“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!”
Psalm 33:12 (ESV)
Happy Sunday! Honoring the many that lost their life while securing a life of freedom for all those who would come behind them…and a look at a few other things that were part of our week in northeast Alabama. Join us!
One place I’ve longed to visit since I was young is Australia. I would choose to spend most of my time in the outback. But, I would love to take that walk on the pedestrian walkway across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Since I likely won’t make it “down under”, I decided to take my camera and cross our own 97 year old Memorial Bridge (dedicated to those who lost their life in WWI). From the middle of the bridge I was able to zoom in on the Spirit of American Citizenship Monument and the flag display that surrounds it.
An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail enjoying our young lantana posed for Pam, making no effort to avoid her. I suppose it was hoping to become the first swallowtail this season to be featured on a post. I was very surprised last week to see a Monarch, but it would not settle down for a photo, and I suspect was only passing through!
I discovered some wild roses along a utility ROW near the house. I had never noticed them before. This is a Carolina rose. There were only a few blooms in an otherwise overgrown area!
WL was so patient sitting with me at the ballet watching his sisters. He would clap when the crowd did and was able to spot EM and EK when they were on stage. However, in my opinion, he was more at home and relaxed the next day playing outside at our house…just my observation!
As I mentioned recently, our wild, oak leaf hydrangeas down by the creek are usually a little later with their show than others I see around town. As promised, I did check them out and things are picking up.
Just a few feet away from the hydrangea above, this is one of only a couple along the creek that my app calls a smooth hydrangea. It grows along stream banks and is native to our region. An interesting little story…most hydrangeas are native to Asia. The story goes that a woman on horseback discovered smooth hydrangea growing natively in North America while out on a ride. It was 1910. She later returned, dug it up, and planted it in her garden where it flourished and impressed her friends!
I found a day with light wind and decided to fly the drone from our patio. From high above our garden, this is looking east. As it’s some of the area I roam, you can see why I show a lot of photos of growing things and creatures! The trees in the foreground at the edge of the pastures are actually on the river bank!
This is ground level of a portion of the same area that we viewed from above. Some of the places I choose to wander have hiking challenges…such as snakes, briers, ticks, chiggers, and so on! I read where copperheads especially like to feast on cicadas. Seth did encounter a copperhead on a trail very near this spot!
You all know I sometimes spot something I think needs a pic and, like a piece of art, needs a name. I call this one, “Living on the Edge”!
There is a story here, but first, I call this one “Grow Where You Are Planted”. Pam discovered this milkweed last week in the wildflower garden, underneath and entangled with a variety of other plants. I dug up milkweed last year from a roadside and planted it here in the wildflower garden. It didn’t survive, or so we thought. Pam noticed this beautiful spot of orange and investigated to find…that which appeared dead last fall, has very much come to life this spring!
I had no intentions of boring you with birds this week, but I couldn’t let this opportunity pass. While I was pulling weeds Thursday, this American goldfinch appeared in the wildflower garden. I was able to get to the house and grab a camera and return to a hidden spot. I understand these birds are really attracted to cornflower and we have an abundance.
I soon thought I’d been detected, and sure enough, he took flight right after this photo, and I didn’t see him again all day. I was away for several hours. I am guessing the bird did return!
I mentioned (earlier photo) that I had a crazy notion to take a walk across Memorial Bridge. I parked at City Hall, set out on foot, but quickly noticed other folks were out and about with cameras. I spotted a vehicle that was from a major network television station located in Birmingham and realized they must be doing a segment on this mural or the trail of murals across the area. I was so glad that another display of flags happened to be in the foreground. I then rounded a corner and headed out onto the bridge…
…and while my purpose for being on the bridge had mostly to do with Memorial Day, it also provided a different perspective of things. This isn’t Sydney Harbour, but I certainly enjoyed the view of the old railroad bridge and the Coosa River. I recently saw a guy wearing a back pack crossing the railroad bridge but couldn’t get in a position to get a photo. It is an active railway, so not the best place to take a walk (and against the law). Our city does have plans to build a pedestrian bridge across the river. Maybe that will happen!
I made an observation last week as I traveled about. I never remember seeing what I am showing you in this photo. I took note that very many trees, especially oaks, have brown, dead leaves at the tips of limbs. It has become very noticeable to me and involves many, many trees. I may be losing it, but this appears to me to be a widespread situation. My theory is this…The cicadas are winding down finally, but have been with us in great numbers for several weeks. I read that they make slits or cavities in the smaller twigs of trees and lay their eggs there. I was thinking this is what has taken place, resulting in dead end twigs on many deciduous trees in our area. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to do my own investigation and…
…this is what I found. This is an end twig of a turkey oak tree that has many dead leaves on the ends of twigs all over the tree, typical of many of our trees. The slits are obvious and the leaves on this twig are dying. I checked several more and found the same evidence. If you don’t have cicadas, I’m sorry you are having to endure so much conversation about these noisy, annoying things. If you do have cicadas, I’m sorry you are having to endure so much conversation about these noisy, annoying things! Maybe this is the last of them!
