“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction”
Proverbs 1:7
That ’55 Oldsmobile came to a stop and I could hardly contain my excitement as my daddy and I pulled up at the Public Library. The flight of stairs seemed more like Mount Everest, as they stood between me and thousands of books that would soon be my reality! What a big deal this after-school outing was for an 8 year old! I still remember the musty smell of that old building.
The sun was hot and the days were long, but the bookmobile always proved to be the highlight of the summer. Walking that quarter mile stretch seemed like an eternity to my ten year old legs because of the anticipation, but once I entered that little library on wheels, THIS was what the summer was all about! My arms were tired after carrying the maximum number of books they would let me check out, but it was well worth it.
“Books will be your window to the world”. I will never forget hearing those words from my sixth grade teacher. And I had no idea how true these words would prove to be. Books would be the avenue by which I would travel to my first country. They would be my introduction to Betsy Ross, Abraham Lincoln, and the iconic Jacqueline Kennedy. They would also introduce me to Lois Lenski, who allowed me to travel to other states in the US, and allowed my 12 year old eyes to see something bigger than a small town in northeast Alabama.
These are only a few of the stories that I could share with you that have, over time, helped to develop my passion for books and reading. It is a safe bet to say that I have hundreds of books that I have collected and read over the years. I have them stacked for decorating. I have them on shelves. I have softback. I have hard back. Some have yellowed pages. Many have written notes in the margins. My love for reading has only grown over the years. Books have taught me the art of self-education and have truly opened my eyes to the world. With that in mind, I want to introduce to you our new series “Bookends”. Since Butch and I both share this love, we decided to share this part of our lives with you all! We will do this series monthly, and there is no telling what we will share. Maybe a book review. Maybe how to decorate with books. Maybe even a guest blogger and their take on it all. This week, I want to share what I would add to our home if I could…(can you guess?)…a library that would encompass the whole of what I love!
I like everything about this bookcase…arched top, library ladder, black shelves, and real books!
The cozy sofa with its needlepoint pillows and olive color bookcases with library lamps makes for an inviting place to curl up with a book!
A fireplace is perfect for a library!
This is a small room but it has everything you need…comfortable chairs, good lighting, and plenty of shelves!
The warm woods invite you into this library with its oversized chair, wood burning fireplace, and the wow factor pendant light!
The robin’s egg blue ceiling is a beautiful addition to this reading room with its twin sofas and interesting artwork!
I would love to have this skirted round table to keep current readings within easy reach!!
A desk like the one seen here would definitely be included in my dream library! And aren’t these custom built-in bookcases exquisite?!
My recommendations for this month are:
1) a devotional by an outstanding Christian woman of our day and
2) a story of a wife and mother finding meaning in every breath!
“Keep a Quiet Heart” by Elisabeth Elliott is a book of short essays written by one who has experienced loss and pain, but more importantly, she has experienced the assurance of knowing her Father is in control. Personally, I have found that to keep a quiet heart is to silence the noise and listen for that still small voice.
Kara Tippetts’, “The Hardest Peace” is a must read! She writes, “this is not a book about trying to win at having the hardest story. This book is about a broken woman on the journey to know the hardest peace. Peace in the midst of hard…hard is often the vehicle Jesus uses to meet us, point us to that peace, and teach us grace.” Kara was diagnosed with terminal cancer and she keeps an up-to-date blog of her story and the hope she has here: Mundane Faithfulness.
Both of these books have encouraged my walk with The Lord and I know they will do the same for you.
“We read to know that we are not alone”
-C.S. Lewis
Linking with Pieced Pastimes, It’s Overflowing, Be Different Act Normal, Silver Pennies ,Life on Lakeshore Drive, Thoughts From Alice, Rustic-Refined, Pink When, Mod Vintage Life, Coastal Charm, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Dedicated House, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, Ivy and Elephants, French Country Cottage, From My Front Porch To Yours, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict,Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Style Sisters, The Charm of Home, The Winthrop Chronicles, Cornerstone Confessions, A Delightsome Life, Imparting Grace, Craftberry Bush, Posed Perfection, Katherines Corner, My Romantic Home, Chic On A Shoestring Decorating, Rooted In Thyme, Share Your Cup, The Enchanting Rose, Alabama Womens Bloggers
Pam, If you haven’t read Sophie Hudson’s “Home is Where My People Are”, you are missing a treat! She is the author of BooMama Blog! She also has another book that is equally as good!
Jenny, thank you so much for the recommendation! I am familiar with Sophie, but I haven’t read her books. I will definitely read! Blessings, Pam
P.S. Thank you for reading my little blog!
Oh yes……..any trip to the library was/is a special day!! Hubster and I go to the library regularly on “date nights” :^)
Added to the love of reading, I am a music minister with WAY TOO MUCH music!! Hymnbooks take up an entire bookcase…. Music is not something that you can downsize because the time lapse between getting rid of a few books, and needing them again is about two weeks :^(
Thanks for the lovely photos..maybe I can rearrange and get a few more books in my shelving areas.
Blessings to you,
Thank you so much for your gracious comments. My husband and I have been involved with music all our married life and we have more than we can keep up with, along with books and magazines. Blessings on your ministry! Pam
Very pretty libraries.
Thanks for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!
Thanks to you, Cindy! Blessings, Pam
Can I put on a Belle costume and just spin around the round table as I take it all in?
Jeri, thank you for your funny comment and I give your permission! Blessings, Pam
These are all wonderful examples of libraries, I would LOVE to have any one of them!
Juanita, I would gladly take any of them myself! Thanks for reading and commenting! Blessings, Pam
What beautiful libraries! We really like books here and have our own library… but not as big as those you have pictured. 🙂
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! It is good to know that I am not the only one who still loves books! Blessings, Pam
I love these! My favorite is the small one with the fireplace. Love the natural light and it’s so cozy. I always laugh when I see posts and article on “styling” bookcases and bookshelves. There’s nothing to style on mine; they’re full of books!
Ellen, I so agree. There is nothing more interesting than a bookcase full of books! Thank you for reading and commenting! Blessings, Pam
I loved going to the library when I was little and still get an excited feeling when I go at this olden age. 🙂
BJ, thank you! Books are an important part of our lives! We always are in the middle of two or three at the same time! Blessings, Pam
Oh me too, me too. I would have one full wall of books. Love the pictures you shared.
Carol, good to know that I am not the only one who loves books! Thanks for reading and commenting! Blessings, Pam
Mmmm… beautiful books, how I love thee! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many delightful books {you have put a smile upon my face} 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing at ROI. I hope you join us again next week. Also, I love how you begin each post with a verse – that is a blessing! Hugs!
Stephanie, such encouraging words that you shared! I have only been blogging since last August, so much to learn! Blessings, Pam
Something about libraries is that they are as beautiful to look at as they are for taking you on adventures. Reading take you to a whole new place! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Yes, Jann reading takes us so many places that my eyes will never see! Thanks, Pam
I would love so much to have a library in my home! Thanks for inspiring us on the Thursday Blog hop! Please stop by to enter the very special giveaway on http://www.over50feeling40.com
Thank you Pam for commenting and the opportunity to share on your blog hop! Blessings, Pam