“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!”
Psalm 27:13-14
Hello precious friends! Thank you for sharing in our story. It is our prayer that you will be encouraged and God will be glorified! If you are just joining us, you can catch up on part one and part two of the story that we have been sharing over the last week!
I began to regain consciousness in mid February. The first few days remain very vague to me. What was going on around me was confusing and strange and I wasn’t sure where I was or why. My inability to do anything and the horrific pain were the only certainties. I couldn’t swallow. I thought I’d never be able to walk again. Things were a blur. I am still amazed at the one thing I do clearly remember.
It’s the first thing that I really understood. I heard voices quoting scripture. I learned that my pastor and brother-in-law had sat at my bedside and read the Bible out loud to me for hours.
Butch was improving! I can’t begin to tell you the overwhelming excitement and joy when the doctor decided to take Butch off the rotating bed and to remove one of his chest tubes. The following day, which was day 21, I was shocked and overcome with emotion when the doctor said he was fairly confident that Butch could now breathe on his own. He was going to remove the ventilator! Tears of joy! Prayers of thanks to our Heavenly Father! Our great God had truly performed a miracle! The next day Butch was moved out of ICU and we were given a two room suite on the same floor. Yes, a suite!! One room was set up like a hospital room with a pull-out bed. The other room had two sofas with one making into a bed and a small kitchenette! I could be with Butch 24/7. Our loving Father continued to take care of our every need. We would spend nine days in the suite. Progress was very slow and painful.

A few days later, after being moved to Lakeshore in Birmingham, I began to understand more and to experience God’s peace and presence in all that was taking place. I learned of head trauma and numerous broken bones including my back in a number of places. Twelve broken ribs had punctured both lungs. The impact from the fall had taken a toll on everything inside of me. Amazingly all blood loss was internal. I didn’t have a scratch on me. I had experienced blood clots, staph infection and pneumonia among other things!
The road ahead would not be easy. What I faced was big. Too big for me!
But God strengthened me and I began to make progress. I understood from those that attended me that the recovery to some level of “normal” would likely take 18 -24 months. I could not face that without God, family, and friends. I didn’t have to! They were all there for me.
As the days moved on, I continued to learn and experience things that touched me much deeper than these injuries could ever reach. Pam’s life had been put on hold too. Her love and devotion to me and her tender care for me around the clock for weeks without rest brought emotional and physical healing to me. When I wasn’t aware the world even existed she was there. She was surrounded by so many that loved and cared for me by loving and taking care of her. The outpouring of prayers and provisions during this journey was astounding. Pam and I lived through the same thing but in a totally different way.
I was home for the first time in thirty-one days! As I pulled up our winding driveway, the emotions of the long days and nights were overwhelming! The house was quiet and dark, no one but me. I was past exhaustion. Sleep didn’t come. Butch was in rehab and was alone for the first time. I wanted to be with him. I arrived early the next morning for the first day of his therapy. He had not walked since he climbed a tree on January 18. He totally amazed the doctors and me with his first attempt using a walker. They were expecting two or three steps! No, not my determined man…fifty feet, 3 different times! For the rest of his stay, I was permitted to visit after 4 in the afternoon. I never missed being there.
February 23rd was a celebration…our thirty-fourth wedding anniversary. It was unusual, we had never celebrated in a hospital! But what a beautiful time of thanking our Father for the gift of life. There were so many days that I thought this anniversary would never happen. I arrived at Lakeshore with all the fixings for a romantic dinner. China, crystal, silver, table linens, pink roses, and a home-cooked meal I had prepared. I had candles and the staff allowed me to light them, overlooking obvious rules. I turned off the harsh hospital lights and with the flickering candlelight we wept. God had answered our heart cries. After dinner and cake for dessert, Butch had a surprise. He handed me a small box. Where did he get this, how did he have a gift? That would be impossible. When I opened the box, there was the most gorgeous tanzanite and diamond ring…I couldn’t believe it. My loving and thoughtful husband had purchased it before the accident and had tucked it away. He had the memory to tell our son where it was. Amazing how God was restoring his mind as He was his body!

There are dozens of things I could share, but out of consideration to you who are so gracious to take time to read our story, I will share only one. The time had come for Pam to go home and sleep in our bed and just be at the house for a few hours. I was only 60 miles away from home now and I encouraged her to go rest. I didn’t want her to leave me but certainly never admitted it. That first night was one of the most unusual nights I’ve ever experienced. It was late and quiet. I became scared and I have never felt as lonely as I felt that night. I later started running a fever and it became very high. A nurse came in that I had not seen before. It was not her normal floor and she was only filling in for someone. She was a follower of Christ and her Father was a pastor in their home country of Kenya. She tended my needs but stayed and shared stories of how God was working in Kenya. She then took both my hands in hers and prayed one of the sweetest prayers I’ve ever heard. She went on her way and I never saw her again. Maybe an angel who borrowed a nurses uniform!
