“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Coffee…one of my favorite and simplest pleasures in life! I cannot imagine starting my day without several cups. Unfortunately, Butch does not share my affinity for coffee…he has only tasted it once and says it was one time too many! My love for coffee has evolved over the years. As a young twenty-four year old working in a real estate office, I began to drink coffee-but not the same as I do now. Let me explain! I was the first person to arrive at work every morning and it became my responsibility to make coffee. After being shown how, I was the official “office barista”! At first, I didn’t drink it-but I was the only one who did not. So, to be social, I would endure a cup every morning. Granted, it was a cup of sugar and cream with a smidgen of java. My “coffee” was almost white! After a few months, I added less sugar and cream until finally I decided if I was going to drink it, I did not want calories added. Now, in my cup you will only find black coffee…absolutely no flavored creamers and no sugar for me!
Coffee has a culture of its own! The formation of culture around coffee and coffee houses dates back to 14th century Turkey. The 17th century saw the opening of the first European coffeehouse in Venice. My first taste of caffee or espresso was in Venice. As typical Americans, we had no clue how to order coffee in Italy. Breakfast on our first morning was eventful, to say the least. We were brought a caffee, which is served in a demitasse cup and is strong in taste with a rich bronze froth known as a crema on top. I initially liked it, but our traveling companions thought it was horrible! They even ordered hot water to weaken it. In typical American fashion, we tried to inform our Italian waiters how they should make coffee! That trip to Venice began my love for espresso! Italy is known as the best place to have and enjoy coffee! Paris is known for its cafe culture! To sit outside unhurriedly at a lovely Parisian cafe nibbling a buttery croissant, sipping an espresso, and people watching is a fascinating experience- wish I were there right now! During the 1920’s, famous artists and literary giants like Picasso and Hemingway, introduced cafes as stomping grounds for intellectuals. As fortunate as I have been to drink coffee on five continents, my favorite place is my kitchen! I have even brewed and tasted the most expensive coffee in the world–$160 per pound. My nephew Joel brought back the famous Kopi Luwak from a trip to Indonesia. He and I tasted it, just to say we had, and I drew the line there. The coffee gets its taste from the coffee berries that the luwak eats and passes through its digestive system! All I can say is yuck!! I think you all would agree.
Please sit down and put your feet up, grab a strong cup (hopefully) of coffee, and enjoy these photos that tell the story of how my love for coffee has met me in many forms and in many places around the world!
I have so enjoyed my pixie espresso machine by Nespresso. It is so simple to operate and it makes excellent espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos!
Katy and I enjoyed scones and salted caramel lattes at an eclectic coffee shop in Rome (Georgia, that is). You can read all about our day trip here: When In Rome.
What is breakfast without a cup of fresh brewed coffee? I loved everything at Triple Creek Ranch in Montana, including their coffee! Read more about our trip here: Triple Creek Ranch, A Montana Hideaway
Cute cafe in Grayton Beach with vintage tables and great steaming hot coffee in a large and colorful mug!
I had the best time all by myself in The Paris Market in Savannah. What a treat to take an afternoon break and sit at a French marble topped cafe table and drink a fabulous latte! Bliss! Read more about our Savannah trip here: Strollin’ Through Savannah.
Last summer while in Austin, Texas, the thermometer went above the hundred degree mark! I normally don’t drink iced coffees, but I made an exception with this double chocolate chip creme frappuccino! What a guilty pleasure to indulge in the sweet coffee drink while sitting in a beautiful historic hotel lobby with gorgeous flowers on the table and a new book to read! Read about our trip to Austin here: Austin Thrills & Texas Hills
Recently while Butch was on business, I took the opportunity, once again, to relax in a modern hotel lobby with a cup of coffee and my IPad! Well, not exactly relaxing, but blogging!
A simple afternoon at home with my pick-me-up…espresso and a square of dark chocolate!
Enjoying Italian roast coffee and one of my favorite writers!
I have always heard about Turkish coffee. While in Ephesus, Turkey I had the privilege to experience it…and it is an experience! Notice the glass of water. Turkish coffee is served with water in order to clean the mouth before drinking it!
It resembles a cup of thick dark chocolate. The texture was velvety smooth and I actually liked it!
Coffee and dessert go together like-peanut butter & jelly…Batman & Robin…needle & thread…
Coffee and dessert at home-French roast coffee with fresh peaches and blackberries over pound cake! Perfection!
Pumpkin spice lattes with French macarons on my patio!
Beautiful Eiffel Tower imprinted French butter cookies are a perfect accompaniment to a favorite Sumatran coffee!
More French macarons (can you tell that they are one of my favorites?) with a flavored coffee called snickerdandy!!
Coffee beans waiting to be ground at my favorite local coffee house!
The Coffee Well, in our historic downtown, makes fabulous coffees, sandwiches, desserts, and provides a wonderful Christian atmosphere! Thank you Tammy!
My coffee station! Love my hand made Moccamaster coffee maker that brews a great cup of coffee!
I love a French press for an excellent cup of coffee. Many good restaurants offer a French press pot of coffee with dessert. Always a winner!
Linking with Pieced Pastimes, It’s Overflowing, Be Different Act Normal, Silver Pennies, Life on Lakeshore Drive, Thoughts From Alice, Pink When, Mod Vintage Life, Coastal Charm, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Dedicated House, Dwellings-Heart of Your Home, Savvy Southern Style, Ivy and Elephants, French Country Cottage, From My Front Porch To Yours, Stone Gable, Confessions of a Plate Addict, Worthing Court, Between Naps on the Porch, Cedar Hill Farmhouse, A Stroll Thru Life, The Style Sisters, The Charm of Home, The Winthrop Chronicles, Cornerstone Confessions, A Delightsome Life, Imparting Grace, Craftberry Bush, Posed Perfection, Katherines Corner, My Romantic Home, Chic On A Shoestring Decorating, Rooted In Thyme, Share Your Cup, The Enchanting Rose, Alabama Women Bloggers, 21 Rosemary Lane, Northern Nesting, Oh My Heartsie Girl, Cozy Little House