“For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.”
Psalm 33:4-5 ESV
Just another day in the neighborhood. May arrived and brought us a really nice weather week…with cool mornings and sunrises like this one! No complaints.
Pam took some pics through a window on the southwest side of the Sunshine Cottage. I really liked this one so she gladly offered it to me. Well actually, I bragged on it a lot which usually works in bringing about good results!
This is a flip of the previous pic as we are facing the southwest side of the Sunshine Cottage. The nights started warming toward the end of last week so we finally planted a few plants and seeds that really needed the soil temp to be a bit warmer. I noted our outside thermometer showed 39 degrees Thursday morning! That temp didn’t seem to have any affect on the coreopsis.
What is it about a morning spring rain that brings a freshness to everything?
“Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.”
Zechariah 10:1
The “Pink Lady” evening primrose remained open to also catch those precious nourishing droplets. The evening primrose opens at night and early morning but closes during the day, especially if the sun pops out. Moths that are nocturnal locate these blossoms and are their main pollinator. I don’t know if life’s a holiday on primrose lane, but the flower is a nice addition to many of our lanes and roadsides in early May! (For some who may not remember, check out the old 1959 country song, Primrose Lane)
We so appreciated a blogging friend who commented last week on the multiflora rose. She said it made her state’s dirty dozen list of invasive plants. In an overgrown field, I thought I had discovered a native wild rose last week. I read that the native wild roses are normally pink. At any rate, I tromped through the weeds and briers to check this one out because from a distance I could detect pink. This one is different than last week’s, and to me, a prettier rose because of the colors. However, this still appears to be only another variety of the invasive multiflora rose. And, I see the spring rain falls on the just and the unjust!
The birthday boy, even at 2, knows exactly who this cake is for. WL loves cake and is ready to dig in. I believe, without a little adult restraint, this cake would’ve been history before the party began. He likes trucks, tractors and such too…as you might guess!
Asters are one of my favorites. We had asters that were given to us from our dear friend who lived on the farm, and they were always a standout in the fall. She divided hers and we were excited to have plants that had been growing around her old home place for years. I honestly don’t know what happened to them but I am thinking when I moved a sidewalk and made some other changes in the landscaping that we lost them?
So, I decided to plant new ones last autumn in order to enjoy those wonderful colors this fall and also bring back memories. I am confused, or the asters are confused, because they are blooming now. Maybe I planted a variety that blooms all summer? Either way, I’m glad!
Most of my food features are from dining out in a special place. But truthfully, the very best dining is at home. PJ’s pound cake on the cooling rack…and when served later with fresh strawberries…my my, what can I say!
I suppose it’s not necessary that everything green in the garden belong to the plant kingdom!
I am hesitant to give much attention to any plant named “thistle” which looks as if it could leap on you as you pass by. But we have one of the biggest multi-stemmed plants that I’ve ever seen growing at the pastures edge. I can’t help it, out of curiosity, I must follow the progress. It is currently about 4 feet tall.
It is quite evident that someone has made tracks through the field. I’m thinking a grandmother on a golf cart has been making regular trips along this trail and created what we call a two-track! I wonder where she goes and why so often?
Thanks for coming by. Wishing you a calm and peaceful week!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch,Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
Golf carts ridden by grand moms find a way to their grandchildren. Wish mine were that Close. WL lights up every picture you take of him. That’s some birthday cake and Pams pound cake looks perfect. Sounds delicious with strawberries. That thistle that looks so nice with its green buds if not removed before it flowers out and sends its seeds everywhere will be a thorn to your pasture. They are terrible! Happy Mother’s Day Pam !
Thank you, Alice. Thistle is definitely a menace and will ruin a pasture. Wishing you a beautiful week!
Both cakes look delicious. Love the garden shot along with the floral pics. It’s wonderful not to have to get on a proper road, fight traffic, to see the grands. Wonderful memories for all! Wyatt is really growing up! The weather has turned hot and humid. I enjoyed the cooler spring because we have so much hot weather. Enjoy your day. Clara❤️
Thank you, Clara. Yesterday was hot and humid. Summer may have arrived. Wishing you a beautiful week♥️
Love your Everyday Living! WL is the most beautiful boy I’ve seen in as long as I can remember! Oh my, that thistle looks wicked. And that two-track will be as sweet a memory for the grands as the asters are for you, I would imagine. Have a great week, Richardsons!
Thank you, Rita. WL is all boy and moves quicker than I can keep up with him. Wishing you a lovely week!
as usual the pictures are fantastic. I haven’t seen a photo of the grandson for a long time… What can I say!!!… I’ll just say that he is a very handsome boy… I love the photo, it’s precious.
How precious are the other images that you show and do you know why? because when I look at them I notice that I smile… and that is a gift.
