Happy Tuesday dear friends!
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!”
Romans 11:33 (ESV)
It is always a pleasure to share tea with Mary on the third Tuesday of each month. I am so happy you have joined us.
For this edition of Tea On Tuesdays we are welcoming a special guest, Kitty who loves to cook and is a fellow tea enthusiast. She blogs at Kitty’s Kozy Kitchen. You will find Mary’s and Kitty’s beautiful teatimes at the bottom of this post.
Our temperatures have hovered in the upper 90’s and a few days it reached 100 degrees. It was impossible to share tea in the afternoon, but early evening tea as the sun was setting lower in the sky was ideal!
The cottage garden is located beside the Sunshine Cottage and on the left side of our main garden! Sweet iced tea served with a sprig of chocolate mint was definitely on the menu! Giant yellow marigolds have lived up to their name. The marigolds have been blooming nonstop and there have been so many blooms that the ‘Head Gardener’ had to build a wooden cage to keep them from falling over from their weight and our summer winds.
Butch’s post a week ago had a photo of chickens. We had many to comment that they didn’t know we had chickens. We don’t, Butch was taking care of the chickens while our son and family were on vacation. Have you ever eaten fresh eggs? They are better than what you buy at the grocery store and they make the best egg salad. Home-grown tomatoes were stuffed with egg salad for early evening teatime!
Most often when setting a table, I find inspiration from table linens, dishware, or what is blooming in the garden. A favorite April Cornell ‘Cottage Rose’ tablecloth has been in my linen collection for a few years and it inspired my use of color for the table!
“A big glass of sweet iced tea will not solve the world’s problems, but it does make me forget they exist until the glass is empty!“
~ Butch Richardson
Giant marigolds and zinnias were cut from the cottage garden and placed in a Wedgwood embossed Queen’s Ware pitcher. I would like to start a collection of the Wedgwood Queen’s Ware. Note to self: I don’t need any more dishes!!
“July is hot afternoons and sultry nights and morning when it’s joy just to be alive. July is a picnic and a red canoe and a sunburned neck and a softball game and ice tinkling in a tall glass. July is a blind date with summer.”
~Hal Borland
July is the season for limelight and vanilla-strawberry hydrangeas (in the background) to put on their yearly show. They are stressed this year with little rain and very hot temperatures!
“I knew then that sweet tea embodies all that is good about the South and its hospitality. Life’s too short not to enjoy, and it’s too short not to have sweet tea.”
~Rick Bragg
This sweet majolica teapot was recently discovered at my Daddy’s house! I love sharing memories with you but I never remember my Mother using this teapot. She loved her coffee and did not drink hot tea. I would guess that someone gave it to her, or maybe she thought it was pretty and bought it? I will never know. There are no markings on the bottom and I tried finding it on the internet, but no luck! My girls will love it and one day it will probably pass on to one of them!
The sweet offerings on the cake plate are mini blueberry muffins, raspberry and pistachio macarons, and delicious bars from a recipe that I discovered at one of our favorite vacation getaways, The Swag! On our first trip to the Swag in 2017, these bars were packed in our lunch for a hike. This was the first of many such hikes and lunches we’ve enjoyed through the years, including 2024. Their picnic lunches are outstanding with delicious sandwiches and salads and always include my favorite, The Swag Bar. I have included the recipe from their website!
Not only was there iced tea, but a delicious hot tea was served in Grace Teaware cups. When I saw The Secret Garden Organic Pomegranate Green Tea, I knew that EM and EK would love it. EM enjoyed reading “The Secret Garden” and the girls’ ballet recital this spring was titled A Return to the Secret Garden. They were at the beach last week, but we will have a Secret Garden tea party soon. You might notice that I did forget to take a close-up photo of the front of the tea canister! Williams Sonoma ‘Famille Rose’ salad plates complement the tablecloth.
The teapot is resting on an antique majolica plate found in the back of an antique store on a dusty shelf years ago!
It was a splendid evening with a gentle breeze, perfect for light fare in the cottage garden!
For lovely inspiration, be sure to visit Mary and Kitty!
