“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus,
for he will save his people from their sins”
Matthew 1:21
We change things up a bit from year to year with our Christmas decor…we occasionally add a new decoration or a new wrinkle to an old standard when preparing for Christmas. Most of us do change out a few things from time to time. Wear and tear gets it’s way and replacements must be found. But, there are those traditions, objects, displays, and items that we hang onto as long as possible. These “old ways” help keep memories alive! It’s amazing too, how each year bringing out the old also stirs our hearts with new thoughts and a fresh awareness of things to come.
But one of the things we have not changed is our kitchen porch. In fact, we have changed very little in the past ten years, since acquiring the nutcrackers that stand guard! They are beginning to show their age, so we want to use them as long as possible! So, as the saying goes, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!”…today, I am sharing last year’s kitchen porch post with you!
Yes, Christmas is a celebration of a “one of a kind” past event, but at the same time it is a declaration of a glorious event yet to come. So, doing it like we’ve done it for years is great for both memories and future hopes. In the words of a George Strait song….”So leave the world behind you, let the spirit find you, and have an old time Christmas for old times sake”The large nutcrackers have welcomed guests to our kitchen porch for many years!
Believe it or not, we bought these wooden nutcrackers at Wal-Mart
We love their bright and festive colors, and they stand almost five feet tall!
Butch always cuts fresh pine for our door. It smells like Christmas when you walk up the steps!
A simple wreath is all that is needed!
We have to be careful when choosing a door mat, Oreo is very finicky! I think he approves!
Candle lanterns light the steps at night!
It is almost dark and the candles are burning as Christmas music plays outside when guests arrive!
Photo bombed by Oreo!
This is a detached garage which is often confused for a guest house. We have talked about converting it for guests or an office for Butch. But, where would all of his junk be stored if we made that decision?! Butch built this building at least twenty five years ago. For most of those twenty five years, we have decorated its front door and windows for Christmas! Santa was made by my friend, Delilah so very long ago!
On our first trip to Colonial Williamsburg in the late 1970’s, we saw their beautiful fruit fans over the doorways. Southern Living magazine (I am a long-time subscriber), a few years later gave instructions on how to make the fan. And ever since, Butch has made this beautiful apple fan with a pineapple for its center as a symbol of hospitality!
“O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord”
–O Come All Ye FaithfulTwo nuts and a nutcracker!
Linking with Pieced Pastimes, Silver Pennies, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Thoughts From Alice, Coastal Charm, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, Ivy and Elephants, French Country Cottage, From My Front Porch To Yours, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Charm of Home, Cornerstone Confessions, A Delightsome Life, Imparting Grace, Posed Perfection, Katherines Corner, Rooted In Thyme, Share Your Cup, The Enchanting Rose, 21 Rosemary Lane, Northern Nesting, Cozy Little House, Rattlebridge Farm, Rustic & Refined