“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 124:8 ESV
We witnessed a light frost yesterday morning, but it was a gorgeous November Saturday. In fact, the last Saturday in the month I do believe. Pam braved the chill and actually made this photo! Are you now wide open in Christmas mode?
I contacted our local meteorologist one day early last week to inquire about what was falling from the sky. After I described it, he identified this as rain. It had been a while so we had forgotten!
With Thanksgiving in the rear view mirror, Christmas colors and winter scenes begin to take their place in the landscape. The red and green suddenly becomes seasonal, but I will not dismiss the background of golden leaves and that blue autumn sky!
I must admit, the berries with their green foliage looked extremely good the next day covered with raindrops. After a long drought period, we did receive about an inch of very welcome rain last week. Maybe it is safe to enjoy the fire pit?
It is camellia time here in the south. Our lone bush had a few blooms several weeks ago, but now through December are typically the best days for a lot of flowers. Again, that seasonal red and green!
A few flowers in the cottage garden are as stubborn as I am. This spiked speedwell is supposed to bloom in late spring and summer, which it did nicely. But here we are at Thanksgiving and it refuses to go away!
These are the new additions to the pumpkin cemetery. I’m not sure a welcome sign is all that encouraging when you’re being “put out to pasture”. At least it was a nice autumn day for the ceremony. Some of the pumpkins did not make the trip, but were selected to go down to the lower forty where they will be enjoyed by the chickens. I never knew chickens liked pumpkins and that they also provided health benefits and nutrition. I learned something new. I fear the way we eat pumpkins in pies is not necessarily a health benefit!
I took a walk up the middle of the Turkeytown Creek prior to our rain and wind last Tuesday. It is amazing how much change has taken place since then, although the rain wasn’t enough to lift the no-burn order for our county. Leaves are really coming down and some trees are very bare all of a sudden!
I found this spot very interesting while on my creek walk…the moss rock and the leaf collection. I haven’t attempted to determine how many different kinds of leaves have accumulated in this small space, but I may try and count. I am thinking there might be enough variety to at least get a good start on a leaf collection. I’m not sure if kids are required to collect leaves or study such things in school these days ??? I wonder? Maybe they do and I’m just out of touch…I hope so!
When looking at an advertisement on Instagram for this year’s “Christmas At The Falls” at Noccalula Falls Park, I took note that the pic looked familiar, and I was thinking; I know that little girl from somewhere? Oh yes, now I remember. We will let this be this week’s throwback, Princess Ella Mae with Santa, 2018. It’s an Appalachian Media photo, and it just so happened that I had it saved in my photos, as did Pam. Would you have ever guessed?
We all know Santa’s reindeer are getting quite old. I am thinking there are 9 including Rudolf. I believe the members of this group were hoping for an audition and a chance at replacing some of the aging sleigh pullers, but none of these are really qualified. And by the way, deer are even harder than children as far as cooperating for a photo. You might have nine in your pasture, but having them all together and posing is another matter altogether.
Our garden security has returned to keep watch through the winter holidays. He is attempting to go unnoticed by appearing as part of the outdoor Christmas decorations. This would’ve looked suspicious while the pumpkins and fall decor was everywhere but should work perfectly, now that Thanksgiving has past!
I encourage everyone to spend more time looking up. This eagle was not too far past the Sunshine Cottage when I spotted it. Of course, by the time I darted inside and found a camera, changed the lens, and headed back out, it was considerably further away. We had about 20 wild turkeys in the front yard as we returned home in the morning, this eagle at midday, and the pasture behind the garden full of deer in the late afternoon. Just a few of the reasons I am thankful to live in the country!
When I first saw the eagle in the previous photo, it was sailing in a strong breeze, never moving a wing, and between me and the moon. You can imagine the pic I was hoping to get. But since I wasn’t fast enough to capture both together, I determined each was worthy of their own frame. If I could glue the previous pic on the left beside this one you could see it just as it was!
The weather people have terms for all the neat and unusual sky phenomenon, but I’m not sure what they would call this one. This was in the mid-afternoon with only a few clouds around, so I just called it an immature mini-rainbow. I’m reasonably sure that is not a meteorological term.
Clouds are usually needed to bring us magnificent sunsets, but not always absolutely necessary. Sunsets come in a number of styles!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 ESV
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Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Life and Linda
Beautiful pictures! I am surprised my potted snapdragons are still alive despite the numerous frosts we have had here in Pennsylvania. I love looking at the deer who wander across our property, they are such beautiful animals. Our forecast says rain is coming later today if the present 27 degree temperature doesn’t rise we will be getting ice drops instead.
God Bless.
Thank you! I hope you don’t have icy driving conditions and be safe.
I keep having problems with commenters coming up as anonymous. I am trying to correct the issue, but so far I haven’t been able to get the issue resolved. Please send me your name, so I will know. Thanks so much,
Hi Pam my name is Maryann.
Thanks so much, Maryann. Wishing you a great week!
Thanks for the chuckle about the rain
Thank you, Gail. Butch is quite humorous!
Beautiful photos, Butch, and a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Lots of love
to you and Pam and all of the family.
Thank you, Patti!
Yes Christmas is upon us at our house. And so is snow. We have 8” of the white stuff. Moisture was very needed here also. I was watching the weather reports in your area and saw the rain forecast. Lowell flew for NOAA and the cloud looks like a wave cloud. I would love to take a walk in the woods with you Butch. What kind of growth is that on the rock? I see the moss beside it. Don’t you just love the smell and sounds as you walk? The throw back picture is precious. And looking close I would have known it was EM. A real live doll. When we are in SD we get to see a group of deer, turkeys and pheasants. Also one lone beautiful mountain lion. Yikes. He is huge. Have a beautiful and blessed week.