A smile for you.
Hola querido amigo. Siempre es tan bueno verte aquí. Nuestro nieto es muy activo y una bendición. Me alegra que nuestras publicaciones te saquen una sonrisa. Te mando amor y abrazos!
Another collection of glorious photos and insightful pastoral lessons…. WL looks as though you had just handed him the world…..with that beaten path through the field Grandma already has it. Blessed Birthday, little guy…How deceiving the visual beauty of that thistle can be. The coreopsis furnish a swath of the sunshine at the
cottage. Before it is completely vanished, I’ll take a slice of Pam’s yummy cake…
She is her Mother’s daughter, indeed. A blessed Sabbath to all +
Thank you dear one. If I say so myself, the pound cake and strawberries were delicious. Wishing you a lovely week!
I am enjoying WL and his great big smile! What a happy guy. And how about those cakes! Beautiful!
That thistle is gorgeous! But the two-track by Grandma is just precious!
Enjoy your Sunday Butch and Pam!
Thanks so much, Nancy. I love being just a golf cart ride away. Happy week to you and Sweet Man!
OMG the cakes are amazing. WL is just adorable. Happy Sunday.
Thank you, Kris. Wishing you a wonderful week!
What a cute cake and a happy birthday boy! How nice to hop in a golf cart to go see your grands! I’m sure with this weather your garden is thriving~ I hope you both have a wonderful second week of May!
Thank you, Jenna. I love the golf cart for that reason! Happy Sunday.
The pictures around Sunshine Cottage are gorgeous and magazine worthy! The pound cake looks both pretty and delicious. Wyatt is absolutely precious! I know he must of had a wonderful birthday celebration. Wishing you both a wonderful week ahead!
As always, thank you Shannon! Wishing you a joy-filled week!!
It’s all so beautiful. And the thistle is the “flower” of Scotland (I believe that’s correct) and was embroidered on the new Queen’s dress along with Lily of the Valley, which was the late Queen’s favorite flower. Minor coronation details – all thrown in for free today! hahaha.
Thank you, Leslie Anne. I enjoyed your coronation details, I got up early to watch!
Pam and Butch, I look forward to your Sunday musings and beautiful pictures. God has an abundance of beauty out there and sadly, so many are in such a toot they miss what is right in front of one’s face. And that includes family and friends…I love you are able to roll through the trees, etc with the excitement of what and who are waiting expectantly for you. Beautiful memories that all will treasure.
Don’t know if I mentioned it, but have you guys been able to see “The Chosen” …Wow! What a great ministry and so far there are 3 seasons of it (with about 8 episodes each) on Netflix as well as your Iphone or laptop. If you haven’t seen it yet…I pray you get to see the series soon.
Hugs and Blessings.
Thank you, Kari. One only has to open their eyes to see the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. We haven’t watched the Chosen, but have heard a lot about it. Have a wonderful week!
Beautiful pictures Butch! The sunrise is gorgeous and I love how you captured the rain drops on all the flowers. That aster is such a pretty color and I can see why it might be a favorite. Wyatt is so precious and I hope he had a wonderful birthday – how could he not with the cake to look forward to. I had a good chuckle from the two-track path made by grandma on a golf cart lol. Wishing you both a lovely week!
Hi Kim. I keep the two track busy! Thanks so much for your visit. Wishing you a wonderful week!
What a beautiful reminder that God is all about us, sharing his beauty.
Amen and thank you, Nonie!
Wonderful post! Happy Birthday to your adorable Wyatt!
I hope you are well and thank you dear one!
A delightful post as always guys, WL, 2 already my time goes quickly!
Blessings to you both, Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
Beautiful post and always inspirational. Happy Birthday to Wyatt.
Thanks so much!
I am drooling over Pam’s pound cake! Maybe she will share the recipe on a blog?!? It’s hard to believe WL has turned TWO! I’ve gotten tangled up in thistle before trying to pull it up…not fun! Here is my tip for the week – I got the bright idea to spray Scotchguard outdoor fabric protector on my cushions. It warned of overspray but apparently I was not careful enough and killed some beautiful New Guinea impatiens I had recently potted up for the screen porch. With the cost of plants this year, I was not happy. Hope your week is splendid! (John is having a cardiac ablation on Tuesday, prayers appreciated)
Thank you, Roxanne. Control yourself with the Scotchguard can. Prayers for John 🙏🏻
The handsome birthday boy looks very happy with his cute cake! And the flower pictures are so splendid!
Thanks so much Mary.
That is so funny thinking about the grandmother and wondering where she goes and why so often! LOL! I don’t think any of us have to wonder for very long! God bless you and your family!
Gos bless you and Happy Mother’s Day!