“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”
Galatians 6:2
Hello sweet friends, I am so glad you are here. Spring is still a couple of months away, and even though I love all four seasons, I thought a little garden therapy would be a welcomed change! Let’s take a dip into my archives for a few gardening posts today! But first, a fun little thing that happened this week…
I always look forward to Southern Lady in my mailbox. It is a favorite publication of mine as are all the Hoffman Media Publications. You can imagine my surprise when my sweet friend Bonnie at Living With Thanksgiving sent me a text…
…”Everyday Living is on page 13.”
I couldn’t get to my mailbox fast enough. See our garden in the bottom right-hand corner!!! I know it is only a small photo from my Instagram, but that didn’t lessen my excitement!READ MORE