“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.””
Isaiah 52:7
Last week Pam and I were a few miles apart, as she was home in Alabama, and I was camped out in Montana. On SSSunday, we typically share a variety of things we have both encountered around home while going about our everyday living. Today we have chosen to deviate a little, keeping it simple, but not quite as “southern”! It was a blessing to have an opportunity to spend some days with our son Seth, and a few friends, in the great outdoors!
As the sun is coming up behind us, we are traveling on wet ground at around 5000 feet but snow fell during the night at slightly higher elevations. In fact it is still snowing on the peaks in front of us. We did hit these ridges later in the morning but abundant sunshine had taken care of the snow before we trekked that far.
Speaking of camping…Seth and I lived here for 6 nights. The wood stove kept us cozy at night. A wall tent is a bit more roomy than a pup tent! READ MORE