“It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.”
Jeremiah 10:12 ESV
I must give credit where credit is due; Pam took a golf cart ride yesterday before sunrise and sent me a pic to verify. I had taken a hike up the ridge about a half mile away. There weren’t any clouds around, but what a picturesque scene with architectural interest provided by bare trees and cedar trees in the foreground! (And Pam got to hear a turkey gobble; so exciting…to me anyway)
Last Sunday many people had comments about the Resurrection Fern. This was a popular thing to talk about and it prompted me to observe more as I was out and about this past week. I did see the ferns on occasion (more than I realized), including on this old tree near Pam’s dad’s house. We are by there almost daily and I had not given notice.
More often I found that ivy of some type was growing on trees and that it was pretty common. I think without careful examination I just passed by the ferns thinking it was ivy! I found varying degrees of opinion as to whether ivy is harmful to the host tree. Some say “yes”, some say “no”. Maybe it depends on the type of ivy?
I have often witnessed serious fighting over good food (only amongst wildlife, so far). This gathering consisted of gulls, ducks, cormorants, coots, and a few geese just out of the picture. Everyone must’ve been in a sharing mood, or else there was an abundance of food at this spot. It’s like being on the lake in good fishing weather and spotting a number of boats all gathered in one area; you know where the fish are biting.
WL is our main garden helper this time of year because Mr. Blue Eyes knows dirt. He tested the soil without even being asked, the mark of true dedication! He is tougher than I am too. I have on sweats and a hoodie while he sports a tee and bare feet. AGE!
I spotted this waning last quarter moon Friday while on the Sunshine Cottage porch. I didn’t have a camera handy but PJ came to the rescue and made this pic. She was in the cottage working on tomorrow’s “Monday Morning Blooms” post. The coral bark maple is always pretty in winter with its coral/red color. Later we noticed something else red in this photo, quite by accident. Can you find a male cardinal?
It was a blessing to feel like getting in some walking last week. We had several really nice days so I thought I would investigate what might be showing some hints of spring, you know, early signs of life. Without leaves or blooms, I am not sure what kind of tree this is and don’t want to guess. If I can remember, I’ll go back by in March and check it out!
Japanese Magnolias always have buds in February, but this one had them in late January. Ours typically blooms in February and every year gets bit by frost and cold. It’s looking good for now at least!
When I cleared the dead remains of last summers taller annuals and perennials, this is what I found below. Daffodils..another sign of life and anticipation!
Yuck! This really looks nasty. Often when I gaze upon God’s creation I am reminded of things I already know but don’t always consider. Like…things are not always as they appear. Be patient. Get the facts. See the big picture. Such is the case here, as my first thought was; there’s no life forthcoming from this conglomeration of debris. But this is February 1st, and…
…this is July. That ugly old pile of debris will become a purple sea of what some think is the prettiest flower around! Water Hyacinth!
Our Sunshine Ligustrums were getting out of hand last growing season and it was time for some serious pruning in my opinion. I wisely went to the internet and watched videos about how and when to prune them. We are aware that anything on YouTube is reliable, accurate, scientific, etc…sure! I did find a couple of sources that were from well known gardeners and I felt good about their advice. They suggested February was a good time, and that hard pruning is fine. So this pile is what I removed from a few plants. I am hoping this works so I don’t end up in a lot of trouble with the head gardener!
I found these colorful surprises while pruning the Ligustrums, each in a different shrub. Someone hides Easter eggs very well. I feel like I should get the grand prize for finding hidden treasures some 10 months later. I hid them again, this time in plain view, sitting in a freshly pruned Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea. Two still had candy inside. I believe our little grand visitors will spot these quickly!
While pumping gas I heard loud music coming from what I thought was a vehicle at a pump a few rows over. I get frustrated at people when they invade public space with their music at a deafening level. It shows a lack of respect and comes with an assumption that everyone wants to hear it, and needs to hear it. But this somehow sounded a little different, like single notes on one instrument. As I made my exit, the music source came into view. My aggravation changed to appreciation as this guy was an excellent musician, entertaining every passer-by with his melodious saxophone! He saw my window down and camera up and gave me the OK nod.
As I looked out across our pasture last week, I didn’t see this. But one year ago this week Pam and I enjoyed seeing these elk in a Montana pasture. Triple Creek Ranch is quite a place!
No two sunsets are alike but each one is a reminder that I’ve been blessed with another day! Sunsets all have that characteristic in common.
