Hello dear readers. Can you believe Valentine’s Day will soon be here? Today I am joining more than twenty table stylists for a Valentine’s Day Tablescape Blog Hop hosted by Chloe from Celebrate & Decorate.
“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Perhaps it will be very different this year. However you celebrate the occasion, it should be marked with Lots of Love!
I have set a table for four, even though it will be just the two of us. Our plans will be the same as always, Valentine’s dinner will be spent at home. Many years ago we decided we would avoid crowded restaurants and have a quiet evening at home.
You will find all the links for beautiful Valentine’s Day tablescapes at the bottom of this post.READ MORE