We are planning on fresh blueberries from our bushes in a few weeks, but we have competitors. I have revived the old pumpkin patch scarecrow and placed him amongst the bushes, hoping this will help. His attire is faded and worn so I am in the process of securing new items from the scarecrow clothing line, wanting him to be in style!
It is said all roads lead home. It depends on which way you are traveling in my opinion. Going in this direction along the trail does lead to our home. Quite often we can be seen headed in the other direction, where the path ends at the home of 3 little grands that we love to visit! I have a sneaky feeling that’s where the golf cart driver and owner of this photo was coming from when this pic was taken. Everything is very green now, but summer heat and lack of rain usually makes this a dusty brown trail!
Have a peaceful Memorial Day and a great week!
”Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.
Hebrews 13:8
Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Imparting Grace,Life and Linda
My goodness Butch. You know how to give us a fine lesson on nature and we are never bored. North East Alabama is a place where father God blessed the earth with so much beauty. Sorry about the cicadas. The trees are showing the damage they cause. People are cranky I suppose from their visit and will be so relieved when they are through eating their way through the foliage. I have visited Sydney and walked the bridge. Would not have done that on my on but my adventurous husband talked me into it. Whew! Sydney is a beautiful city. WL makes me smile. He is so precious. Told you NE Alabama was blessed by father God.
I am wrong. I did not climb that bridge . I confused it with another one. Goodness Im Loosing my mind.
Thank you Alice. Every place has it’s beauty to me, mountains, ocean, the plains, the desert. My visit to Australia may have to be a virtual one but you never know. We are blessed to have seen all we’ve seen. Have a great Memorial Day and a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
Good morning Pam and Butch! Will has suddenly graduated from a toddler to a little boy…a very handsome little boy! I love seeing all your bird pictures and am so happy they are busy here at the house. While I was at PT last week, we watched through the window as a mama Robin was doing her best to push 3 babies out of the nest. They were having none of it, but I heard by the next morning, mama won the battle! Living on the Edge is fascinating … I see a lady’s skinny leg in a high heel! Wish you all were here with me on the porch. My confederate jasmine is in full bloom, and the fragrance is heavenly! The perfect peaceful spot to start the day with my coffee. Have a wonderful week, my friends.
Thank you Roxanne. Your birds sound busy but your porch sounds like a restful and relaxing place. We will be right over. We must search for the lady in heels. Have a great Memorial Day and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
Always interesting and informative Butch. WL is a little ray of sunshine. Blessings, Gina
Thank you Gina. Good to hear from you. Have a good day and a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
That goldfinch is extraordinary. You really should consider entering some of your spectacular photos in competition. Have a great weekend!
Thank you Carole. I’m not a photographer but a good opportunity sometimes presents itself. It’s all about timing! Have a good holiday and a great week!
Butch and Pam
Happy Memorial Day, Pam and Butch. Wyatt is getting so big. And of course I love every view you shared. Have a wonderful holiday!
Thank you Jeanie. Those sweet grands do seem to grow up fast. Have a good holiday and a great week!
Butch and Pam
The picture of the gold finch in the wild flowers is so beautiful. What a beautiful capture. Happy Memorial Weekend. Prayers for all those that have their lives for our freedom and those that continue to serve our country. Hugs. Kris
Thank you Kris. We echo your thoughts on those who have sacrificed for freedom. The goldfinch just showed up at a perfect spot. Have a good holiday and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
What a lovely Sunday stroll Butch~ I love the photos from the bridge and the Gadsden mural. Wyatt is adorable~ The goldfinch is beautiful! I hope you have a good blueberry crop~ Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all those that have served 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you Jenna. We do hope the scarecrow helps our blueberry production. We are thankful with you for all who have served. Have a wonderful Memorial Day and a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
Ditto on WL…he is a real charmer. The shot of the Citizen Monument and the Gadsden Wall
just echoes what is being repeated throughout our land this weekend…A testament to our
appreciation of what was sacrificed in the cause of freedom….such young lives, such promise
lost, but such a legacy won. God bless America and her fallen. That second gold finch pic has
a look of “how dare you?” More new information on Cicada “splitting” noise…they certainly
do leave their mark in many ways. I can whiff Pam’s blueberry pie already and that path
leading to home will come in mighty handy. A blessed Memorial Day all…..