With prayer and by God’s grace I would come home in March.
Our little abode looked like a castle on a hill to me. A friend who is now in heaven visited us a few days later. She opened her Bible and showed me an underlined verse with my name by it. I found out she revealed the verse to Pam at the hospital early on and had claimed it for me. It is found in Psalm 118:17 which reads; “ I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord”. Scripture tells us clearly that we have an appointment with death and afterwards the judgement! I may die today but January 18, 2007, was not my appointed time. I’m still not sure of all the reasons God spared me, but for sure one reason is that I may recount His wonderful deeds.

There will forever be physical reminders of all that happened, as you never get completely over these type injuries. But for the record; God has allowed me not only to walk again, but He lets me run! My Doctor once told me that a surgeon could improve the scars where tubes had been and eventually they would fade away.
I chose not to do that.
I see the scars every day and remember Whose I am.
May we always be aware that God makes small things big to reveal to us His constant presence in our everyday living. He makes big things small to demonstrate His power and sovereign grace.
He makes all things for our good and His Glory.
And one day He will make all things new!
Linking with: Journeys In Grace, Grace & Truth, Counting My Blessings
Butch you and Pam are such an inspiring and beautiful story. What an amazing example you both are of faith and God’s miraculous grace. I did not know you in 2007 but I unknowingly prayed for you. I had just begin to attend Crosspoint church, I recall one Sunday morning Brother Phillip announcing your accident and the extreme seriousness of your injuries. I recall him pleading with great earnest for the church to keep you in their prayers for God’s healing. He then lead a special prayer asking God to protect you and be with you. I remember it like it was yesterday because of the deep earnest and intensity and energy he brought to the pulpit that Sunday morning. The support, updates and prayers continued every Sunday always with special prayer request for you and updates on your condition. I found myself wondering about this person that so many loved and was so concerned about, I wondered about your story and who you were. As I have so eagerly followed your and Pam’s story I began to put the picture together. ? This is the man that fell out of the tree!!! It was Butch and Pam we prayed for so earnestly for all those months!! Who was to know that I would meet you and grow to love you and Pam in a different church at another time. You are both such a blessing. Thank You for sharing your amazing, precious story and Thank God for your miraculous gift of life. God bless you both.
Sylvia, I never knew you attended CrossPoint and to think we had that connection and did not know it until now. Thank you for praying for us during that experience. Every prayer was felt and heard by our great God. You are so sweet and encouraging. I would love to share lunch one day. Thank you for your love and concern for us even when you didn’t even know us. That shows your heart of love in action! Blessings my sweet friend~
Praise the Lord! God is so so good. Thank you for sharing your story. I will not forget it and when things get tough I’ll remember how well he took care of both of you.
Alice, you are a blessing! Praise the Lord!
Butch and Pam, first of all, thank you for sharing such a personal story. I chose to wait for the conclusion before commenting. What a true testament of devotion and faith you both are. Your story is wonderfully uplifting. Pam, your journal comment of wondering had the outcome been different, would you still believe God is good was telling of your unabiding faith in His goodness. Yes! The anniversary celebration was particularly moving.
I’m so happy to say I know you two, even though the relationship is virtual.
Rita, your precious words mean so much! There was so much we didn’t share, it would have taken way too many posts. You are always encouraging! I am so happy to say I know you.
I would leave the scars too. We all need to be reminded — sometimes the memories aren’t enough. It takes courage to walk through that dreadful time and share it in print to people you’ve never meant. I applaud that, your love, your faith. And I had to smile at Pam’s anniversary dinner set-up. Yes, you could set a gorgeous table, even in a hospital!
Jeanie, you are such a sweetheart. It was very difficult to write, we relived every moment! You would have been impressed with my tablescape on a tray table!
Praise God for the way He chose to answer prayers for your Butch and for you Pam. Even in the midst of such heartache, turmoil and uncertainty we have to remember that God is still there. Sometimes, that can be hard when we are in the midst of things that we certainly would not have chosen. To know that so many people prayed for you Butch is awesome. The power of prayer is amazing. Pam, I love your transparency with your words about if the outcome had been different but you have still believed that God was good. I was there once when I said those exact words with a daughter that was in an auto accident. God is good regardless of the outcome and we must hold onto that truth. I am appreciative of you both sharing your life with us with such a wonderful testimony of your love for one another and your love and trust in God. Amazing testimony. Reading through your stories shows the hand of God in so many ways. Thank you! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Cindy, you are so sweet and encouraging! It was difficult to write because we relived every detail. It is our prayer that God will be glorified, believers encouraged, and others will trust in our awesome God! Hugs and blessings~
Thank you for sharing your story. I praise God for his healing and mercies. I am sure glad GOD was not finished with you and healed and restored you. If so, I would have missed a tremendous blessing of calling you ‘friend’. Love both of you!
Thank you so much. We love you!
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful testimony of the goodness and mercy of our Heavenly Father and the healing power of our Great Physician. We may never know the reason why this happened, but I do believe lives have been touched that you would not be able to comprehend. May you continue to trust God and follow in His footsteps. God bless you both as you bless others.
Bobbi, thank you so much. It is our prayer that God is glorified, believers are encouraged, and others will see and trust our great God! Hugs~
Butch and Pam, this has been such a inspiring and beautiful story! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. We have always believed there are angels among us, and the story of the nurse confirms it. You are both so gracious to share your story with us. You can see the admiration and love you have for one another and God. May God bless you both, Casey and Shannon
Sweet friends, what an encourager you are. Thank you for reading it as a couple. We are touched that you did. Hugs~
God has been glorified through this miraculous story. I so believe in the power of prayer. There is so much I want to say but your story tells it all. I was so taken by the friend who wrote Butch’s name by Psalm 118:17. I believe she claimed this promise from God and now you all are fulfilling the second part of the promise. To God be the Glory! I want to tell you how blessed I am to know two such people even though it is through this blog. Your faith is amazing and makes mine stronger.
Dianne, you are so sweet and encouraging. It was difficult writing because we relived every moment! Our prayer is that God is glorified, believers are encouraged, and others will consider and believe our great God. Blessings and hugs, Pam
God is good !
Yes He is, Kelli!
Oh, My the tears won’t stop. I am so moved by the special love you both have for God and how that love bonds you together! Your blog about your everyday living has been a great testimony to God as have your marriage and family. This story is incredible and inspiring on many levels. I broke down reading about your anniversary celebration and the special ring! So sweet. The story about the friend that wrote Butch’s name by Psalm 118:17 and claimed it’s promise being lived out now in this account is a testimony to God’s faithfulness and plan for your lives. The story about the nurse gives me chill bumps.
I am very thankful God chose to heal you and put you both in our paths. I believe the scripture that says the fervent prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.God does make all things good. I know it had to be hard to write this but it will live on as a testimony to God’s faithfulness, mercy and grace.
Bonnie, I am so glad that our paths crossed as bloggers and fellow Alabamians. You have been such a blessing and an encourager to me. We have so much in common. This was difficult to write, because we relived it all over again. God is a good, good Father! Blessings, my friend~
Answered prayers. So thankful for the outcome of this horrible accident. I’m reminded of how thankful we should be everyday for our family, friends, God’s word, access to the Father, life, health, angels in the health care field, and answered prayers. Love you. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks so much for reading. We serve a mighty God! Love you!
I finished reading this at work. Big mistake. Tears rolling and lump in my throat. (and I was suppose to be answering phones! thankfully they didn’t ring while I was reading.)
I have no words.
Thank you so much for reading, Nikki! Have a wonderful weekend!
What an incredible testimony to the Lord and His Healing Hand upon you Butch. All praise and Glory to His name. I loved reading it and actually plan to study that verse as soon as I’m done here. I wonder if you have any recollection of climbing the tree and falling out of it. Praising Him for your life being spared. Thank you so much for this story.
Hi Noreen, thank you for taking the time to read our story. Butch has no recollection of climbing the tree. The last thing he remembers is driving the ATV to the spot. God does all things well! Praise His Name!
What an amazing God! We’re so blessed to know him.
Yes, we are Joanna! Thank you for reading our story❤️
Thanks be to God! I love reading your blog and am happy you chose to share your story. May God continue to bless both of you!
Thank you so much, Becky. Blessings and hugs~
Dear friends Pam and Butch, such an incredible story of Butch’s accident has left me amazed at the power of prayer and the positive results because I have always had great confidence in this power. It is not a way of speaking … it is not a consolation for those who are in danger of dying … No … The power of prayer and Faith in God is a reality.
You are people with a high sense of faith in Jesus and his gospel because in everything you write there is always a real appointment with God and that is what unites us in this friendship of which I am proud. It is not easy today to find people with such firm faith. Thank you for setting an example of love.
