“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.””
Romans 12:19-20 ESV
It was a cool, windy start for the first “official” day of spring at our place. This sunrise was about 3 hours after the vernal equinox on Thursday morning. The sun is directly over the equator at this point, but it is interesting that along the equator, day and night are approximately equal at 12 hours each, year round. Vernal means “fresh” or “new”, and at 40 degrees and very breezy, it felt quite fresh since I wasn’t dressed properly for the occasion!
It seems appropriate to give some space to this representation of spring because it has appeared almost overnight in lawns, fields, and roadsides all around. And besides, it is called spring beauty. A native to much of the eastern U.S., the flower has an interesting history. Passing by we hardly pay it any attention because it is everywhere. But without a closer look, we would be missing the reason it has earned it’s name! Let’s have a look…
…I believe “spring beauty” fits this delicate looking, but obviously prolific little wild flower. Interestingly, the plant has underground tubers (sort of like potatoes) which are known to taste very good. When necessary, early American colonists ate these. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It would take a long time to collect enough for a meal, but you do what you have to do! One common name is fairy spud. I think we will stick with potatoes for now!
A few surprises were found slipping into the garden area as spring battles to move stubborn winter out of the way. This Grecian windflower came up where only herbs were planted last year, so I figure it made its way here from the wildflower garden.
The weeds seem to grow several inches overnight but at least most attempt to offer a bit of color. Dead nettle spread everywhere in a space that we try to keep clean and covered with mulch. Another early spring invader that will sneak into a spot unnoticed if you aren’t checking every day. At least it is not a true nettle, pulls up easily, and does not sting. It looks almost identical to another March pest…
…because henbit is a species of dead nettle. I see a slight difference in the pattern or origin of the blooms and the leafing structure but I usually just think of it all as henbit. Once I found out that the common name came from the fact chickens like it, the name stuck with me. I tried out a phone app that helps with identification and the app did in fact identify them in this manner. Either way, I don’t wish to see these plants in the lawn or garden but they are currently winning out!
Slender yellow woodsorrel (oxalis) will grow about anywhere, including the rock path beside a raised bed. Like some of the other early signs of spring, this one can slip in and claim its own space undetected!
We thought the muscari (grape hyacinth) was no longer under the big tree down near the old house place on the farm. I assumed ground work and clean up had eliminated the little patch that had been coming up in this spot for years. When EK came with a hand full of grape hyacinths she had picked for Pam, it was like a dove returning after being sent out from the ark…I knew this small patch had reappeared. And a trip down to the old tree proved it to be so!
Cherry trees are in full bloom all over the place. A 28 degree frosty morning Friday left no indication of damage. I rode by many of the ornamental cherry trees in downtown neighborhoods in the afternoon and all seemed well!
This Chinese fringe flower caught my eye and I stopped to get a closer look. I noticed the leaves were a much lighter green than I expected. It is a Loropetalum, sometimes called Chinese witch hazel. Most of the loropetalum I’m familiar with has very dark, almost maroon looking leaves. We had that variety before I removed them from our landscape. I learned that what we had was probably a popular variety that hit the US market in the 1980’s. I personally prefer the looks of this one. It was large and likely been there for a number of years.
As you probably know, geese and ducks have invaded public spaces, parking lots, lawns, golf courses and such, becoming quite a nuisance. This ugly duckling took it to another level, announcing spring’s arrival by nesting behind the shrubbery at one of the mall entrances. People going in and out were dropping food by. Smart duck!
An unusual week of clouds. These gray scrolls covered a large part of the skyscape one afternoon, but thankfully they were harmless…unlike some that ripped through the state and other states last weekend. We have another threat of storms tonight. We hope the potential for violent weather is not as great as last week!
I sometimes locate clouds that look like an object, creature, or have a strange and unusual appearance. I like to get photos of those and challenge everyone to see if they can spot what I see (or think I see). But at other times the heavens are simply breathtaking, just being the heavens.
