy-filled day!
Happy Easter. What a great message with the donkey and letting the kids know how Jesus rode in on a donkey. Sweet how those things happen at just the right time. Have a great day with your family.
Thanks so much, Kris!
Loved your post today referring to JESUS. Without GOD and JESUS we are nothing. Have a Blessed Easter
Amen and thank you, Nancy!
O Butch, your noble soul is ever-new, never faded or worn….The serenity just exudes from your Gethsemane photo and oh, the first one of the rising sun is captivating. Just love the donkey lesson of the day for the girls. How very apt is
your rain gauge comparison. But that last view of the Cross says it all on this most
blessed day – He is risen, indeed. Thank you and Pam for enriching the occasion
and our lives.
Amen and Amen, Mary! He is risen and coming again!
Another lovely photo gallery with important sentiments. Happy Easter to all!
Thanks you dear one. I hope your Easter was wonderful!
Absolutely beautiful photos & while we may feel faded & weary, Christ in us is renewing us for His glory day by day! Bless you both this Easter, Jennifer 😊
Thank you, Jennifer! Blessings my friend!
Lovely inspiration – Happy Easter!
Thanks so much, Mary!
I was again brought to tears this morning by your Garden of Gethsemane photo. To think that He may have knelt under one of those trees just fills me with such a sense of awe. I have never loved Him more.
Amen, Cheryl! We would love to travel to the Holy Land again!
Lovely pictures and what a beautiful day. I hope you had a joyous and blessed Easter with all of your family!
Thanks so much, Kim!
Belated Easter greetings — I know it was beautiful!
And I don’t think that wind spinner looks at all uninteresting! I rather like it. (But if it’s too faced, a quick paint job will do the trick!)
Thank you, Jeanie and Happy Tuesday!