“But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.”
Habakkuk 2:20
Hello sweet friends. Spring has been bursting out all over our Appalachian Foothills. With a mandatory stillness, I have enjoyed this spring more than any in my recent memory. Last week was filled with gardening and working outside…enjoying God’s beautiful creation surely lifts my spirit!
Can you believe it is already the third Monday of the month and that means a new edition of Monday Morning Blooms with my lovely blogging friends. As we continue sheltering at home, I am more aware of simple pleasures…a cup of coffee, a good book, conversations with my hubby, preparing meals, sitting on the patio, and listening to music, to mention just a few. And more than a simple pleasure has been time with my Heavenly Father. When life returns to whatever the new normal will be, I hope I don’t forget the important lessons of being still and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.
So what does one do when you can’t go out and purchase flowers at the grocery store and your garden is not yet in bloom?
I decided I would not fret. I know I can always find wildflowers in our woods…those pretty blooms that I used to call weeds. Our common theme for this Monday Morning Blooms is “anything goes”, which is perfect for our current situation.
You will find the links for my talented blogging friends at the bottom of this post.READ MORE