“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
Romans 12:12
Happy Tuesday sweet friends. As I am watching the projected path of Hurricane Florence, I am praying for all of you who are in harm’s way. I am sure you are getting prepared and battening down the hatches.
I would be amiss not to mention the significance of this day 17 years ago. It’s one of those moments that everyone remembers where they were when our country was attacked and those Twin Towers fell. As Americans, we will always remember the tragedy of that day and the lives that were lost.
With hurricanes lined up in the ocean, and the grief our country experiences on this day, 9/11, sharing a tablescape seems rather frivolous, but hopefully this will be a bright spot in your day!
Late Sunday afternoon was challenging as ominous thunderstorms and lightning were nearby. I set a record time of one hour to set the table, photograph, take it down, and put it all away. Why can’t I always do that? Please grab a garden chair and join me for a rooster parade!
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I had no ideas for a tablescape this week and to be perfectly honest, that happens often. I opened up my linen closet to look at tablecloths and my eyes fell on a lovely French inspired toile one. I remembered that I had napkins that matched the border on the cloth, so a plan quickly developed!
The Fitz and Floyd roosters came out of hiding to join the roosters parading on the tablecloth.