Mary ~ Home Is Where the Boat Is
Kitty ~ Kitty’s Kozy Kitchen
I can’t believe that Mary and I have been sharing our love of tea for two years. We will be celebrating our second anniversary next Tuesday, July 23rd with a special giveaway! I hope you will join us!
Thank you for your visit and gracious comments. Wishing you a delightful day!
Linking with: Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Life and Linda
Good morning, Pam! What a beautiful sight your evening tea is in your lovely garden. The tablecloth indeed does set the stage for your beautiful tea. Isn’t your mom’s majolica teapot perfect for a July tea? I’d love to sit at a butterfly chair and sip some of your pomegranate tea and have a tomato stuffed with egg salad and top it off with a Swag bar. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I do see your marigolds and Bruce’s cage. They are huge!! Thank you for inviting me to share in the joy of tea in the summer. Have fun with your tea party with your grandchildren.
Thank you, Kitty for your sweet comments. It would be lovely if you could join me, we would have much to talk about. It is a special treat for you to join Mary and me for Tea on Tuesdays ❤️
Iced sweet tea is the answer on 100 degree days but in my opinion it is my go too on much cooler temps. Your mother’s teapot is lovely and I’m glad you showed it. The Swag bars are perfect for those hikes you took while in the North Carolina mountains. I have a few pieces of Wedgewood and like you I don’t need one more piece of China or stem ware. But the color blue is beautiful and always think of Tiffany when I see it. The stuffed tomatoes with egg salad makes me want to make them however they won’t taste as delicious as yours because I don’t have access to farm raise eggs. Wish I could wiggle my nose and instantly be seated at your table. Sorry Butch there would be no room left. Stay cool.
I agree, Alice we all love our iced sweet tea, especially Butch! I do love the Wedgwood Queen’s Ware, maybe I could buy 2 place settings, but seriously I don’t need any more dishes! I so wish you could join me, we would have so much to talk about ❤️
Good Morning Pam, I snuck a peek at your post on my phone first thing this morning and then was out the door to walk the dogs to beat the heat. I noticed your beautiful majolica teapot of your moms right away, what a fun find to run across at your dad’s house! It’s so pretty with your April Cornell ‘Cottage Rose’ tablecloth and ‘Famille Rose’ salad plates. Love those giant marigold blooms as well as your zinnias in your Queen’s Ware pitcher. I vote ‘yes’ to starting start a collection of Queen’s Ware, even if it’s just a setting for two. 😊 Your Swag Bars sound so tasty and easy…I’m always happy to find a no-bake recipe for summer. I admire your stamina to set a table outdoors by your garden in this heat. The humidity has been oppressive! We’re horribly dry too and watched storms pop up on the radar last evening and then skip right by us. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some rain and slightly cooler temperatures by the end of the week. As always, it’s a treat to share tea with you on these Tuesdays. I hope your grand girls enjoy their Secret Garden Tea Party with you! Stay cool 💗
Thank you, Mary! I am excited I found that sweet teapot! I think you would enjoy the Swag Bars. We had rain yesterday and again this morning, and hopefully more to come this week! I hope it comes your way!
Pam your beautiful table for tea certainly doesn’t reflect the unbearable heat and looks so inviting. The story of your mom’s teapot is precious and dear. Your grands will have such a wonderful time at your Secret Garden Tea Party…you know I have my own Secret Garden and it is just magical each time I go out there…perhaps it is just my romantic and wondrous imagination and too much book reading! I must try the Swag Bars, they look so good. Thanks for sharing your tea table treasures and stay cool…
Thanks so much, Kari! I would so enjoy visiting your Secret Garden. I hope you get a chance to make the Swag Bars.
Oh, it’s all so fresh and cool looking, even in the midst of heavy heat. The Wedgewood pitcher is beautiful and perfect for flowers. Happy July days to you.
Thank you, Leslie Anne. I hope you are enjoying a lovely week!
Such a delightful evening tea party in your garden Pam, everything looks beautiful! It’s so colorful with your tablecloth, Wedgeworth pitcher of yellow marigolds and zinnias and the pretty pink floral teapot that was your mother’s. The egg salad stuffed tomatoes sound wonderful, and please pass the Swag bars, yum! I know your girls will get a kick out of the Secret Garden tea blend. Thank you for the lovely tea party!
Thank you, Jenna. I can’t wait to do a Secret Garden Tea with the girls. They get so excited and talk about it for days before. We are enjoying rain today!
Your table is stunning! My favorite thing is the floral arrangement of the zinnias and marigolds in the Wedgwood pitcher. I think tomatoes stuffed with egg salad sounds like a wonderful idea for a hot summer evening. If we get tons of tomatoes in our CSA subscription box today, I might make them this week! Stay cool!
Thank you, Ricki Jill. Yes, stuff the tomatoes with egg salad, perfect for summer! Happy week!
Thank you, Nancy!
Hello Pam, What a lovely evening tea party to have in your Garden. I love each and every detail. The teapot from your Dad’s place is such a treasure to find from your Mom’s collections! Your AC tablecloth is gorgeous! I may have to splurge and get an AC tablecloth for our dining room here.
The Queensware Pitcher with the marigolds and zinnias is such a lovely centerpiece. I think a few dishes for two would be okay to add to your collection. Why not? You Only Live Once! YOLO! I giggle typing this. I just found out the other day what YOLO means! 🙂
Thank you for the Swag Bar Recipe! How delightful! Sweet Man will love for me to make them for him!
By the way, I do enjoy reading Butch’s quotes! They make me smile each and every time!
Happy Tuesday!
Thanks so much, Nancy. I love my teapot discovery! I am afraid I have used the YOLO way too many times. I think Sweet Man will enjoy The Swag bar! Have a wonderful week!
Wonderful Tea time! What precious and unique teapot! Happy July, my dear Pam.
Thank you, sweet friend!
Pam, your setting sure makes it look a lot cooler than high 90s, which is what we’ve been having too. I was listening to local talk radio this morning and they had an extension agent speaking on the farmers’ issues with slugs in early spring and now the drought here in WV. Not only are gardens stressed, but so are the gardeners!
I love your majolica teapot and your tablecloth, Famille Rose plates. The chocolate mint sounds perfect for the Secret Garden blend tea. How fun to pick from your garden, both garnish and bouquet. Life is short, go for the new collection. Butch, are you reading???
ps thanks for the update on the chickens. I was one of those who asked.
Hi Rita, the garden is stressed and so are the gardeners! Thank you, Rita for your sweet visit. I will share your comment with Butch 😂
I love the table, and love you quoted Rick Bragg. Have you read “The Best Cook in the World”?
It is a keeper for sure, one to read more than once. We refer to the pecan pie story in my house whenever I make one! We are trying to beat the heat here in Arkansas as well.
Hi Cheryl, thank you so much! Rick Bragg grew up about 20 miles from where we live and his mother still lives there. I have most of his books, but not “The Best Cook in the World”. The first thing I read in my Southern Living is the back page that Rick Bragg writes. I must get the book!
Pam, an evening tea is perfect for these terribly hot summer days. Your tea setting is so beautiful! The April Cornell tablecloth is so pretty and its color palette pairs so perfectly with your WS plates. I adore your mother’s majolica teapot. I’m so happy you found it and shared it with us on your tea table. I know we are kindred spirits in our love of dishes. I say yes to collecting the Queensware pattern. It’s always fun to start a collection and look for pieces to add to it. All of your treats look scrumptious. I’ve got a ton of garden tomatoes. I think I will make some egg salad to stuff into a few. That sounds like the perfect lunch. Sweet friend, I have so enjoyed my visit for tea! Take care and stay cool in this awful heat!
Thank you, Shannon. Yes, we are kindred spirits in our love of dishes. Wishing you a beautiful day and stay cool, my friend!