Have a wonderful week!
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 ESV
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Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Life and Linda
Beautiful children! In the Fall I put daffodil bulbs (which were planted by the previous owner over 20 years ago) in a pot. They were accidentally dug up when I planted Mums. Well I noticed yesterday green shoots have appeared, despite the cold weather. Male cardinals are beautiful birds (sorry girls). We have them here all year. They are particularly fond of the black sunflower seeds. Happy Sunday Butch and Pam, thank you for the lovely pictures.
Thank you Maryann. I knew the daffodils were there but had simply forgot and they surprised me A pleasant surprise after some very cold days in January. Have a good week!
Butch and Pam
I really enjoy your posts, especially the pictures. Thank you!
Thank you Merilynn. Glad you enjoyed. Have a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
Always enjoy the natures walks on Sunday.
So glad you enjoy those Carole. Hope you have a good week!
How beautiful to start with sunrise and end with sunset! Wyatt looks like he enjoyed his dig in the dirt, those blue eyes were twinkling. I need to go out and see if there are daffodils coming up. My Lenten roses are about to bloom. Every year people go around here go crazy and commit Crepe Murder this time of year. Arghhh. Dearest Pam and Butch, hope you have a very good week!
Thanks so much Roxanne. I would love to see those Lenten roses. No pruning Crepe Myrtles here. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
I look forward to your weekly posts of uplifting message, beautiful pics, and scripture. Thank you
Gail, thank you for your kind comments. Have a great week!
Butch and Pam
Lovely shots! It was over 70 here yesterday. We have daffodils peeking through. Today will be a rainy day, but that’s okay as we still need it due to the drought and after working all day outside yesterday, we need the rest! WL is a cute little boy and it’s good to see he loves the dirt instead of screen time. Enjoyed all the nature shots. Enjoy your day. Clara❤️
Thank you Clara. After some nice days we have rain too. I understand we are still behind on moisture. Rain does force rest. Have a great week!
Butch and Pam
Good morning, Butch and Pam! These nature walks are always a wonderful greeting to my Sunday morning. Wyatt is adorable! The sunset is gorgeous! I feel like the winter sunsets are like a gorgeous painting. God’s handiwork is quite amazing! Wishing you both a happy and peaceful week ahead!
Thank you Shannon. I sometimes think nature walks are hard in winter but then I remember July and it’s challenges so I stop my complaining. Have a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
You always find beauty in nature Butch and point out things I would never notice! Love your Sunday strolls and as usual your grands steal the show, that picture of Wyatt is priceless! I’m sure things will be sprouting in your garden soon~
Thanks so much Jenna. We are seeing several things that are sprouting. You’re probably a bit ahead of us, being a little further south. Have a very nice week!
Butch and Pam
Beauty for ashes. In our case it’s wet heavy snow. It was pretty while falling but so dangerous. Cars every where. It will be in late March before the tender tips of daffodils and tulips break through our hard frozen ground. Amazing that God calls them up out of that hard surface. WL is so precious with his dirt covered face. I want to hug him! I saw the cardinal high in the tree. They are beautiful. What a nice surprise to get to hear the gift that man received from on high. Yes your sunrise and sunset pictures are worth of praise and the thanks you give for another day. May God bless you every day of this coming week .
Thanks for your thoughts Alice. If we get snow it’s normally the wet heavy kind. You are correct, the cardinal is high in the tree on the very left. Wishing you a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
Thank you for the pictured reminders of “Oh wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” It
lifted my spirits to view those reminders of life budding in prelude to light-filled, colorful days. The blue-eyed dirt maven just melts one’s heart…what a charmer. Was the cardinal in the coral
bark section of the photo? That was some real serious pruning … nature heaved a sigh from lifted weight. That sax player looks like a happy camper sharing his gift. Another lovely Sabbath visit that “made the day” . Blessings.
Thank you Mary. Seeing the new beginnings brings on anticipation and does wonders to lift the spirit. The cardinal is very high in the tree on the left. You may have to zoom in a little. Sax player was happy indeed. Have a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
The gift of live music is the perfect accompaniment to the magic of daffocils pushing through the earth. Play on, springtime!
Thanks for your thoughts Leslie Anne. Spring is a symphony! I hope you have a wonderful (and musical) week!
