“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'”
John 7:38
Days spent with my hubby are always my favorites. Last Thursday, Butch had to travel for business and I decided to tag along! I always look forward to spending a day riding in his truck, talking, listening to music, finding good local food, and taking a little nap…not for him, but for me! Makes for a perfect day! As we were driving about an hour outside of Atlanta, I noticed a sign for Madison…and although we’ve never been there, it rang a bell. I had just read that Southern Living Readers voted Madison as one of the top ten South’s Best Small Towns. I mentioned to Butch that we should stop there, but we were on a tight schedule so he said we would make a stop on our way home if it wasn’t dark. We went on to our final destination and guess what? On our way back, there was plenty of daylight left! Just as he promised, we stopped and took a short stroll in this lovely small Southern town. Lace up your shoes and take a walk with me…I covered a lot of ground in less than an hour!
You may want to stroll through a few more cities with me:
Strollin’ Through Savannah
The Colors of Seaside
The Magnolia House was built circa 1860 and has undergone extensive renovations to restore its Queen Anne-style architecture.
The Fitzpatrick House, circa 1852, boasts Neoclassical features. A large portion of Madison’s existing residential historic architecture was completed between 1830 and 1860.READ MORE