Alice, 8 inches of snow would shut us down in the South. We saw a mountain lion high on a rock outcropping when we were in Montana. I was uneasy that it might decide to jump down. Wishing you a blessed week!
Those birds and deer just don’t cooperate with getting their photos taken, do they? They are the same around here. By the time I can get the camera ready, they have moved on.
Thank you, Carole. We had 20 turkeys that stayed in our pasture all afternoon. They were fun to watch!
Beautiful nature shots. The clouds and sky shots are so pretty. EM is adorable at any age. She’s a beautiful child. I’ve spent the last 2 days putting away Fall and getting out some Christmas. Still no tree but it will happen. The rain was wonderful but we need more. Enjoy your day. Clara❤️
Thank you, Clara. I have my dining room tree up and decorated. The family room tree is up, but no decorations as of yet. We had rain today and we are thankful for it ♥️
Beautiful as always. Love love Santa picture with sweet Ella. We are having the white stuff landing on the ground here in Illinois this morning. Our first snow of the season. I want to yell yuk but it looks so pretty. Just enough to cover the ground and make it look pretty. Enjoy the new week ahead. Hugs. Kris
Thanks so much, Kris. Wow, a snow already. Enjoy your week!
Love your rain chuckle…will we ever again dare to sing, “rain, rain go away, come around another day”, fearing we might cast another drought spell? Would have
recognized EM; she is unforgettable. This week’s pictures are also memorable;
beautiful skies, deer, pumpkins, flora and Santa with the princess… Time to
ready our hearts for the great arrival of the Babe who came to redeem the
world…. and perhaps to gather a few sprigs of berried holly. heritage
Thank you, Mary. Yes, Christmas is very special and I know your home will be beautiful!
What lovely photos! We are having snow today. Rick’s taking his mom to his brother and I’m happily home alone at last and hoping to get a little Christmas going here — finally!
Thank you, Jeanie. I hope you accomplished putting out some Christmas!
We also are having a beautiful fall. I don’t think anything smells better then the air after a good rain.
Thank you, Nonie. The air always smells fresh after a rain. It rained today and we needed it!
The image of Santa and little Ms. Ella is priceless! And I’m loving those red berries too!
Thank you, Mary. We also love the photo and it priceless!
Hello Friends! Beautiful pictures! That one of your sweet Princess on Santa’s lap is precious! It looks like a Christmas Card! The Red berries are quite lovely… nature’s Christmas decor! ~Nancy TwoTrailsOneRoad
Thank you, Nancy. You did not show up as anonymous.
Happy Sunday, Butch and Pam! This is such a beautiful post. I always love seeing all of the photos from nature. Your camellias are gorgeous! The throwback photo of Miss Ella Mae is precious. Wishing you both a peaceful and wonderful week ahead!
Thank you, Shannon for your sweet comments. Wishing you a wonderful week, my friend!
Moss and deer and leaves – these are a few of my favorite things.
Leslie Anne, you always make me smile!
God’s beauty is everywhere if we just stop and look. I have a small oleander bush that has been stripped of it’s leaves…by the prettiest caterpillar. Some say that one man’s weeds are another man’s flower. It is all in how we look at things. Have a wonderful end of November and beginning of December. Blessings and thanks for the photo tour.
Thank you, Kari. Wishing you a lovely week!
Beautiful shots of nature, all the colors are so vivid! That was a lot of pumpkins to round up. What a sweet picture of EM, it could be a Christmas card. My fall decorations get to last through Thanksgiving weekend, but tomorrow the fun will begin. Kelley and I have had a wonderful time making a gorgeous arrangement in a sleigh! It belongs to her, so I reluctantly will let it go home with her tomorrow!! Hope you have a great week.
Thank you, Roxanne! I just know the arrangement is beautiful! Have a wonderful week!
Such beautiful photos, I love the one with the deer, and of course, EM sitting on Santa’s lap is beyond precious! Loved Butch’s comment about the rain 😂 We saw plenty yesterday, it rained all the way home from the beach and traffic was a nightmare! The boys are going to put our pumpkins out in the woods for the deer this week. On to Christmas!
Thank you, Jenna. The raccoons will definitely eat the pumpkins! I am in full Christmas decorating 🎄
Beautiful pictures you two and of course, EM is adorable! My goodness time flies. Butch, your comment about the rain was so funny and I am so happy that you finally got some rain. Those camellias are gorgeous and the berries look so pretty. 20 wild turkeys must have been quite the sight. Wishing you both a wonderful week!
Thank you, Kim. We have had as many as 50 wild turkeys in the pasture. They love a rainy day! Have a wonderful week!
The picture of Princess Ella Mae is stunning! It looks like a postcard. So many of your photos do. I love coming here to your site, as you well know. I save each of your posts until a morning when I have some free time to completely absorb them. You know, it occurred to me this morning how much you bless my life and how grateful I am that you are faithful to God’s prompts to keep blogging. I know it becomes wearisome—at least that is how it has worked with me, but you keep plodding on, producing such life-breathing, inspiring, and soul-nourishing content. I just wanted you to know that your labors are not in vain in the Lord, and this blog is truly a spirit-refreshing ministry. I always love the Scriptures you choose, and they are such a blessing to me. May God continue to bless and motivate you to keep on keeping on and may He continually reward your faithfulness to mind Him.
Cheryl, your beautiful words of encouragement mean so much to us. Blessings on you and your sweet family!