Butch and Pam
Butch and Pam,
My heart is so happy seeing and reading all about the beauty in your world–our world! And Mr. Blue Eyes takes the cake! I love how you see the world around you–and cultivate it, grow it, appreciate it, and show it off! The “icky” stuff turning to beauty (wait, get the facts–just believe the beauty that will grow!), the Resurrection Fern (I tried to comment, but alas, could not–but oh, how beautiful), the sunrises and the sound of turkey, the buds getting ready to spring to life! Because of God, I can enjoy another sunrise. I spent all morning praising, studying his word, and learning about still being a “light on a hill”. Pam and Butch–that’s what you all are to us! And the gift of the solo music just made my day, too! There’s so much beauty to behold–if we are seeking it and seeing through the eyes of Jesus (and listening with the ears of our Savior, too!). Much love and prayers always. I pray and think of you every day!
So many kind words from you today Karla. There is so much beauty to see and it’s important to view it through a lens that acknowledges our Creator. Praying for you always. Have a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
Another wonderful Sunday Stroll. I enjoyed every bit of evidence that spring is sure to come! The daffodils pushing up through the earth give me a reason for a happy dance.
I enjoyed seeing young blue eyes. What a sweetheart! Speaking of sweethearts… Pam on a golf cart before sunrise… what a brave one.
I love your Sunday Strolls… thank you! Have a wonderful week ahead!
PS I found the cardinal. That was a tough one.
Thank you Nancy. It is exciting to see the early signs that point to spring. You have a keen eye to spot the cardinal. Have a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
The pictures really capture Heaven on Earth. Such beautiful things all around us. Little Blue Eyes is so cute. I wish we were spotting tee shirts and shorts up here in Illinois!!! Little early here for that but we are having really wonderful temps for being this deep into winter. More spring like than winter. Terry and I live on a golf course and took a walk yesterday with it being so nice out. We saw 6 Robins on our route which means early spring for us. Yay!!! Also the Ground Hog saw his shadow last week so that is a predictor of early Spring for us too. Enjoy that beautiful weather down by you. Have a great new week. Hugs. Kris
Thanks so much Kris. Glad you are having some nice walking weather in Illinois. Maybe the groundhog will be accurate. Have a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
Those two little garden helpers are the best! It is so fun to take your nature strolls with y’all, spring is just around the corner!
Mary, thank you for always strolling along. I love those garden helpers. Have a good week!
Butch and Pam
Pam and Butch…thank you for another Sunday message. I love to see the leaves emerge from the soil as the garden begins to wake up and stretch towards the heavens. Your grands are adorable as usual and this week I have had mine with me and they are such a joy and their hugs are priceless. The Captain and I are enjoying them so much. I love the cardinal and for some reason I spotted him immediately. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s glory. Hugs and Blessings always
Thank you Kari. I agree 100% about those grand hugs. Things are a lot slower to emerge for us than way down south where you and the Captain are, but it’s coming along! Have a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
I always love your strolls Butch and the pictures are always amazing. The water hyacinths are gorgeous and its definitely interesting to see how they start. So happy for you that you are seeing signs of spring – those daffodils will be beautiful I’m sure. We are still a couple months away here. Love the two little gardener helpers too. The sunset is beautiful! Happy almost spring!
Kim, thanks for taking the Sunday strolls. Hopefully seeing evidence of spring is encouraging and doesn’t bring about thoughts like…oh no, still 2 more months! Have a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
What a fun review of places visited and sights seen! I love seeing street performers (but I’m with you on loud music from other cars!) I’m envisioning plenty of prep work on your beautiful gardens. The Easter eggs made me smile — I’ve found a few well after the fact, too!
Thanks so much Jeanie. Our garden isn’t large but there’s something to do year round it seems. With Easter in March maybe I should leave the eggs, get a head start. Have a good week!
Butch and Pam
OH, I completely agree with you about the disrespect and disregard that is exhibited by those who invade our personal space with their choice of music (or what they call music, anyway). NOT okay in my book. I get so aggravated about it, especially when there are vulgar or profane lyrics. I try so hard to guard my mind, then have to be subjected to that while sitting at a stop light? I am sometimes tempted to crank up my Gospel or bluegrass as loud as it will go to drown it out! Then I realize I don’t want to stoop to their level of obnoxious, so I just move on. Sorry for the rant, but this is one of my pet peeves. I hope you all are doing well! God bless you both.
Cheryl, I totally understand about the loud public so-called music. The sax guy was back out the following week and it was pleasant. I guess he’s picking up a little extra cash while getting in some practice. May God bless you with a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam