Hello friends and Happy March! I feel like I have finally turned the corner on this pneumonia. A special thanks to all who prayed for me and sent loving thoughts my way. It meant so much to know that sweet ladies were praying for me.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14 (ESV)
Winter seemed colder than usual in our Appalachian Foothills of Northeast Alabama. Thankfully, March brings the promise of Spring…flowers blooming and warmer temperatures.
It is Monday Morning Blooms with my friends, Lidy and Mary!
Today we welcome our special guest, Shannon, from Belle Bleu Interiors. Shannon is a sweetheart and needs no introduction, she has been our guest many times. You will find the links at the bottom of this post for Shannon, Lidy, and Mary.
Our theme for March is Blooming Bulbs!
Daffodils are the first to appear in late February. Several were blooming in our cottage garden, but I wasn’t ready to cut them! No need to worry, RM to the rescue. One spot across the creek in the edge of the pasture has an abundance of early blooming daffodils scattered about every year. RM says it is an old home place where nothing remains but memories and daffodils!
Sunshine Cottage is the perfect spot to garden indoors. I set up my little bulb garden below the window on the butcher block counter.
With me being under the weather, once again Butch to the rescue. He volunteered to go search for blooming bulbs in the grocery stores, Lowe’s, and Walmart. Before he purchased, he messaged me photos for approval. After 52 years of marriage, he is definitely a keeper! To be perfectly honest, he has spoiled me!
I love Muscari, better known as grape hyacinth. This little basket that stays in the cottage as a catch-all was used to hold the grape hyacinths. I lined it with plastic bags to keep the soil from spilling out and finished it off with moss. So quick and easy!
A tiny jeweled bluejay trinket box sits atop a favorite book of garden devotions that my dear friend, Rita from Panoply gifted me!
Portmeirion ‘Botanic Garden’ plates add more flowers to the countertop garden!
Purple hyacinths not only add gorgeous color, but an exotic fragrance.
“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”
~ Lewis Grizzard
Grape hyacinths seem to enjoy dancing in the garden!
No bulb garden would be complete without tulips. Spring is their season to bloom in stunning colors!
When I open the cottage door and see the blooming bulb garden and catch a whiff of the hyacinths, my senses are filled with wonder and delight. Such hope in knowing this; as lovely as these are arrayed, and as each is carefully tended by the Creator, so much more does He care for and nurture His people!
Enjoy the beautiful inspiration from my friends by clicking on their links below.
Lidy ~ French Garden House
Mary ~ Home Is Where the Boat Is
Shannon ~ Belle Bleu Interiors
Thank you for your visit and gracious comments. Wishing you a joy-filled week!
Linking with: Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Life and Linda
Good Morning Pam! I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better. What a beautiful and cheery setting your Sunshine Cottage is with your array of spring bulbs and blooms! Our daffies are blooming too and I’m partial to those sweet muscari in your pretty teacup and basket. Hyacinths are a favorite spring bloom for their fragrance and I know your cottage must smell heavenly! Butch is definitely a keeper for shopping and foraging for daffodils for you! As always, it’s a treat to join you for some flower therapy. Stay rested and hydrated, Happy March! 🌷 💗
that is a beautiful display in your cottage garden, Pam! The light coming through among the gorgeous bulb choices is beautiful. what time of day? Butch did an amazing job for you, shopping all the bulbs. your containers for display, along with the dishes, and even the texture of the window blind – definitely what I want to see to feel spring. I’m happy you’re doing better, amd glad you enjoy the book. the cottage is the perfect place for it. Happy MMB!
Spring bulb flowers are always so cheery and pretty. Our daffodils have barely begun to put up green shoots. We are a couple of weeks away from the happy flowers.
Hi Pam. So happy to hear you are feeling better. It is so nice that we are on the downhill slide into Spring. Maybe some of these viruses and pneumonia will cease. Ahhhh to see the daffodils and Tulips. New life and new amazing beauties in the garden. Have a great week.