Mary, thank you and your comments are so on target for this Memorial Day. We are hoping Mr Scarecrow protects the blueberries but I did discover yesterday that one bush had a dead end twig, resulting from cicadas laying eggs. We thought they only liked deciduous trees. No harm done overall to the berries. Have a blessed Memorial Day and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
We enjoyed your narrative and pics this week as usual. WL is precious! That’s such a cute pic. We must have birds or butterflies in your pics as they provide so much happiness. Your walk with all the predators (ticks, snakes, and chiggers) make me appreciate your walks even more! As a wife of a nature lover, I get it, but it doesn’t sound like fun to me! 🙂 It’s enjoyable to see things through your lens as you make your trek. The wildflowers are so pretty. I am amazed that with
all the visible tree roots hanging in open air, the tree is still standing tall. Your downtown area and the river pics are nice and more like the trek I’m willing to make! 😊 Happy Memorial Day! Clara❤️🇺🇸
Thanks for your kind words Clara. I will tell you that I’ve encountered many more snakes so far this year than any time ever, including several in our shrubs and garden…so I don’t have to trek too far for that type action. Maybe we can keep the birds and butterflies coming and forget about the critters. Have a good Memorial Day and a great week!
Butch and Pam
Perfect choice -“Living on the edge”
Glad you like that one Gail. Wishing you a good holiday and a great week!
Butch and Pam
I loved seeing the goldfinch by the flower! Gorgeous picture! And WL is such a cutie. I am so glad he enjoyed seeing his sisters on stage. I recall when the cicadas were so prevalent back in Ohio a few years back that the tree leaves were dying. Interesting observation. We have not had them here in Pennsylvania. And hope they don’t come this way! Hope the scarecrow scares the birds away. I would love for you to have a blueberry pie or muffins or pancakes.
Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you Nancy. Blueberry pancakes sound like a wonderful idea, glad you suggested that. We are planning to spend some time this week in the mountains so maybe the cicadas will be gone when we return. Hope you’re having a great Memorial Day and a pleasant week to follow!
Butch and Pam
How fun it is with you to travel your home state. Beautiful pictures .
Thank you Cherry. We plan to travel to the mountains and enjoy some beautiful scenery out of state. Beauty everywhere. Have a good Memorial Day and a great week!
Butch and Pam
Lovely photos Butch – I’m been absent from blogging for the last bit and it’s good to be back to my fave SSS! Love the Living on the Edge – so perfect! WL is indeed growing up and what a cutie. The pics of the goldfinch and Monarch are gorgeous and I’m sorry about the cicadas; I don’t think that you’d catch me where they are if that’s a favorite of copperheads. Yikes. I hope you two are having a wonderful and happy Memorial Day!
Thank you Kim. I’m a little behind on my comments but always good to hear from you. We are in the mountains of North Carolina for a few days and hoping the cicadas have died out when we get home. There doesn’t seem to be any in the mountains. Have a great week!
Butch and Pam
Beautiful photos! WL is so cute and adorable! I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day. Blessings.
Thank you Maristella. We are taking a short vacation this week so I’m a bit late replying. We did enjoy Memorial Day. Wishing you a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
Butch, your words and photos “capture” my heart! You have such a way, just like Pam, with both! You are so gifted in displaying everything GOOD AND RIGHT in the world! The world NEEDS the Richardsons!
WL’s eyes, the blue skies, the Yellow Finch, the noisy cicadas and interesting dead twigs, yikes on copperheads (we know about those in our parts), and the bridge and Memorial–amen! You have found the key to “missing” Australia–you have found the magic in your area!
I’ve often thought about a drone; yet, I don’t think I’d use it to its full potential or very often. They fascinate me, though!
Happy Memorial Day to you both! Please give my love and regards to Pam! I appreciate you all so much!
Thank you Karla. We appreciate your kind and encouraging words. We are taking a short vacation this week. When I last flew my drone the tree swallows went crazy over it, diving at it etc but they didn’t hit it. Have a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
wow! more interesting info and photos. I have to agree that walking in and among snakes gives me a case of the frights. We do have 3-4 ft black racer snakes in our gardens but all “in the know” keep assuring they are harmless and helpful as they catch small critters like mice. We do have copperheads but I have never seen any…whew! Of course just a little further south in the everglades there are pythons that are humongous… 15-25 feet long and there are prices on their heads as they are not native and destroy the native habitat. Silly people have bought them, tired of them and turned them loose in the everglades and they have no natural enemies and they have flourished. I so enjoy the bird pictures as I love sitting in the early morning listening to their songs. The yellow finch is stunning. Little WL is going to be a heart breaker…he is adorable. A special thanks for never forgetting what our veterans have done for our country….Praise God we live in a free country.
Thank you Kari. Most of our snake encounters are non-venomous but I still don’t really like them around where the kids play. I was pulling weeds Saturday and a snake about 5 feet long crawled right up close and was just looking me over; a harmless rat snake we call a chicken snake but still. We’ve seen the reports about your huge pythons and they certainly don’t belong there. Have a good week!
Butch and Pam
Your grandson is such a charmer!
Thank you, Mary!
Butch and Pam
It always warms my heart to read about how you live close to your grandkids and can travel across the field to visit them. You bring such a precious sense of normalcy to this upside down, deranged world. I am so thankful for you and your Godly lives and that you share them with us here.
Your comments are so kind and encouraging. Thank you Cheryl!
Butch and Pam