“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands”
Isaiah 55:12
Haven’t you all loved the tours we’ve been on of beautiful gardens and unbelievable views? I am still amazed that these places are right here in my hometown! Each stop we have made has had unique elements, and I have gleaned ideas from each one! Today, we round out the tour and you are in for a real treat! The two final stops on the tour made me forget I was in Northeast Alabama! Today, let’s start off in a mini-paradise, and at the end, we will find ourselves wandering around in an unbelievable rose garden!
With the swaying palm trees, I felt as if I were in a resort somewhere in the Caribbean!
A cabana with kitchen, pool table, and tv for entertaining!READ MORE