I loved the clouds here also, but the reason for the photo is the old pine tree. I would guess it might be 70 feet tall and have 1,000 cones on it. But the tree is dead, no sign of life. Kinda wonder what happens to a tree that is such a producer when there is an abrupt ending with no outward signs of a problem. And while we are here, I will play the little sky game. There is a jet with a vapor trail in the photo!
One of our snowball viburnums of many years died and had to be removed . This remaining bush, or I should say small tree, did not look healthy through the winter and we thought it was time to retire it as well. Within the last few weeks it seems to have had a revival of sorts, and much to our surprise, is coming to life. If the freeze and frost did not take a toll on it last week, we may soon see snowballs once again.
It appears that these buds have fared well through a couple of cold nights. Time will tell!
I found the perfect way to make friends. Seth told me they would be my friends until the food runs out. Maybe so, but there’s something about friendship that calls for dining together. Fellowship must involve food. Mom donkey has the gray hair on her face. You would think she might allow the daughter to go first, but I guess it doesn’t work that way in the donkey world.
A most unusual sky at sunset on the first evening after the vernal equinox!
Have a blessed week!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 (ESV)Linking with:
Pieced Pastimes, Between Naps on the Porch, Katherines Corner, Follow The Yellow Brick Home,
Life and Linda
I enjoyed and learned so much,, thank you🌿
Thank you Sue. We hope you have a pleasant day and a good week!
Butch and Pam
Good morning, Butch and Pam! This is such a lovely post to welcome spring. It is so exciting to see everything waking up after a long winter. The cherry trees are beautiful! Have a blessed Sunday and a wonderful week ahead!
Thank you Shannon. Spring is attempting to work its way in. We will get up to about 80 today but that may not be good with a front approaching. Have a good Sunday and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
You say breezy I say windy. The wind has been so strong this past week that I had to stay in the house. This morning it is still. Praise God! And so those wild flowering weeds show up in our flower beds and the lawn. Love the donkeys. Stubborn are they? Willing to share? Not so much. The snowball bush looks like it’s protected by the trees behind it. Maybe that’s why it’s loaded with the beginning of snowballs. The clouds look angry. I pray you will have a quiet week. No storms.
Thank you Alice. You do get a lot of wind out where you are. We may get some tonight with thunderstorms. The donkeys are slowly becoming comfortable with walking up to me but still take their time with the last few feet. Hope you have a good Sunday and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
The mall goose must like the hustle and bustle of city life and food delivery! We have several churches that have ponds near busy 8 lane roads. I always fear for the geese and their young ones. Most make it because of the kindness of the motorists but some motorists seem to want to make it a game of whack-a-mole! The landscape waking up is a marvelous sight with the weeds being pretty as well. The cherry trees are outstanding! Enjoyed all the pics. Clara❤️
Thank you Clara. We have several places along our regular travel routes where slowing or stopping for geese is always a good possibility, deer too at certain times of day. I believe the mall goose knew exactly where to settle to have regular food delivery. Have a great Sunday and a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
Good Morning Butch and Pam. Those sweet spring wild flowers are so pretty. You are so lucky to see life coming back already. Our daffodils and tulips are just starting to poke their heads up. Here in the midwest we have very fickle weather. Winter one day Spring the next and sometimes a summer day thrown in. Crazy! So our flowers and trees are holding out a little longer to come back to life. Have a great week. Hugs. Kris
Thank you Kris. We do get a bit of that up and down weather here too this time of year but it is nice and near 80 today. The daffodils at our house are spent but I do still see some in full bloom that I figure are a different variety. Pollen is terrible here all of a sudden. Have a nice afternoon and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
Spring is blooming all over at your place. Wildflowers are so pretty.
Thank you Carole. I guess we are a little ahead of you there in the mountains. The cold nights are probably not over for us. Hope you have a nice afternoons and a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
wonderful spring pictures. looking forward to those kinds of scenes here , maybe in a month. snowing here for the weekend.