A huge hug
Dolores, ¡estoy tan agradecida de que nuestros caminos se hayan encontrado! Eres una persona increíble llena de amor y preocupación. Compartimos nuestro amor por Dios y hermosa música, que nos conecta a través del océano. ¡Te deseo un fin de semana maravilloso, amigo mío! Abrazos
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story. I am so touched in ways I cannot put into words. As I read this last entry tears ran down my face as I realize how one moment can change our lives forever. I think back about 10 years ago as my sister-in-law, at the age of 44, with 3 young sons had to say goodbye to her 42 year old husband because of a mis-diagnosis of a sinus infection when in truth he was having a heart attack and how God in His grace sustained us all even as she no doubt perhaps had to learn to lean on Him. (I’m not sure where her faith was at the time but I know He gave her strength). We never know. I’m so glad I was able to see how God cared for you both as it strengthens each one of us in different ways. God has a plan and we can rest in that even though we may not like it at the time.
May God continue with the miracle of healing in your body and restoration through the coming months and years.
Belinda, thank you for reading and sharing your heart with us. What a painful and heart-breaking experience that you SIL endured ten years ago to bury her husband and be left to raise three young sons. You are right, we never know what a day will bring. But we can rest in the loving arms of God, knowing he does have a plan! Blessings~
We serve a mighty God! The story is such an inspiration. Thank you Butch and Pam for sharing.
Thank you Beverly. We do serve a mighty God!
Your story was truly a miracle! God still has work for Butch to do! My husband took the afternoon off Tuesday so we could visit our grandchildren, who live about 70 miles away. I read Part I and Part II to him as he drove. As we came home early Wednesday morning, we read Part III. I have to say I fought back tears through much of the story, but what a great ending. One of my favorite parts was the anniversary dinner in the rehab hospital! What a great love story, Pam.
Karen, thanks for sharing with your husband. It was difficult reliving all of it again in order to write. But I felt compelled to do it this year. We pray that our faithful Heavenly Father will use it!
Thanks for sharing your blessed story,dear friends…Miracles exist and God is good.Sending a big hug!
Thank you Maristella. Sending hugs!
I am so glad I was able to read His story in one sitting and not have to wait. Thank you so much for being faithful to share how our Almighty Sovereign God manifested Himself to you in your great time of need. Your faithfulness and His Holy Spirit will continue to bless and minister to so many. Thank you for that. Not all stories end as yours did, but I praise Him, along with you and so many others, that your time was not in 2007.
Libby, thank you for reading. Our prayer is that our Heavenly Father would use this story to encourage those in painful situations and for those who are not believers to see who He is.
God is so so good. What an incredible testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
We give thanks and praise to God!
Dear Pam: I am late responding, I wanted to wait until I had time to truly read every word. Your story is so amazing, inspiring and one full of devoted love. God placed everyone in the right place at the right time, to comfort and care for you both. Your beautiful story is one I shall never forget and I am grateful to you for sharing. You both are a testimony of love, faith and devotion. Many blessings,all the days of your lives.
Sandra, thank you so much sweet friend for reading. I felt compelled that we should share it at this particular time. Blessings~
This is such a beautiful story of the many ways God works in our lives–the fact that Sylvia’s congregation kept praying for Butch ( and you had no idea) shows the truth of that. It always amazes me how other people’s lives touch our own. I can easily envision you putting together such an elaborate anniversary dinner in a hospital room and Butch giving you such an unexpected gift. The love you have for each other is a big reason I so enjoy reading your posts. Yes, Pam, I will tell you how God worked in my life when I went through a very similar event, although mine came about as a result of my car flipping several times. Please contact me through my e-mail address. Hugs!
Bobbi, thank you so much. I sent you an email. Hugs~
What a wonderful, amazing Haleluyah story of the work of G-d in the world today. He is real and your story give Him glory. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
Thank you Gail and Amen!
Glory to God! Pam and Butch, thank you for sharing your story! I am touched! The sweetness you both have for our amazing Father is so evident as is the love and sweetness you have towards each other. What a sweet, beautful and loving Father we serve. Love and Hugs. Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
Kathryn, thank you for reading and for your sweet comments! Love and hugs!
This story is truly an amazing story of faith, love and God’s will. My friend who had technically died and came back had the most indescribable experience with the Lord…He told her he was sending her back as she had much to accomplish and stated those things…when she accomplished those things, she passed away, not from her disease, but from something you would never think to be the cause of her death after all that she had gone through…it was her time…her time to “go home” and I know that she is that special angel that I have on my shoulder…and I truly believe that the nurse that evening in the hospital was an angel too!! Thank you for this story…it truly reiterates that we are all a part of God’s Great Plan.
Thanks for sharing about your friend! Amen! God has a plan for our lives!