Isaiah 26:3-4
Happy Tuesday dear friends…I hope you are having a great week so far. A couple of years ago, Butch and I visited the British Isles…Scotland, Wales, England, and Ireland. While in Ireland we spent a day in the city of Waterford, famous for its exquisite crystal. Of course, we had to take time to visit the factory and the showroom. I am digging back into the archives to share a tablescape that was presented in their sparkling showroom. You can see the original post here and read a little of the history of the House of Waterford Crystal. Be sure to read to the bottom of the post to find out the winner of Chef Frank Stitt’s cookbook, “Bottega Favorita”.
A large 72 inch table set with sparkling crystal, fine china, and sterling silver. I wouldn’t have a clue how much this would cost, but obviously thousands. We can always enjoy looking!READ MORE