“…I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”
Jeremiah 31:3
Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet friends, wishing you a day filled with lots of love and laughter! Do you have plans with your sweetheart tonight? I have been a little under the weather due to an outpatient surgery last week, but don’t worry, I have been well taken care of! My sweet hubby brought home an orchid on Thursday, roses on Friday, and tulips on Sunday…he is definitely a keeper! Our sweet Katy has prepared Whole 30 meals and delivered them to us and they were so delicious…and guess what else she brought? A beautiful orchid! A girl can never have too many flowers, right? I have felt very loved!
Like I said, I have been showered with lots of flowers, so deciding on a centerpiece was quite easy. Although at first glance, it looks like one set for February 14th, today’s setting can be an anytime table…Valentine’s Day, Sunday dinner, or an evening with friends. Pull out a chair and join us for an evening of Black Tie and Red Roses…no formal attire necessary, the dress is casual at our house…we love our tees and jeans!
American Atelier dinner plates in the “Baroque” pattern…simple gold flatware…and causal stemware rest on black and gold placemats.
Tall candlestands flank the centerpiece.