“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth”
1 John 3:18
Hello dear friends! Last Thursday, Butch and I slipped away for a four day getaway to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. FOURTY-FIVE! I can hardly believe it…they have flown by. The love that Christ has for His Children is what we strive for in our marriage…through the ups and downs of our everyday living! I am so thankful for His mercy and grace and how He continues to write our love story!
So you are probably asking, “well, where did you go?” You may have seen last week’s Simple + Southern Sunday…and it was a little hint! You are invited to be an armchair traveler today, we are honored to have you join us in beautiful Highlands, North Carolina!
We drove 4 1/2 hours to arrive in Highlands, NC at Half Mile Farm, our first time to stay at this beautiful inn. We have been guests at Old Edwards a couple of times and love its refined English style and attention to detail.
As you can see, it is lovely!