“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”
Philippians 2:3
Hello sweet friends! Welcome to the hot and humid Appalachian Foothills of Alabama. Can you believe this is the third Friday of June? That means I am joining my talented blogging friends for Floral Friday.
With the heat and humidity ever so present, my thoughts take me away to a tropical island in the Caribbean, sitting under an umbrella with sea breezes and a good book to read! Mr. Renaissance Man is not particularly fond of a tropical getaway. So I did the next best thing. I set up my own little tropical paradise under the arbor!
I recently asked the hubby if we could put a hammock under the arbor, but he said it wasn’t wide enough. Not to be defeated, I moved a wrought iron chaise lounge and it works quite well. The chaise was my inspiration for my tropical getaway.
Shirley, Lidy, and Mary are extremely talented and creative ladies. You will not want to miss their floral inspiration. Their links are at the bottom of my post.READ MORE