“And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good”
Genesis 1:11-12
It is that time of year…the sun is shining and things are turning back to their beautiful green color! It’s also the time I always start thinking about new landscaping and gardening! Last Saturday, a landscaper came and spent a couple of hours as we discussed the projects we have in mind. Our first order of business is our back yard. Let me explain!
We have a 6 or 7 acre pasture at the rear of our property. As the years have passed, our back yard space has gotten larger and harder to maintain. The pasture is still used for hay and for all the wildlife that often stop and visit…deer, turkeys, raccoons, fox, and unfortunately armadillos! With that being said, space is certainly not an issue!
Now back to the landscaper…hopefully he will return in a couple of weeks to finalize our plan. Not wanting to be unprepared, I have been researching all the possibilities-and they are endless! In all of my searching and pinning, I found many looks that I would love to see out my kitchen window! Since we do not live in a fantasy world, and we do have a budget, there is much to consider! We do live in the country and I want, appropriately, to have a rustic and inviting feel. I also want to keep an herb garden and a small vegetable garden, both of which we have had for years. Perennials, annuals, walking paths, and architectural elements are just a few of the things that would make my backyard a dream! I would love to use a small bronze fountain that I have, but they are difficult to maintain and Butch is not fond of that idea! With all of this on my mind, I decided to share some ideas I am considering. I will keep you updated on the progress and I hope to share the finished project with you!
Click on the photo to view original source.
And be sure to visit my Pinterest board, Outdoor Spaces!
The white gate with the basket of flowers and the
stone columns is perfect for a front entrance,
but I am thinking for the entrance into my garden! Love the hostas and the overgrown look!
A brick path with flowers spreading is my
ideal walkway! I already have the white iron bench! I like the rustic feel of this country garden…
picket fence and rough wood arbor! English style kitchen garden with herbs
and vegetables and flowers surrounding the perimeters! I know that Butch can build this arbor!
This might be a favorite! Can you imagine this English cottage garden
in your back yard? This is a perfect spot for alfresco dining for
just the two of us! Another dining option!
Faux bois table and chairs…perfection but not
budget friendly! I would like to have a space for relaxing and
entertaining in a garden just like this!
Am I dreaming big? A perfect English garden!
The forest green garden fence blends seamlessly
into the landscape! How clever is this – an old screen door as a garden gate!
Architectural elements such as this armillary
always adds interest! Love…love…love
Vegetable garden and chicken coop!! Probably not, but I can still dream!
So, what about you? Do you have plans for an herb or vegetable garden? Are you making any changes in your landscape this spring? We love your thoughts and comments! Thank you for sharing your life with us!
“For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all the nations”
Isaiah 61:11
Linking with Pieced Pastimes, It’s Overflowing, Silver Pennies, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Thoughts From Alice, Pink When, Mod Vintage Life, Coastal Charm, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Dedicated House, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, Ivy and Elephants, French Country Cottage, From My Front Porch To Yours, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Style Sisters, The Charm of Home, The Winthrop Chronicles, Cornerstone Confessions, A Delightsome Life, Imparting Grace, Craftberry Bush, Posed Perfection, Katherines Corner, My Romantic Home, Chic On A Shoestring Decorating, Rooted In Thyme, Share Your Cup, The Enchanting Rose, Alabama Womens Bloggers