Thank you Gary. We wouldn’t be ready for a snowy weekend but I suppose it’s all in what you are accustomed to. Near 80 here today. Hope you see flowers soon and have a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
Thanks for pointing out the spring beauty, Butch. I just noticed a neighbor’s yard full of it and wondered what exactly it was. We had some nippy and windy weather last week and it’s just as well. I had a lot of family obligations. But I hope to get out this week into the garden and accomplish a few things.
Thank you Rita. We know about obligations. It’s been a strange year for us and I haven’t been able to get out and about as much or get a lot of gardening done. Hope you can accomplish some gardening while having a great week!
Butch and Pam
Oh, you ARE into spring, aren’t you? Love that muscari and just seeing all the world wake up!
Thank you Jeanie. Even after a couple of frosty nights it seems new life is popping up. Have a good evening and a great week!
Butch and Pam
Greetings from Charleston this weekend! The weather has been glorious. Over the last 3 days I’ve watched all the azaleas and bridal wreath burst into bloom at my sister’s. And the pollen is everywhere! Tomorrow I head home where the leaves are just beginning to come out and there are a lot of wildfires in the Upstate and NC. I was beginning to see all those weeds come out too, along with a plethora of wild onions.
Thank you Roxanne. Hope the weeds didn’t overtake things while you were away. The weeds outrace everything else it seems. And the pollen, bad already and the worst is still to come. Hope some rain passed you that helped with those fires. Have a nice evening and a pleasant week!
Butch and Pam
It’s so lovely to see the signs of spring in your area. The cherry blossoms look magnificent and the spring beaut is so pretty. Love the sky shots, as always. The donkeys are adorable too. I hope you don’t get any more nasty weather that will damage the snowball viburnum – such gorgeous blossoms they have! It is a little too early here for trees and flowers so I’m living an early spring vicariously through your post. Have a wonderful week you two!
Thank you Kim. It may be a little early for spring to appear for you but we can imagine your spring being very beautiful. We had storms again last night but moderate and no harm done. A nice week ahead for us according to forecast. We hope you have a nice evening and a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
Thanks Butch for your “Spring” photos…my daughter in the midwest is telling me they are still in below freezing temps. brrrrrr. I love the donkey feeding and have to agree with Seth. I always enjoy the sunrise and sunset pics, I never tire of God’s paintbrush. Have a great and Blessed week.
Thank you Kari. We just had a couple of frosty nights but it appears most everything fared well here. The donkeys were at the fence this afternoon hoping for a treat but I didn’t make it. I saw the Midwest and other places were still feeling a bit of winter. Have a good evening and a great week!
Butch and Pam
Another glorious Sabbath array of sky-scapes, flora and fauna and
the beautiful land of the gentle folk, the Richardsons…. Hopefully, we
are on our way to more gentle weather now that some storms have
passed over without incident here. Busy prepping spirits for the
wonder of Easter….
Thank you Mary. We are blessed thus far with storms passing through but without harm. Why do storms harm in some places and not in others…only the Father knows. Easter is truly the greatest wonder of all wonders. With Easter a bit later than some years, there’s more time for reflection and preparation. Have a pleasant evening and a blessed week!
Butch and Pam
Good Evening Friends!
Such lovely Spring pictures with fabulous information along with them all.
I now know what the two invading weeds names are. Thank you! They are pretty but will take over.
Donkeys! How cute are they!
That last sunset picture was quite interesting!
Happy Spring friends!
Thank you Nancy. The ole weeds will always out perform the goodie’s but that comes with the territory. What would spring be without weeds!! Have a wonderful week!
Butch and Pam
A lovely post as always Butch & Pam.
I especially enjoyed the heavens photos. My Dad who was a Horticulturist Lecturer often said when trees die suddenly or give the appearance of a sudden death that everything has a lifespan including trees & that they may have just had a ‘tipping over the edge event’ at the end of its lifespan.
I hope all is well there as I’ve noticed you have been quieter than normal Pam. Praying for you both, your Dad Pam & the family.
Blessings, Jennifer