God Bless America. Three words that have been spoken and written thousands upon thousands of times. Words stated by people from all walks of life and for all sorts of occasions. And, likely for all sorts of reasons.
We all know that phrases like this have been used a million times because they sound nice. At certain times and in certain places a proclamation like this can make the “proclaimer” seem sincere…maybe even religious…a caring and decent person. Quite often these are all true.
I am thankful for so many who know God and truly call out to Him on behalf of America. God has blessed and has been merciful to our nation and merciful to me as an individual. With these three words in mind, I reflect on a day from the early 90’s. It was a day of borrowing it seems. I had borrowed a truck to haul some gravel for our driveway. I had borrowed a tractor to spread the gravel.
As I rode along in that truck I took notice of two things that really caught my eye that day. A lot had been on our minds as Americans as this was soon after the Persian Gulf crisis and first Gulf War. I saw a lot of yellow ribbons tied on trees and fence posts and various other places. There were also numerous displays of “God Bless America ” on signs and marquees and even some bumper stickers. I was thrilled to see such a display but other thoughts came to me quickly. Weathered but enduring, this seems to say, “Come home soon!”
Will this soon be an antique?
I realized how much God had blessed America, but my thoughts were not about the traditional things that come to mind when we discuss “blessings”. Things like freedom, prosperity, and opportunity. I only had an old sack in the borrowed truck, so I stopped at the home of a friend and borrowed pen and paper. The result of all this borrowing turned into another one of my songs. The title is “God Has Blessed America” and I thank you for allowing me to share parts of it with you.
In dawns early light Christian soldiers arise, in any town U S A.
Giving thanks for this right, for Him guarding our night,
In God we trust another day.
At our harbor He stands reaching out seeking man, Glory’s Author of liberty
Leaving heavens delights, He gave up His rights, to make our hearts
the land of the free.
God has blessed America by sending us His Son
Constituted above, a declaration of love, freedom offered to everyone.
A treaty for peace and for prisoner release, before any war was won.
God has blessed America through Jesus Christ His Son.
Come tired, come weary, find rest in this land
by His blood your deed receive.
There’s peace in this country His saints call their home,
a dwelling place for all who believe.
Stand proud dear pilgrim, lift up your voice
with a shout let freedom ring.
Our founding Father now reigns from on high
He is Savior, Lord and King.
Repeat Chorus We never display our old heavy cotton flag. It is old and faded but very special. We’ve had it a long time. We wish we knew its history but we don’t. We do know it is at least 56 years old. Count the stars.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost”
Luke 19:10
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