“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
As beautiful weather settles in with blue skies and warmer temps, I have found myself outside a lot lately. As most of you know we have started our outdoor landscaping project, (you can see progress here: Backyard Beginnings), and that has kept me busy outdoors. With nice days arriving, I have also been hard pressed to find an excuse not to be outside exercising! Do you exercise? In our family, we all exercise and each have our own story as to how we started and what keeps us motivated. Today, Butch and I will share, and make sure you stay tuned for part two as Seth, Allison, and Katy share theirs!
Pam’s Story
Exercise…most folks either love it or hate it! There is no neutral ground. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with it! My exercise routine has had it’s ebbs and flows through the years! I was fairly active until Butch and I married and settled into our everyday living! We began camping as a young married couple and I learned to waterski, but that was about the extent of my physical activity! By my late twenties, I started a walking routine on our little country road and it became something I loved! The view that I was able to take in each day really helped too! I never will forget the day that I decided to run the entire distance which was four miles…I couldn’t believe I had actually accomplished this milestone. Talk about motivating!
Running became a way of life! I ran 4 days a week…my four miles became a routine! In 1985, after many years of praying for a child, we were finally expecting! At this point, I went back to my walking routine. After the birth of our son, I tried to run and walk but it was hard to find time to exercise, and it was no longer a priority.
Twenty three years later, in 2008, I found myself needing to lose weight and take better care of myself. At this point, I incorporated a healthy eating plan and started walking again. I lost the weight and guess what…I felt great! I continued the walking program until 2012 and decided I would throw a little running in with the walking. To my surprise, I ran a mile and walked a mile on that cold January day and within a couple of weeks I was running two miles! I even ran my first organized 5k in 2012! Today, I continue my two miles a day four or five times a week on the same road I began walking on many years ago…although now it is more of a jog than a run! Do I love it? Well, not exactly! It takes all the discipline I can muster to make myself go outside and start…but once I am out there, I am so glad! I have found it to be a great time to listen to worship music, pray, and a great time to reflect on the goodness of God!
Butch has always been my inspiration for exercise…he is like the “energizer bunny”! I want to be able to keep up with him as we hike trails in the Rockies above Vail, ride horses in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana, or run along the beach on the Emerald Coast! But most importantly, I get to run. What a gift of God’s mercy as a mature ?? year old, that I am able to run. I encourage you to start some form of exercise. You may not love it today, but in a year, you will look back and be so glad you started!
“…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint”
Isaiah 40:31
Butch’s Story
I had no interest in competing or even running in a fun run or event. I was strictly running to stay in shape, to feel better, and to chase away a few pounds. But one day while jogging alone, a notion struck me that I should run in an event. And before the day was over I announced to Pam I was entering a running event for the first time and I had decided on a marathon. Now who in their right mind makes 26.2 miles their first ever “fun run”? I never admitted it then but I think it was a pride thing. My next birthday would be the half century mark and I think proving I could do it was a factor. Not necessarily proving it to others but to myself. So I read books and magazines on how to prepare and with the help of my experienced friend I found myself registered and ready to go about 6 months later. I did run it in a decent time, averaging over 6 miles per hour for the distance. It takes an incredible amount of work and discipline both physically and mentally to be able to do that. I was over it, turned 50 a few months later, and have had no desire to tackle 26.2 again. Another (and more likely) factor in all this is having a 15 year old son that you love to do things with. You have to stay in shape if you want to participate in activities like skiing black diamonds in the Colorado mountains.
I still do my best to find time for running and lifting weights. I did both today. It’s more challenging than ever but possibly more important than ever. I consider it a privilege and a demonstration of Gods Mercy each and every time I can get out and get moving and do the things I do. This can change in an instant as I am well aware. An accident 8 years ago that I should have never survived much less find myself able to run again is a constant reminder for me of God’s Sovereignty and Grace. It’s a story of miracles that I may share more about in the future. I do believe that God, as part of His plan, allowed me to be in very good physical condition at that time and He used this as part of His work for me to survive. When possible, getting outdoors and enjoying creation is the best, but an inside workout is great too. I do not presume upon the future and for sure these bodies wear out and give up. That could be today, and if so, I can only be thankful. And if not, I’ll try to find a little time over the next couple of days to hit it again!
1 Timothy 4:8