Good evening Pam, Your table is very beautiful and inviting. The egg salad stuffed in the fresh tomatoes sounds wonderful. We’ve had cold meals today since it is so oppressively hot! I fried a whole chicken (cut it up, of course) yesterday and we had cold chicken for supper with cold sides tonight. Your majolica teapot is precious! I don’t drink hot tea or coffee, but I do love pretty teapots to decorate with, so maybe your Mom was drawn to it just because it was beautiful. She may have even bought it as a present for you and forgot she had it. My Mom did that sometimes and I do too when I see something and I know it’s perfect for someone. If too much time passes before an occasion to give it, I must rediscover it! I hope it was thrilling to find because your Mom would be so happy that you are using it. The Wedgewood pitcher is gorgeous with the giant marigolds and zinnias. It’s perfect for July. Thanks for the The Swag recipe. They sound delicious. Your table is magazine worthy as a southern evening tea table. It’s all so lovely! Have a wonderful evening! Clara❤️
Hi Clara, cold chicken and sides are perfect for these hot summer days! Your comments are so sweet and encourage me! ❤️
Love your pretty post in your cottage garden. Your marigolds are so pretty. They are good for insects too. Your darling butterfly chair was a perfect selection as well as your inviting treats and all of your pretty dishes. Finding your mother’s teapot was exciting I am sure.It is beautiful.
My father- in-law made a similar bar recipe but he used Hershey chocolate bars on the top to melt over the mixture. That is a good recipe.
Stay cool and hope we get some rain.
Thank you, Bonnie. The marigolds have been a wonderful annual addition. I will definitely order them for next year. Enjoy your week, my friend!
Thanks so much, Bonnie! I have been extremely happy with the giant marigolds and will be ordering them again for next year. I hope you and family are having a lovely time!
Absolutely lovely as always. That little teapot is a gem and so personal and special. I love your using the Wedgewood tankard for the pretty flowers. And Butch’s quote is spot on. And all the pieces just come together in a spot where I think we might all like to be!
Thank you so much, Jeanie! I was so excited to discover the tea pot! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Such a delightful setting & garden tea time Pam. It brightened my day today as it’s freezing cold here on the east coast of Australia with the mid winter chilly winds blowing up from the Antarctic.
Blessings sweet friend, Jennifer
The cold doesn’t sound very pleasant, it is extremely hot here. Blessings to you my friend!
Pam, such. Stunning sight, an evening tea in your glorious gardens. Your mother’s majolica teapot is so charming. Love the pretty colors and it looks lovely with those lavender tea cups.
Hopefully the weather cools down. This year has been extremely hot.
Thanks Linda for your sweet visit! Yes, it has been hot here also. We have had rain this week which we desperately needed!
Pam, your tea table is beautiful and you are indeed a dedicated artist to set one in such heat!! I am glad that it cooled off enough in the evening to enjoy it. The WS plates and lavender tea cups are perfect with the AC tablecloth, and that sweet majolica tea pot was a fabulous find at your daddy’s house. I can only imagine fresh eggs and how good they must be in egg salad – yum and the swag bars look delicious. I hope you and the grandgirls have the best ever Secret Garden tea party. Stay cool down there my friend!
Kim, you are always so sweet! We having been getting rain this week which helps with the temperatures! I was excited to discover the majolica teapot. I hope you are getting settled in your new home, my friend!
How charming! I love everything about this. The setting is so serene, the teapot is beautiful, I love the ice tea glasses with the short stems, the tomatoes look delicious, everything is so inviting. You have inspired me here. My Zinnias are just starting to come in. I hope they are as beautiful as yours.
Thanks so much for your visit! Enjoy the zinnias, cut the blooms and more will come back! Happy Weekend!
Your evening tea party looks cooling with the lovely colors in your tablecloth. And the majolica teapot looks like it was created especially for it. We used to get fresh eggs from a friend when we lived in New Hampshire and I can just imagine how good your egg salad stuffed tomatoes were.
Thank you, Karen. Fresh eggs, as you know really make a difference. We are experiencing cooler temps and rain, thankfully!
So happy to see Kitty featured again! It is always such a joy to visit with you sweet friend.
Thank you, Cheryl. Kitty is a sweetheart!