“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
When January rolls around each year, most of us make a list of things we want to accomplish…whether they be personal goals or a “honey do” list for around the house! We are well into January 2017 and although I didn’t set many personal goals, I sure am thinking about all the projects that I had hoped to complete last year! Most of them never even got started….but there is a good reason for that, and her name is Ella Mae. Becoming a grandmother was and is at the top of the priority list! My major project that I shared last year was to redesign and repurpose my two guest bedrooms. Well let’s say that was a big project and it took a backseat to decorating her nursery and ooh-ing and ahh-ing over her!
We also love to travel and we decided many years ago to not put off seeing the world until later, but do it now.
Needless to say, Ella Mae and travel won out over the guest bedroom project.
This year, I am being a little more realistic with what I hope to accomplish and I am so hoping to complete at least one of the guest rooms this year. First things first: the color palette. Since I have always loved blue and white, and it is truly classic…that is my plan. I also love toile…so you guessed it…a blue and white toile bedroom it is! I have designed countless bedrooms using toile, but it has never made it’s way into my home…until now! In my younger years, I wanted to decorate according to what was the trend at the time, but now I always stay true to my personal style and what is pleasing to my eye! So bring on the blue and white!!
The blue and white fabric is pretty, but I will not be using wallpaper…the antique table between the beds warms up the space.
I love the pale blue wall color, white bedding, plaid rug, and window treatment fabric…I guess you could say I love this room. However, the chandy is too small for me.
Toile mixed with check always works…the grasscloth adds texture and softens the blue and white.
The trellis drapery panels and the chairs are a beautiful shade of blue.
Love the canopy and bedding!
Beautiful fabrics and furnishings!
The layered blue and white bedding is so pretty!
My friend, Shirley from Housepitality Designs has a beautiful guest room in blue and white…who would ever want to leave this peaceful space?
I am unsure when we will get started, my goal is to have it finished by late summer. New flooring is involved, so it will be a little more time consuming, and of course, it will be a huge mess! Do you have home projects planned this year?
Be sure to come back on Monday as I join Chloe from Celebrate & Decorate and other talented bloggers for A Romantic Table For Two Blog Hop! You don’t want to miss!
Thank you for visiting and for your comments! I love each one!
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21 Rosemary Lane, Share Your Cup
Oh I love the blue and white inspirations Pam. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Thanks so much, Cindy!
Pam, I love your decorating style. All of these rooms are absolutely gorgeous! I can’t wait to see what you do. I know it will be beautiful!!!
Shannon, thanks so much. Can’t wait to get started!
Todo es hermoso y crea un ambiente relajado y limpio…pero sin duda alguna me quedo con la primera foto. Es una habitación realmente preciosa y original. El suelo a cuadros me enloquece y la variedad de motivos a cuadros diferentes y hasta florales hace que sea un lugar muy bello.
Me encanta…me encanta…me encanta…te felicito. Un abrazo
Everything is beautiful and creates a relaxed and clean … but I will definitely take the first photo. It is a really lovely and original room. The checkered floor makes me crazy and the variety of different plaid motifs and even floral makes it a very beautiful place.
I love … I love … I love … I congratulate you. A hug
Querida Dolores, gracias dulce amiga. ¡Espero conseguir el proyecto completado este año! Abrazos, Pam
Dearest Dolores, thanks sweet friend. I hope to get the project completed this year! Hugs, Pam
All the bedrooms are gorgeous. I have a blue and white guest room with touches of green like Shirley. It really isn’t finished so maybe you’ll inspire me. Can’t wait to see your new room. It will be beautiful I’m sure.
Bonnie, just hoping to get started and complete it!
Love the twin beds with blue walls and yes, the “chandy” needs to be larger. ?
Thanks so much, Jo Ann?
What is a “Chaney”???
Hi Nina, a “chandy” is a chandelier! You found an old post, so happy you visited!
Nothing major on the horizon for me this year….maybe new carpet in the bedroom or just having the old stretched back into place. However you choose to do your blue and white, it will be totally you.
Thanks, Linda…just ready to get going on some projects that are long over-due!
Love your bedroom in blue. Breathtaking. A project I hope to accomplish is painting the kitchen then maybe the bedrooms.
Thanks Marion! I know you are excited to start your project…wishing you a wonderful week!
You can’t go wrong with blue and white. It’s classic, and everyone loves it. Except for the one cousin who is Goth. Then they’ll want black walls.
Fortunately, I don’t think we have any Goth in the family!!?
I was pinning away and then saw my guest room!….thanks so much dear friend! I like you, and trying to stiff up my guest room…in-between the pleasant distractions of our lives! Grandbabies and travel are a good thing!!!
Shirley, you are right, some things take precedence over our decorating!
What beautiful bedrooms! I love the blue and white bedroom I decorated a couple of years ago with our son in mind. I’m itching to girl it up a little with blue and white toile – maybe on the windows. Fun Son just moved to start his first “career job” and needs some window treatments, so maybe I’ll share the old ones. He did hint at that while moving, so we’ll see. I know what you mean about projects. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed! What’s that old commercial? “Calgon, take me away!” Ha. Ella Mae is looking more like her mom. She’s such a beautiful baby and looks just as sweet!
Kim, I am in the process of looking for the perfect toile fabric…I have been out of the loop for a few years, so now I have to research!
Whatever you decide it’s going to be beautiful. There is something about blue and white that is so fresh and instantly relaxing. It’s classic because it is truly beautiful. I always love seeing Shirley’s guest room, and have told her she’s going to have trouble getting her guests to leave 🙂 Have fun decorating Pam! My plan for 2017 is to clean out and donate!
Thank you, Jenna. I have already been doing some cleaning and donating, but tons more to do! I have to get the hubs busy cleaning out all of his stuff!
I love the blue and white. I have curtains from minted that are going to serve as the inspiration for my bedroom re-do. I love the ideas in your room! I can hardly wait to do mine!
Helen, can’t wait to start on my project…I know your re-do will be beautiful!
Blue and white, checks and = 4ever! blessings, Karen from Oregon
Karen, I am so glad you agree…have a wonderful week!
“…checks and toile”
I also love blue and white rooms. All the rooms selected are truly beautiful.
Thanks so much, Carol! Have a joy-filled week!
These are all beautifully detailed rooms in blue and white. Hard to pick just one as a favorite but I do like the first room you showed with the antique table in between the two beds. The room has the kind of flair I’ve detected in your home from other posts.
Your granddaughter is adorable! I guess we both became grandmothers in the recent past!
Liz, being a grandmother is the best, thanks and have a great Wednesday!
How beautiful is Shirley’s guest room! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
Thanks Sherry!
I will feature that bedroom tomorrow at Home Sweet Home!
Thanks so much, Sherry. Looking forward to it!
Pam, we redecorated a bedroom last year and introduced blue into the color scheme. We love it! I’m afraid any $ I’d hope to use on decorating this year will be going to more practical things like roof repairs! 🙁 Can’t wait to see your blue and white guest room!
Just found your blog through the Scoop on StoneGable. Your blue/white bedroom pic caught my eye. I’m doing my master in blue and whites. 🙂 Just found some beautiful ruched euro pillows in blue. Hard to find true blue these days, but I hear it’s starting to trend again. 🙂 Read your testimony, as well! Nice to ‘meet’ another sister! God is good, all the time!
Ella Mae is adorable and I wouldn’t want to leave her for one second!
Thanks so much, Sandra…I am so enjoying her!