Proverbs 27:19
If you’ve been following our blog for any time at all, you’ve probably seen that our favorite place to be on the planet is our home here in the Appalachian foothills. But, one thing we love to do is travel. I guess you can say we are wanderlusts at heart! But it hasn’t always been that way…
When Butch and I married, I had only been to three states, and he had been to maybe six or seven. The opportunity to see the world was only a dream. In those days, the possibility of traveling beyond the borders of a few southeastern states was believed to only be attainable by the wealthy. This world is a big place, and I am so grateful for the privilege of placing our feet on five continents and forty one countries. Travel has expanded our horizons, helped us understand different cultures, and enabled us to get a glimpse of what others may face in their everyday living.