Pam, thank goodness you have turned the corner. You have an amazing group of followers who love you and pray for you. Butch should teach a Sunday School class for young men on being a good husband. Daffodils are perhaps the happiest sight of spring. I love to drive by old, falling down barns and see sweeps of daffodils. It always makes me wonder about the loving hands who planted them long ago. I have a big swath of Lenten roses (hellebores) in full bloom. Not only were they a gift from a friend several years ago, he insisted on planting them for me when it was about 100 degrees! Continue to feel better. my sweet friend.
I am so thankful that you’re feeling better, Pam. Prayers from friends surely helped you. I know that your sunshine cottage filled your senses with such wonder when you opened the door to such happiness. I am going to do a blooming container like you and Mary have done. That will be such a fun activity. Your blooming plates are the perfect addition and yes, your hubby is certainly a keeper. Have a great week!
I can almost smell the cottage bulb garden Pam, I think the cottage would be the ideal place to rest and recover and sip tea that Butch brought❣️I had to laugh when I saw the quote by Lewis Grizzard. He was hilarious. So glad to know you are turning the corner to good health.
What a beautiful sight as one enters the Sunshine Cottage…I’m sure the fragrances and beauty make you smile and helps your healing. How marvelous that so many are praying for you…we love you sweet friend and so glad to hear you are on the mend. I am also blessed with a husband who goes out of his way to assist me…I am made aware of this fact every Friday as I prepare for my Bible Study ladies and he runs errands for last minute things I need for my desserts, etc. Have a great day…Blessings always
Good morning, Pam! First, I am so happy to read that you are feeling better. That is such wonderful news! Sunshine Cottage is the perfect spot to display all of your gorgeous spring blooms. The grape hyacinths look like they are dancing with joy in that pretty floral teacup. Those rich red tulips are so striking. The bright and happy daffodils with their sunshine faces just make me smile. Mine are just starting to pop up from the ground, and I can’t wait until they bloom. Your Portmeirion Plates are such a beautiful accompaniment to your spring blooms. I know I’ve said this before, but the way the sunlight streams into Sunshine Cottage makes such stunning photographs. You definitely chose the most fitting name for your cottage. Thanks so much for inviting me to join you today. Happy March my dear friend!
Pam, your beautiful bulb garden is a breath of fresh spring air this morning!! I love the Portmeirion plates mixed in with the flowers! A truly wonderful spring display!
What a rush of joy your bulb garden provides on a chore-filled morning…I am now braced to meet the challenge.. How well you set the Spring stage with the Portmeirion plates echoing the colorful blossoms.. an exquisite balance.. Soak in the lovely sunshine pouring through the window to add to your journey toward full recovery, dear one. Your Butch is a very special someone who loves in full measure toward that end. God is good and probably smiling over it all.
So pretty! Our downtown area is coveed in tulips now.the daffodils didn’t last long this year for some reason, but it’s still beautiful. You’ve collected a stunning group of lovely things to bring springtime to my computer! Thanks so much!
There is nothing like a bunch of daffodils to really cheer one up, make a room feel like spring! All these look so pretty, I think I’ll have to make a trip to Trader Joe’s to see if they have any bunches there and buy them out! They’re wonderful with your Portmerion behind them and the muscari, too. Beautiful, Pam!
Hello Pam, so glad you are starting to feel better. Your pretty blooms in Sunshine Cottage are a lovely nod to spring. I love the placements of your Portmerion plates. Daffodils are blooming now in our area. Gotta love tulips and hyacinths. Enjoy the rest of your week and be well.
Oh, Pam, I could sit in your Sunshine Cottage and visit with you among all the blooming spring flowers! The fragrance of the hyacinths is heavenly!
Your Portmeirion dishes and flowering bulbs are exquisite!
You have made your Sunshine Cottage a place of Spring!
Glad you are feeling better.
Thank you for inviting us in.
Happy Monday!